C# Functional Programming In-Depth (14) Asynchronous Function

[LINQ via C# series]

[C# functional programming in-depth series]

Asynchronous function can improve the responsiveness and scalability of the application and service. C# 5.0 introduces asynchronous function to greatly simplify the async programming model.

Task, Task<TResult> and asynchrony

The C# async programming model uses System.Threading.Tasks.Task to represent async operation without output, and uses System.Threading.Tasks.Task<TResult> to represent async operation with TResult output:

namespace System.Threading.Tasks


    public partial class Task : IAsyncResult


        public Task(Action action); // Wraps () –> void function.

        public void Start();

        public void Wait();

        public TaskStatus Status { get; } // Created, WaitingForActivation, WaitingToRun, Running, WaitingForChildrenToComplete, RanToCompletion, Canceled, Faulted.


        public bool IsCanceled { get; }

        public bool IsCompleted { get; }

        public bool IsFaulted { get; }

        public AggregateException Exception { get; }

        Task ContinueWith(Action<Task> continuationAction);

        Task<TResult> ContinueWith<TResult>(Func<Task, TResult> continuationFunction);

        // Other members.


    public partial class Task<TResult> : Task


        public Task(Func<TResult> function); // Wraps () –> TResult function.

        public TResult Result { get; }

        public Task ContinueWith(Action<Task<TResult>> continuationAction);

        public Task<TNewResult> ContinueWith<TNewResult>(

            Func<Task<TResult>, TNewResult> continuationFunction);

        // Other members.



Task can be constructed with () –>void function, and Task<TResult> can be constructed with () –> TResult function. They can be started by calling the Start method. A () –> void function or () –> TResult function runs synchronously on the thread. In contrast, a task runs asynchronously, and does not block the current thread. Its status can be queried by the Status, IsCanceled, IsCompleted, IsFaulted properties. A task can be waited by calling its Wait method, which blocks the current thread until the task is completed successfully, or fails, or is cancelled. For Task<TResult>, when the underlying async operation is completed successfully, the result is available through Result property. For Task or Task<TResult>, if the underlying async operation fails with exception, the exception is available through the Exception property. A task can be chained with another async continuation operation by calling the ContinueWith methods. When the task finishes running, the specified continuation starts running asynchronously. If the task already finishes running when its ContinueWith method is called, then the specified continuation immediately starts running. The following example constructs and starts a task to read a file, and chains another continuation task to write the contents to another file:

internal static partial class Functions


    internal static void ConstructTask(string readPath, string writePath)


        Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.WriteLine(); // 10

        Task<string> task = new Task<string>(() =>


            Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.WriteLine(); // 8

            return File.ReadAllText(readPath);



        Task continuationTask = task.ContinueWith(antecedentTask =>


            Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.WriteLine(); // 9

            object.ReferenceEquals(antecedentTask, task).WriteLine(); // True

            if (antecedentTask.IsFaulted)






                File.WriteAllText(writePath, antecedentTask.Result);






As async operations, when tasks are started, the wrapped functions are by default scheduled to runtime’s thread pool to execute, so that their thread ids are different from the caller thread id.

In .NET Framework, Task also implements System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem and IDisposable interfaces. Its usage is the same as in .NET Core. Do not bother disposing tasks.

Task also provides Run methods to construct and automatically start tasks:

namespace System.Threading.Tasks


    public partial class Task : IAsyncResult


        public static Task Run(Action action);

        public static Task<TResult> Run<TResult>(Func<TResult> function);



Now compare the following functions:

internal static void Write(string path, string contents) => File.WriteAllText(path, contents);

internal static string Read(string path) => File.ReadAllText(path);

internal static Task WriteAsync(string path, string contents) =>

    Task.Run(() => File.WriteAllText(path, contents));

internal static Task<string>ReadAsync(string path) => Task.Run(() => File.ReadAllText(path));

Write without output and Read with string output run synchronously. WriteAsync with Task output and ReadAsync with Task<string> output run asynchronously, where Task can be viewed as future void, and Task<TResult> can be viewed as future TResult result. Here WriteAsync and ReadAsync become async by simply offloading the operations to thread pool. This is for demonstration purpose, and does not bring any scalability improvement. A better implementation is discussed later.

internal static void CallReadWrite(string path, string contents)


    Write(path, contents); // Blocking.

    // When the underlying write operation is done, the call is completed with no result.

    string result = Read(path); // Blocking.

    // When the underlying read operation is done, the call is completed with result available.

    Task writeTask = WriteAsync(path, contents); // Non-blocking.

    // When the task is constructed and started, the call is completed immediately.

    // The underlying write operation is scheduled, and will be completed in the future with no result.

   Task<string> readTask = ReadAsync(path); // Non-blocking.

    // When the task is constructed and started, the call is completed immediately.

    // The underlying read operation is scheduled, and will be completed in the future with result available.


When Write is called, its execution blocks the current thread. When the writing operation is done synchronously, it does not output any result, and then the caller thread can continue execution. Similarly, when Read is called, its execution blocks the current thread too. When the reading operation is done synchronously, it outputs the result, so that the result is available to the caller and the caller can continue execution. When WriteAsync is called, it calls Task.Run to construct a Task instance with the writing operation, start the task, then immediately outputs the task to the caller. Then the caller can continue without being blocked by the writing operation execution. By default, the writing operation is scheduled to thread pool, when it is done, the writing operation outputs no result, and the task’s Status is updated. Similarly, when ReadAsync is called, it also calls Task.Run to construct a Task<string> instance with the reading operation, start the task, then immediately outputs the task to the caller. Then the caller can continue without being blocked by the reading operation execution. By default, the reading operation is also scheduled to thread pool, when it is done, the reading operation has a result, and the task’s Status is updated, with the result available through the Result property.

Named async function

By default, named async function’s output type is Task or Task<TResult>, and has an Async or AsyncTask postfix in the name as the convention. The following example is a file read and write workflow of sync function calls:

internal static void ReadWrite(string readPath, string writePath)


    string contents = Read(readPath);

   Write(writePath, contents);


The same logic can be implemented by calling the async version of functions:

internal static async Task ReadWriteAsync(string readPath, string writePath)


    string contents = await ReadAsync(readPath);

    await WriteAsync(writePath, contents);


Here await keyword is used for each async function call, and the code structure remains the same as the sync workflow. When await keyword is used in function body, the async modifier is required for that function’s signature. Regarding the workflow outputs no result, the async function outputs Task (future void). This ReadWriteAsync function calls async functions, itself is also async function, since it has the async modifier and Task output. When ReadWriteAsync is called, it works the same way as ReadAsync and WriteAsync. it does not block its caller, and immediately outputs a task to represent the scheduled read and write workflow.

So the await keyword can be viewed as virtually waiting for the task’s underlying async operation to finish. If the task fails, exception is thrown. If the task is completed successfully, the continuation right after the await expression is called back. If the task has a result, await expression can extract the result. Therefore, the async workflow keeps the same looking of sync workflow. There is no ContinueWith call needed to build the continuation. The following example is a more complex database query workflow of sync function calls, with an int value as the query result:

internal static int Query(DbConnection connection, StreamWriter logWriter) // Output int.




        connection.Open(); // Output void.

        using (DbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand())


            command.CommandText = "SELECT 1;";

            using (DbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader()) // Output DbDataReader.


                if (reader.Read()) // Output bool.


                    return (int)reader[0];


                throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to call sync functions.");




    catch (SqlException exception)


        logWriter.WriteLine(exception.ToString()); // Output void.

        throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to call sync functions.", exception);



Here the DbConnection.Open, DbCommand.ExecuteReader, DbDataReader.Read, StreamWriter.WriteLine functions have async version provided as DbConnection.OpenAsync, DbCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync, DbDataReader.ReadAsync, StreamWriter.WriteLineAsync. They output either Task or Task<TResult>. With the async and await keywords, it easy to call these async functions:

internal static async Task<int> QueryAsync(

    DbConnection connection, StreamWriter logWriter) // Output Task<int> instead of int.




        await connection.OpenAsync(); // Output Task instead of void.

        using (DbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand())


            command.CommandText = "SELECT 1;";

            using (DbDataReader reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync()) // Output Task<DbDataReader> instead of DbDataReader.


                if (await reader.ReadAsync()) // Output Task<bool> instead of bool.


                    return (int)reader[0];


                throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to call async functions.");




    catch (SqlException exception)


        await logWriter.WriteLineAsync(exception.ToString()); // Output Task instead of void.

        throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to call async functions.", exception);



Again, the async workflow persists the same code structure as the sync workflow, including try-catch, using, if statements, etc. Without this syntax, it is a lot more complex to call ContinueWith and manually build above workflow. Regarding the async function has an int result, its output type is Task<int> (future int).

The above Write and Read functions calls File.WriteAllText and File.ReadAllText to execute sync I/O operation, which are internally implemented by calling StreamWriter.Write and StreamReader.ReadToEnd. Now with the async and await keywords, WriteAsync and ReadAsync can be reimplemented as real async I/O (assuming async I/O  is actually supported by the underlying operating system) by calling StreamWriter.WriteAsync and StreamReader.ReadToEndAsync:

internal static async Task WriteAsync(string path, string contents)


    // File.WriteAllText implementation:

    // using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(

    //   path: path, mode: FileMode.Create, access: FileAccess.Write,

    //   share: FileShare.Read, bufferSize: 4096, useAsync: false)))

    // {

    //    writer.Write(contents);

    // }

    using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(

        path: path, mode: FileMode.Create, access: FileAccess.Write,

        share: FileShare.Read, bufferSize: 4096, useAsync: true)))


        await writer.WriteAsync(contents);



internal static async Task<string>ReadAsync(string path)


    // File.ReadAllText implementation:

    // using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(new FileStream(

    //   path: path, mode: FileMode.Open, access: FileAccess.Read,

    //   share: FileShare.Read, bufferSize: 4096, useAsync: false)))

    // {

    //   return reader.ReadToEnd();

    // }

    using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(new FileStream(

        path: path, mode: FileMode.Open, access: FileAccess.Read,

        share: FileShare.Read, bufferSize: 4096, useAsync: true)))


        return await reader.ReadToEndAsync();



There is one special scenario where async function has void output – async function as event handler. For example, ObservableCollection<T> has a CollectionChanged event:

namespace System.Collections.ObjectModel


    public class ObservableCollection<T> : Collection<T>, INotifyCollectionChanged, INotifyPropertyChanged


        public event NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler CollectionChanged;

        // Other members.



namespace System.Collections.Specialized


    // (object, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs) –> void.

public delegate void NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler(

        object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e);


This event requires its handler to be a function of type (object, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs) –> void. So, when defining an async function as the above event’s handler, that async function has void output instead of Task:

private static readonly StringBuilder Logs = new StringBuilder();


private static readonly StringWriter LogWriter = new StringWriter(logs);


// (object, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs) –> void.

private static async void CollectionChangedAsync(

    object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) =>

    await LogWriter.WriteLineAsync(e.Action.ToString());


internal static void AddEventHandler()


    ObservableCollection<int> collection = new ObservableCollection<int>();

    collection.CollectionChanged += CollectionChangedAsync;

    collection.Add(1); // Fires CollectionChanged event.


The await keyword works with task from async function as well as any Task and Task<TResult> instance:

internal static async Task AwaitTasks(string path)


   Task<string> task1 = ReadAsync(path);

    string contents = await task1;

    // Equivalent to: string contents = await ReadAsync(path);

    Task task2 = WriteAsync(path, contents);

    await task2;

    // Equivalent to: await WriteAsync(path, contents);

    Task task3 = Task.Run(() => { });

    await task3;

    // Equivalent to: await Task.Run(() => { });

   Task<int> task4 = Task.Run(() => 0);

    int result = await task4;

    // Equivalent to: int result = await Task.Run(() => 0);

    Task task5 = Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));

    await task5;

    // Equivalent to: await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));

   Task<int> task6 = Task.FromResult(result);

    result = await task6;

    // Equivalent to: result = await Task.FromResult(result);


If a task is never started, apparently it never finishes running. The code after its await expression is never called back:

internal static async Task HotColdTasks(string path)


    Task hotTask = new Task(() => { });


    await hotTask;


    Task coldTask = new Task(() => { });

    await coldTask;

   coldTask.Status.WriteLine(); // Never execute.


Task not started yet is called cold task, and task already started is called hot task. As a convention, any function with task output should always output a hot task. All APIs in .NET Standard follow this convention.

Awaitable-awaiter pattern

C# compiles the await expression with the awaitable-awaiter pattern. Besides Task and Task<TResult>, the await keyword can be used with any awaitable type. An awaitable type has a GetAwaiter instance or extension method to output an awaiter. An awaiter type implements System.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion interface, also has an IsCompleted property with bool output, and a GetResult instance method with or without output. The following IAwaitable and IAwaiter interfaces demonstrate the awaitable-awaiter pattern for operation with no result:

public interface IAwaitable


    IAwaiter GetAwaiter();



public interface IAwaiter : INotifyCompletion


    bool IsCompleted { get; }


    void GetResult(); // No result.


And the following IAwaitable<TResult> and IAwaiter<TResult> interfaces demonstrate the awaitable-awaiter pattern for operations with a result:

public interface IAwaitable<TResult>




public interface IAwaiter<TResult>: INotifyCompletion


    bool IsCompleted { get; }

    TResult GetResult(); // TResult result.


And INotifyCompletion interface has a single OnCompleted method to chain a continuation:

namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices


    public interface INotifyCompletion


        void OnCompleted(Action continuation);



Here is how Task and Task<TResult> implement the awaitable-awaiter pattern. Task can be virtually viewed as implementation of IAwaitable, it has a GetAwaiter instance method outputting System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter, which can be virtually viewed as implementation of IAwaiter; Similarly, Task<TResult> can be virtually viewed as implementation of IAwaitable<TResult>, it has a GetAwaiter method outputting System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter<TResult>, which can be virtually viewed as implementation of IAwaiter<TResult>:

namespace System.Threading.Tasks


    public partial class Task : IAsyncResult


        public TaskAwaiter GetAwaiter();


    public partial class Task<TResult> : Task


        public TaskAwaiter<TResult> GetAwaiter();



namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices


    public struct TaskAwaiter : ICriticalNotifyCompletion, INotifyCompletion


        public bool IsCompleted { get; }

        public void GetResult(); // No result.

        public void OnCompleted(Action continuation);

        // Other members.


    public struct TaskAwaiter<TResult> : ICriticalNotifyCompletion, INotifyCompletion


        public bool IsCompleted { get; }

        public TResult GetResult(); // TResult result.

        public void OnCompleted(Action continuation);

        // Other members.



Any other type can be used with the await keyword, as long as the awaitable-awaiter pattern is implemented. Take delegate type Action as example, a GetAwaiter method can be easily implemented as its extension method, by reusing above TaskAwaiter:

public static TaskAwaiter GetAwaiter(this Action action) => Task.Run(action).GetAwaiter();

Similarly, this pattern can be implemented for Func<TResult>, by reusing TaskAwaiter<TResult>:

public static TaskAwaiter<TResult> GetAwaiter<TResult>(this Func<TResult> function) =>


Now the await keyword can be directly used with a function of Action type or Func<TResult> type:

internal static async Task AwaitFunctions(string readPath, string writePath)


    Func<string>read = () => File.ReadAllText(readPath);

    string contents = await read;

    Action write = () => File.WriteAllText(writePath, contents);

    await write;


Async state machine

As fore mentioned, with async and await keywords, an async function outputs a task immediately, so it is non-blocking. At compile time, the workflow of an async function is compiled to an async state machine. At runtime, when this async function is called, it just starts that generated async state machine , and immediately outputs a task representing the workflow in the async state machine. To demonstrate this, define the following async methods:

internal static async Task<T> Async<T>(T value)


    T value1 = Start(value);

    T result1 = await Async1(value1);

    T value2 = Continuation1(result1);

    T result2 = await Async2(value2);

    T value3 = Continuation2(result2);

    T result3 = await Async3(value3);

    T result = Continuation3(result3);

    return result;


internal static T Start<T>(T value) => value;

internal static Task<T> Async1<T>(T value) => Task.Run(() => value);

internal static T Continuation1<T>(T value) => value;

internal static Task<T> Async2<T>(T value) => Task.FromResult(value);

internal static T Continuation2<T>(T value) => value;

internal static Task<T> Async3<T>(T value) => Task.Run(() => value);

internal static T Continuation3<T>(T value) => value;

After compilation, the async modifier is gone. The async function becomes a normal function to start an async state machine:


internal static Task<T> CompiledAsync<T>(T value)


    AsyncStateMachine<T>asyncStateMachine = new AsyncStateMachine<T>()


        Value = value,

        Builder = AsyncTaskMethodBuilder<T>.Create(),

        State = -1 // -1 means start.


    asyncStateMachine.Builder.Start(ref asyncStateMachine);

    return asyncStateMachine.Builder.Task;


And the generated async state machine is a structure in release build, and a class in debug build:



private struct AsyncStateMachine<TResult>: IAsyncStateMachine


    public int State;

    public AsyncTaskMethodBuilder<TResult> Builder;

    public TResult Value;

    private TaskAwaiter<TResult> awaiter;

    void IAsyncStateMachine.MoveNext()


        TResult result;



            switch (this.State)


                case -1: // Start code from the beginning to the 1st await.

                    // Workflow begins.

                    TResult value1 = Start(this.Value);

                    this.awaiter = Async1(value1).GetAwaiter();

                    if (this.awaiter.IsCompleted)


                        // If the task returned by Async1 is already completed, immediately execute the continuation.

                        goto case 0;




                        this.State = 0;

                        // If the task returned by Async1 is not completed, specify the continuation as its callback.

                        this.Builder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(ref this.awaiter, ref this);

                        // Later when the task returned by Async1 is completed, it calls back MoveNext, where State is 0.



                case 0: // Continuation code from after the 1st await to the 2nd await.

                    // The task returned by Async1 is completed. The result is available immediately through GetResult.

                    TResult result1 = this.awaiter.GetResult();

                    TResult value2 = Continuation1(result1);

                    this.awaiter = Async2(value2).GetAwaiter();

                    if (this.awaiter.IsCompleted)


                        // If the task returned by Async2 is already completed, immediately execute the continuation.

                        goto case 1;




                        this.State = 1;

                        // If the task returned by Async2 is not completed, specify the continuation as its callback.

                        this.Builder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(ref this.awaiter, ref this);

                        // Later when the task returned by Async2 is completed, it calls back MoveNext, where State is 1.



                case 1: // Continuation code from after the 2nd await to the 3rd await.

                    // The task returned by Async2 is completed. The result is available immediately through GetResult.

                    TResult result2 = this.awaiter.GetResult();

                    TResult value3 = Continuation2(result2);

                    this.awaiter = Async3(value3).GetAwaiter();

                    if (this.awaiter.IsCompleted)


                        // If the task returned by Async3 is already completed, immediately execute the continuation.

                        goto case 2;




                        this.State = 2;

                        // If the task returned by Async3 is not completed, specify the continuation as its callback.

                        this.Builder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(ref this.awaiter, ref this);

                        // Later when the task returned by Async3 is completed, it calls back MoveNext, where State is 1.



                case 2: // Continuation code from after the 3rd await to the end.

                    // The task returned by Async3 is completed. The result is available immediately through GetResult.

                    TResult result3 = this.awaiter.GetResult();

                    result = Continuation3(result3);

                    this.State = -2; // -2 means end.


                    // Workflow ends.




        catch (Exception exception)


            this.State = -2; // -2 means end.





    void IAsyncStateMachine.SetStateMachine(IAsyncStateMachine asyncStateMachine) =>



The generated async state machine is a finite state machine:


The workflow is compiled into a switch statement in its MoveNext method. The original workflow is split to 4 parts by the 3 await keywords, and compiled to 4 cases of the switch statement. The parameter of the workflow is compiled as a field of the state machine, so it can be accessed by the workflow inside MoveNext. When the state machine is initialized, its initial state is –1, which means to start. Once the state machine is started, MoveNext is called, and the case –1 block is executed, which has the code from the beginning of the workflow to the first await expression, which is compiled to a GetAwaiter call. If the awaiter is already completed, then the continuation should immediate be executed by going to case 0 block directly; If the awaiter is not completed, the continuation (MoveNext call with next state 0) is specified as the awaiter’s callback when it is completed in the future. In either case, when code in case 0 block is executed, the previous awaiter is already completed, and its result is immediately available through its GetResult method. The execution goes on in the same pattern, until the last block of case 2 is executed.

Runtime context capture

At runtime, when executing an await expression, if the awaited task is not completed yet, the continuation is scheduled as callback. As a result, the continuation can be executed by a thread different from initial caller thread. By default, the initial thread’s runtime context information is captured, and are reused by the callback thread to execute the continuation. To demonstrate this, the above awaitable-awaiter pattern for Action can be re-implemented with the following custom awaiter:

public static IAwaiter GetAwaiter(this Action action) =>

    new ActionAwaiter(Task.Run(action));


public class ActionAwaiter : IAwaiter


    private readonly (SynchronizationContext, TaskScheduler, ExecutionContext) runtimeContext;


    private readonly Task task;


public ActionAwaiter(Task task) =>

        (this.task, this.runtimeContext) = (task, RuntimeContext.Capture()); // Capture runtime context when initialized.


    public bool IsCompleted => this.task.IsCompleted;


    public void GetResult() => this.task.Wait();


    public void OnCompleted(Action continuation) => this.task.ContinueWith(task =>

        this.runtimeContext.Execute(continuation));// Execute continuation on captured runtime context.


When the awaiter is constructed, it captures the runtime context information, including System.Threading.SynchronizationContext, System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler, and System.Threading.ExecutionContext of current thread. Then in OnCompleted, when the continuation is called back, it is executed with the previously captured runtime context information. The custom awaiter can be implemented for Func<TResult> in the same pattern:

public static IAwaiter<TResult> GetAwaiter<TResult>(this Func<TResult> function) =>

    new FuncAwaiter<TResult>(Task.Run(function));


public class FuncAwaiter<TResult> : IAwaiter<TResult>


    private readonly (SynchronizationContext, TaskScheduler, ExecutionContext) runtimeContext =



    private readonly Task<TResult> task;


    public FuncAwaiter(Task<TResult> task) => (this.task, this.runtimeContext) = (task, RuntimeContext.Capture()); // Capture runtime context when initialized.


    public bool IsCompleted => this.task.IsCompleted;


    public TResult GetResult() => this.task.Result;


    public void OnCompleted(Action continuation) => this.task.ContinueWith(task =>

        this.runtimeContext.Execute(continuation)); // Execute continuation on captured runtime context.


The following is a basic implementation of runtime context capture and resume:

public static class RuntimeContext


    public static (SynchronizationContext, TaskScheduler, ExecutionContext) Capture() =>

        (SynchronizationContext.Current, TaskScheduler.Current, ExecutionContext.Capture());


    public static void Execute(

        this (SynchronizationContext, TaskScheduler, ExecutionContext) runtimeContext, Action continuation)


        var (synchronizationContext, taskScheduler, executionContext) = runtimeContext;

        if (synchronizationContext != null && synchronizationContext.GetType() != typeof(SynchronizationContext))


            if (synchronizationContext == SynchronizationContext.Current)






                executionContext.Run(() => synchronizationContext.Post(

                    d: state => continuation(), state: null));




        if (taskScheduler != null && taskScheduler != TaskScheduler.Default)


            Task continuationTask = new Task(continuation);







    private static void Run(this ExecutionContext executionContext, Action continuation)


        if (executionContext != null)



                executionContext: executionContext, callback: state => continuation(), state: null);








When Capture is called, it captures a 3-tuple of SynchronizationContext, TaskScheduler, and ExecutionContext When the continuation is executed, first the previously captured SynchronizationContext is checked. If a specialized SynchronizationContext is captured and it is different from current SynchronizationContext, then the continuation is executed with the captured SynchronizationContext and ExecutionContext. When there is no specialized SynchronizationContext captured, then the TaskScheduler is checked. If a specialized TaskScheduler is captured, it is used to schedule the continuation as a task. For all the other cases, the continuation is executed with the captured ExecutionContext.

Task and Task<TResult> provides a ConfigureAwait method to specify whether the continuation is marshalled to the previously captured runtime context:

namespace System.Threading.Tasks


    public partial class Task : IAsyncResult


        public ConfiguredTaskAwaitable ConfigureAwait(bool continueOnCapturedContext);


    public partial class Task<TResult> : Task


        public ConfiguredTaskAwaitable<TResult> ConfigureAwait(bool continueOnCapturedContext);



To demonstrate the runtime context capture, define a custom task scheduler, which simply start a background thread to execute each task:

public class BackgroundThreadTaskScheduler : TaskScheduler


protected override IEnumerable<Task> GetScheduledTasks() =>

        throw new NotImplementedException();


    protected override void QueueTask(Task task) =>

        new Thread(() => this.TryExecuteTask(task)) { IsBackground = true }.Start();


protected override bool TryExecuteTaskInline(

        Task task, bool taskWasPreviouslyQueued) =>



The following async function has 2 await expressions, where ConfigureAwait is called with different bool values:

internal static async Task ConfigureRuntimeContextCapture(

    string readPath, string writePath)


    TaskScheduler taskScheduler1 = TaskScheduler.Current;

string contents = await ReadAsync(readPath).ConfigureAwait(

        continueOnCapturedContext: true);

    // Equivalent to: await ReadAsync(readPath);


    // Continuation is executed with captured runtime context.

    TaskScheduler taskScheduler2 = TaskScheduler.Current;

    object.ReferenceEquals(taskScheduler1, taskScheduler2).WriteLine(); // True

await WriteAsync(writePath, contents).ConfigureAwait(

        continueOnCapturedContext: false);

    // Continuation is executed without captured runtime context.

    TaskScheduler taskScheduler3 = TaskScheduler.Current;

    object.ReferenceEquals(taskScheduler1, taskScheduler3).WriteLine(); // False


To demonstrate the task scheduler capture, call the above async function by specifying the custom task scheduler:

internal static async Task CallConfigureContextCapture(string readPath, string writePath)


Task<Task> task = new Task<Task>(() =>

        ConfigureRuntimeContextCapture(readPath, writePath));

    task.Start(new BackgroundThreadTaskScheduler());

    await task.Unwrap(); // Equivalent to: await await task;


Here since async function ConfigureRuntimeContextCapture outputs Task, so the task constructed with () -> Task function is of type Task<Task>. Similarly, if task is constructed with () -> Task<TResult> function, the constructed task is of type Task<Task<TResult>>. For this scenario, Unwrap extension methods are provided to convert nested task to normal task:

namespace System.Threading.Tasks


    public static class TaskExtensions


        public static Task Unwrap(this Task<Task> task);

        public static Task<TResult> Unwrap<TResult>(this Task<Task<TResult>> task);



When start executing ConfigureRuntimeContextCapture, the initial task scheduler is specified to be the custom task scheduler, BackgroundThreadTaskScheduler. In the first await expression, ConfigureAwait is called with true, so that the runtime context information is captured and the continuation is executed with the captured runtime context information. This is the default behaviour, so calling ConfigureAwait with true is equivalent to not calling ConfigureAwait at all. As a result, the first continuation is executed with the same custom task scheduler. In the second await expression, ConfigureAwait is called with false, so the runtime context information is not captured. As a result, the second continuation is executed with the default task scheduler, System.Threading.Tasks.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler.

The runtime context capture can be also demonstrated by SynchronizationContext. SynchronizationContext is inherited by different implementations in different application models, for example:

·        ASP.NET: System.Web.AspNetSynchronizationContext

·        WPF: System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherSynchronizationContext

·        WinForms: System.Windows.Forms.WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext

·        Windows Universal: System.Threading.WinRTCoreDispatcherBasedSynchronizationContext

·        Xamarin.Android: Android.App.SyncContext

·        Xamarin.iOS: UIKit.UIKitSynchronizationContext

Take Windows Universal application as example. In Visual Studio on Windows, create a Windows Universal application, add a button to its UI:

<Button x:Name="Button" Content="Button" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Click="ButtonClick" />

In the code behind, implement the Click event handler as an async function:

private async void ButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


    SynchronizationContext synchronizationContext1 = SynchronizationContext.Current;

    ExecutionContext executionContext1 = ExecutionContext.Capture();

await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)).ConfigureAwait(

        continueOnCapturedContext: true);

    // Equivalent to: await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));


    // Continuation is executed with captured runtime context.

    SynchronizationContext synchronizationContext2 = SynchronizationContext.Current;

    Debug.WriteLine(synchronizationContext1 == synchronizationContext2); // True

    this.Button.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue); // UI update works.

await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)).ConfigureAwait(

        continueOnCapturedContext: false);


    // Continuation is executed without captured runtime context.

    SynchronizationContext synchronizationContext3 = SynchronizationContext.Current;

    Debug.WriteLine(synchronizationContext1 == synchronizationContext3); // False

    this.Button.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow); // UI update fails.

    // Exception: The application called an interface that was marshalled for a different thread.


For Windows Universal application, the SynchronizationContext is only available for the UI thread, and application UI can only be updated with UI thread’s SynchronizationContext. When the button is clicked, the UI thread calls the async function ButtonClick, so the UI thread’s SynchronizationContext is captured. Similar to the previous example, when ConfigureAwait is called with true, the continuation is executed with the previously captured SynchronizationContext, so the continuation can update the UI successfully. When ConfigureAwait is called with true, the continuation is not executed with the SynchronizationContext captured from UI thread, and it fails to update the UI and throws exception.

Generalized async function output type and async method builder

Since C# 7, async function is supported to have any awaitable output type, as long as it has an async method builder specified. Take Func<TResult> is already awaitable with the previously defined GetAwaiter extension method as example, it is already awaitable with the previously defined GetAwaiter extension method, and can be used in await expression just like task. However, it cannot be used with async modifier to be async function output type just like task. To make Func<TResult> output type of async function, the following FuncAwaitable<TResult> type is defined as a wrapper of Func<TResult>. This wrapper is an awaitable type, its GetAwaiter instance method reuses previously defined FuncAwater<TResult> as its awaiter:


public class FuncAwaitable<TResult>: IAwaitable<TResult>


    private readonly Func<TResult> function;

    public FuncAwaitable(Func<TResult> function) => this.function = function;

    public IAwaiter<TResult> GetAwaiter() =>

        new FuncAwaiter<TResult>(Task.Run(this.function));


This wrapper type is associated with its async method builder with System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderAttribute. The async method builder for FuncAwaitable<TResult> is implemented as:

public class AsyncFuncAwaitableMethodBuilder<TResult>


    private AsyncTaskMethodBuilder<TResult> taskMethodBuilder;

    private TResult result;

    private bool hasResult;

    private bool useBuilder;

    public static AsyncFuncAwaitableMethodBuilder<TResult> Create() =>

        new AsyncFuncAwaitableMethodBuilder<TResult>()


            taskMethodBuilder = AsyncTaskMethodBuilder<TResult>.Create()


public void Start<TStateMachine>(ref TStateMachine stateMachine)

        where TStateMachine : IAsyncStateMachine =>

        this.taskMethodBuilder.Start(ref stateMachine);

    public void SetStateMachine(IAsyncStateMachine stateMachine) =>


    public void SetResult(TResult result)


        if (this.useBuilder)






            this.result = result;

            this.hasResult = true;



public void SetException(Exception exception) =>


    public FuncAwaitable<TResult> Task




            if (this.hasResult)


                TResult result = this.result;

                return new FuncAwaitable<TResult>(() => result);


            this.useBuilder = true;

            Task<TResult>task = this.taskMethodBuilder.Task;

            return new FuncAwaitable<TResult>(() => task.Result);



public void AwaitOnCompleted<TAwaiter, TStateMachine>(

        ref TAwaiter awaiter, ref TStateMachine stateMachine)

        where TAwaiter : INotifyCompletion where TStateMachine : IAsyncStateMachine


        this.useBuilder = true;

        this.taskMethodBuilder.AwaitOnCompleted(ref awaiter, ref stateMachine);


    public void AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted<TAwaiter, TStateMachine>(

        ref TAwaiter awaiter, ref TStateMachine stateMachine)

        where TAwaiter : ICriticalNotifyCompletion where TStateMachine : IAsyncStateMachine


        this.useBuilder = true;

        this.taskMethodBuilder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(ref awaiter, ref stateMachine);



Now the FuncAwaitable<TResult> type can be output type of async function, just like task:

internal static async FuncAwaitable<T> AsyncFunctionWithFuncAwaitable<T>(T value)


    await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

    return value;


Its compilation is in the same pattern as async function with task output. The only difference is, in the generated async state machine, the builder field become the specified AsyncFuncAwaitableMethodBuilder<TResult>, instead of the AsyncTaskMethodBuilder<TResult> for task. And apparently, this async function can be called in the await expression since its output type FuncAwaitable<TResult> is awaitable:

internal static async Task CallAsyncFunctionWithFuncAwaitable<T>(T value)


    T result = await AsyncFunctionWithFuncAwaitable(value);


ValueTask<TResult> and performance

With the generalized async function output type support, Microsoft also provides a System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTask<TResult> awaitable structure in the System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions NuGet package:

namespace System.Threading.Tasks




    public struct ValueTask<TResult> : IEquatable<ValueTask<TResult>>


        public ValueTask(TResult result);

        public ValueTask(Task<TResult> task);

        public ValueTaskAwaiter<TResult> GetAwaiter();

        // Other members.



Its awaiter is System.Threading.Tasks.ValueTaskAwaiter<TResult>, and its async method builder is System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncValueTaskMethodBuilder<TResult>, which are provided in the same NuGet package. So ValueTask<TResult> can be used with both await expression and async function. As a value type, it can be allocated and deallocated on stack, with better performance than reference type Task<TResult>. Also, unlike Task<TResult> as a wrapper of Func<TResult> operation, ValueTask<TResult> can be a wrapper of either Func<TResult> operation or TResult result. So ValueTask<TResult> can improve the performance for async function that may have result available before any async operation. The following example downloads data from the specified URI:

private static readonly Dictionary<string, byte[]> Cache =

    new Dictionary<string, byte[]>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

internal static async Task<byte[]> DownloadAsyncTask(string uri)


    // All code compiled to async state machine. When URI is cached, async state machine is still started.

    if (Cache.TryGetValue(uri, out byte[] cachedResult))


        return cachedResult;


    using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient())


        byte[] result = await httpClient.GetByteArrayAsync(uri);

        Cache.Add(uri, result);

        return result;



It first checks the cache, if the data is already cached for the specified URI, then it outputs the cached data directly, no async operation is needed. However, at compile time, since the function has the async modifier, the entire function body, including the if statement, is compiled into an async state machine. At runtime, a task is always allocated on the heap and should be garbage collected, and the async state machine is always started, even when the result is available in the cache and no async operation is needed. With ValueTask<TResult>, this can be easily optimized:

internal static ValueTask<byte[]> DownloadAsyncValueTask(string uri)


    // Not compiled to async state machine. When URI is cached, no async state machine is started.

    return Cache.TryGetValue(uri, out byte[] cachedResult)

        ? new ValueTask<byte[]>(cachedResult)

        : new ValueTask<byte[]>(DownloadAsync());

    async Task<byte[]> DownloadAsync()


        // Compiled to async state machine. When URI is not cached, async state machine is started.

        using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient())


            byte[] result = await httpClient.GetByteArrayAsync(uri);

            Cache.Add(uri, result);

            return result;




Now the function becomes a sync function with awaitable ValueTask<TResult> output. When the result is available in the cache, the async local function is not called, so there is no async operation or async state machine involved, and there is no task allocated on heap. The async operation is encapsulated in the async local function, which is compiled to async state machine, and is only involved when the result is not available in the cache. As a result, the performance can be improved, especially when the cache is hit frequently.

Anonymous async function

The async and await keywords can be used with the lambda expression syntax for anonymous function. Just like named async function, anonymous async function’s output type is task:

internal static async Task AsyncAnonymousFunction(string readPath, string writePath)


    Func<string, Task<string>>readAsync = async path =>


        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(new FileStream(

            path: path, mode: FileMode.Open, access: FileAccess.Read,

            share: FileShare.Read, bufferSize: 4096, useAsync: true)))


            return await reader.ReadToEndAsync();



    Func<string, string, Task>writeAsync = async (path, contents) =>


        using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(

            path: path, mode: FileMode.Create, access: FileAccess.Write,

            share: FileShare.Read, bufferSize: 4096, useAsync: true)))


            await writer.WriteAsync(contents);



    string result = await readAsync(readPath);

    await writeAsync(writePath, result);


The above async lambda expressions are compiled as methods of closure class, in the same pattern as normal sync lambda expressions.

Since task can be constructed with anonymous function with any output type, it can be constructed with anonymous async function with task output too:

internal static async Task ConstructTaskWithAsyncAnonymousFunction(

    string readPath, string writePath)


Task<Task<string>> task1 = new Task<Task<string>>(async () =>

        await ReadAsync(readPath));

   task1.Start(); // Cold task needs to be started.

    string contents = await task1.Unwrap(); // Equivalent to: string contents = await await task1;


    Task<Task> task2 = new Task<Task>(async () => await WriteAsync(writePath, null));

   task2.Start(); // Cold task needs to be started.

    await task2.Unwrap(); // Equivalent to: await await task2;


The first task is constructed with anonymous async function of type () –> Task<string>, so the constructed task is of type Task<Task<string>>. Similarly, the second task is constructed with anonymous async function of type () –> Task, so the constructed task is of type Task<Task>. As fore mentioned, nested task can be unwrapped and awaited.

internal static async Task RunAsyncWithAutoUnwrap(string readPath, string writePath)


    Task<string> task1 = Task.Run(async () => await ReadAsync(readPath)); // Automatically unwrapped.

    string contents = await task1; // Hot task.


    Task task2 = Task.Run(async () => await WriteAsync(writePath, contents)); // Automatically unwrapped.

    await task2; // Hot task.


Asynchrnous sequence: IAsyncEnumerable<T>

In C# 8.0, an async function can return a sequence of values using the return type IAsyncEnumerable<T>:

namespace System.Collections.Generic


    public interface IAsyncEnumerable<out T>


        IAsyncEnumerator<T> GetAsyncEnumerator(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);



    public interface IAsyncEnumerator<out T> : IAsyncDisposable


        T Current { get; }


        ValueTask<bool> MoveNextAsync();



The following example define a async function that generates a sequence of values by using yield statement:

internal static async IAsyncEnumerable<string>DownloadAsync(IEnumerable<Uri> uris)


    using WebClient webClient = new WebClient();

    foreach (Uri uri in uris)


        string webPage = await webClient.DownloadStringTaskAsync(uri);

        yield return webPage;



The following example consumes an async sequence by pulling the values asynchronously using async foreach statement:

internal static async void PrintDownloadAsync(IEnumerable<Uri> uris)


    IAsyncEnumerable<string> webPages = DownloadAsync(uris);

    await foreach (string webPage in webPages)





In above 2 async functions, the code are both compiled to a state macine similar to async functions returning a task.

async using declaration: IAsyncDispose

In C# 8.0, an instance can be decared with async using keywords, if its type implements System.IAsyncDispose interface:

namespace System


    public interface IAsyncDisposable


        ValueTask DisposeAsync();



For example, FileStream type implements IAsyncDispose:

internalstaticasyncvoid AsyncUsing(string file)


    awaitusing FileStream fileStream = File.OpenRead(file);



The code in the above async function is also compiled to a state machine.


C# supports async function as a simplified asynchronous programming model. In C#, async operation is represented by Task or Task<TResult>. A task can be async function output type, and can be used in await expression. Besides task, any type following the awaitable-awaiter pattern can be used in await expression. Async function is compiled to async state machine. It can capture the caller’s runtime context, and execute the continuation code with the captured context. C# generalizes async function output type with async method builder support, and a ValueTask<TResult> type is provided to improve async function performance. C# also support async local function and async anonymous function.



  • Indeed, async tasks are very useful not just in C# but with every form of modern application.

  • thanks for shared wonderful information of giving best information.its more useful and more helpful. great doing keep sharing

  • ```
    Task<Task<string>> task1 = new Task<Task<string>>(async () => await ReadAsync(readPath));
    string contents = await task1.Unwrap(); // Equivalent to: string contents = await await task1;


    Task<string> task1 = Task.Run(async () => await ReadAsync(readPath)); // Automatically unwrapped.
    string contents = await task1;
    are not equivalent.
    Second example immediately starts the task, but first no.

    I got dead lock for first example.

    static void Main(string[] args)
    static async ValueTask<int> _test()

    Func<Task<Int32>> func = async () =>
    await Task.Delay(1000);
    return 1;
    Task<Task<Int32>> t1 = new Task<Task<int>>(func);
    var t2 = t1.Unwrap();
    await t2;
    Console.WriteLine(''.....................sorry, dead lock");

  • @lobster Thank you for finding this bug. But this is not a deadlock. It is cold task not been started. I should call task1.Start() and task2.Start(). Fixed in the article. Thanks!

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    به تازگی بازی Call of Duty: Vanguard که توسط استودیو Sledgehammer توسعه یافته است، با انتشار یک تریلر معرفی شد و همچنین در مراسم گیمزکام شاهد نشر یک کلیپ ویدیو ۱۰ دقیقه‌ای با محوریت قسمت داستانی آن بودیم. در این کلیپ ویدیو می‌توانیم آغاز روند داستان کاراکتر پالینا با بازی لارا بیلی را که براساس کاراکتری واقعی به نام لیودمیلا پاولیچنکو خلق شده به تماشا بنشینیم . این کلیپ ویدیو با به تصویر کشیدن قسمت آغازین روند داستانی این شخصیت ویژگی‌های جدید گان ‌پلی و بعضی محیط ‌های این بازی را نشان می‌دهد.

  • بازی های انلاین و خرید گیم تایم 60 روزه برای بازی دوست داشتنی وارکرافت و انواع بازی های مهیج دیگر چون کالاف دیوتی و دیابلو و سایر محصولات بلیزارد در فروشگاه جت گیم

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  • خریدshadowlands ، شدولند مکانی است که تمام مردگان و ارواح به آنجا سفر میکنند . سیلواناس به رهبری هلیا ، گروهی برای مبارزه تشکیل داده . سیلوانا قصد دارد در دنیای آزروت ، تمام موجودات را نابود و به شدولند ببرد .
    تمام قدرت سیلوانا به خاطر شخصی است که با او در ارتباط است . سیلوانا Domination را شکست میدهد و مرز بین آزروت و شدولند ( زندگی بعد از مرگ ) را از بین میبرد .امپراطوری سیاه بر پا خواهد شد . جنگجویان بعد از کشتن هر قربانی ، روحشان را به شدولند میفرستند . الینس ها با خدایان در شدولند میجنگند . هاکار قصد دارد تا با بلعیدن رواح قدرتمند شود .
    سیلواناس با هدایت جنگ ، قصد دارد ارواح را از هاکار به سمت هلیا هدایت کند . ارواح تمام ترول هایی که در تزمیر کشته شده اند ، در موربارا ساکن اند . در النیر ریفت‌لندز بیشترین فساد وید در دراگون آیلز و رویای زمردین وجود دارد . شهر و قرارگاه اصلی به عنوان منطقه آرام در ژیروس قرار دارد . این ناحیه دارای مقدار خیلی زیادی از کؤست لاین و دو دانجن میباشد . در مجموع 9 دانجن که 5 تا در شدولند و بقیه در دراگون ایلز است و اسمی ندارد .

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  • گیم تایم 60 روزه در حال حاضر تنها گیم تایمی است که از طرف کمپانی blizzard برای بازیکنان گیم ، ورد اف وارکرافت ارائه شده است. در گذشته گیم تایم هایی مانند 30 روزه و 180 روزه هم موجود بود اما به دلیل سیاست های جدید این کمپانی و خط مشی که در نظر گرفته است، تنها گیم تایمی که در حال حاضر امکان فراهم کردن آن برای گیمر های عزیز، گیم تایم 60 روزه می باشد. در ادامه توضیحات جالبی در مورد گیم تایم برای شما جمع آوری کرده ایم که خواندنشان خالی از لطف نیست.

    کاربرد گیم تایم دو ماهه

    در حال حاضر گیم تایم 2 ماهه در تمامی زمینه های world of warcraft کاربرد دارد. اما اگر می خواهید که یک سری تجربه های جذاب و جدید را تجربه کنید باید این گیم تایم را خریداری کنید. این تجربه ها عبارتند از:
    استفاده از اکسپنشن های جدید
    بازی در مپ های جدید
    لول آپ به سبک جدید
    تغییر در شکل بازی

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  • برخی از بازی های  شرکت بلیزارد بصورت رایگان دردسترس گیمرها و کاربران نخواهد بود. و این کاربران برای استفاده از بازی  گیم تایم یا همان گیم کارت خریداری کنند. یکی از این بازی ها،‌ بازی محبوب و پرطرفدار ورلدآف وارکرافت است. به شارژ ماهیانه بازی وارکرافت در سرورهای بازی بلیزارد  گیم تایم می گویند ، که در فروشگاه جت گیم موجود می باشد.

    خرید گیم تایم 60 روزه ازفروشگاه جت گیم:

    در واقع گیم تایم 60 روزه نمونه ای جدید است از گیم تایم ها برای استفاده دربازی World of Warcraft  . که در ادامه بیشتر در مورد این محصول و نحوه استفاده از آن توضیح می دهیم .

    شما با خرید گیم تایم 60 روزه در مدت زمان آن گیم تایم ( 60 روز ) به امکاناتی در بازی World of Warcraft درسترسی پیدا خواهید کرد که این امکانات شامل موارد زیر میباشند :

    1 - اجازه لول آپ کردن تا لول 50 ( بدون گیم تایم فقط می توانید تا لول 20 بازی کنید )

    2 - اجازه  چت کردن با دیگران درون بازی ( بدون گیم تایم نمی توانید در بازی  چت کنید )

    3 - دسترسی به بازی World of Warcraft Classic

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  • خریدshadowlands

    خریدshadowlands ، شدولند مکانی است که تمام مردگان و ارواح به آنجا سفر میکنند . سیلواناس به رهبری هلیا ، گروهی برای مبارزه تشکیل داده . سیلوانا قصد دارد در دنیای آزروت ، تمام موجودات را نابود و به شدولند ببرد .
    تمام قدرت سیلوانا به خاطر شخصی است که با او در ارتباط است . سیلوانا Domination را شکست میدهد و مرز بین آزروت و شدولند ( زندگی بعد از مرگ ) را از بین میبرد .امپراطوری سیاه بر پا خواهد شد . جنگجویان بعد از کشتن هر قربانی ، روحشان را به شدولند میفرستند . الینس ها با خدایان در شدولند میجنگند . هاکار قصد دارد تا با بلعیدن رواح قدرتمند شود .
    سیلواناس با هدایت جنگ ، قصد دارد ارواح را از هاکار به سمت هلیا هدایت کند . ارواح تمام ترول هایی که در تزمیر کشته شده اند ، در موربارا ساکن اند . در النیر ریفت‌لندز بیشترین فساد وید در دراگون آیلز و رویای زمردین وجود دارد . شهر و قرارگاه اصلی به عنوان منطقه آرام در ژیروس قرار دارد . این ناحیه دارای مقدار خیلی زیادی از کؤست لاین و دو دانجن میباشد . در مجموع 9 دانجن که 5 تا در شدولند و بقیه در دراگون ایلز است و اسمی ندارد .

  • 60 days game time is currently the only game time provided by blizzard for gamers, Word of Warcraft. In the past, there were games like 30-day and 180-day, but due to the new policies of this company and the policy that it has considered, the only game time that is currently possible for dear gamers is Game Time 60. Is fasting. In the following, we have collected interesting explanations about game time for you, which are worth reading.

    Two months gametime application

    Currently, 2 months gametime is used in all areas of world of warcraft. But if you want to experience a series of exciting and new experiences, you have to buy this game time. These experiences include:
    Use new expansions
    Play in new maps
    Roll up in a new style
    Change in the shape of the game
    Prepared from the site of Jet Game

  • Thank you for sharing information …

  • Two-month gametime popularity:
    As mentioned above, 60-day gametime has been more popular than other gametime for a few months. This is because it has both the right time and the right price. The reason world of warcraft players use this type of game time is because of the time. Because 60 days of game time is an average game time and most people use the days of this game time. One of the advantages of this game time over other game times is its length of time.

    Types of game time regions
    In general, the two-month game time is made up of 2 regions, Europe and America. But an important argument is that it is recommended to get a gametime regimen that is compatible with your Shodland region. If you are looking for our advice, we recommend that you buy the European region. Because it is close to Middle East servers and you usually get a better ping. For preparation, refer to Jet Game website.

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  • Some Blizzard games will not be available to gamers and users for free. And these users to buy game time or the same game card. One of these games is محب the popular World of Warcraft game. The monthly charge of Warcraft game on Blizzard Game Time game servers, which is available in the Jet Game store.

    Buy 60-day game time from Jet Game store:

    In fact, 60-day game time is a new example of game time for use in World of Warcraft. In the following, we will explain more about this product and how to use it.

    By purchasing 60 days of game time during that game time (60 days), you will have access to features in World of Warcraft, which include the following:

    1 - Permission to roll up to level 50 (without game time you can only play up to level 20)

    2 - Permission to chat with others in the game (without game time you can not chat in the game)

    3 - Access to the game World of Warcraft Classic

  • very nice

  • Some Blizzard games will not be available to gamers and users for free.

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    ورلد آف وارکرافت توسط شرکت بلیزارد ارائه شده و بدلیل سبک بازی و گرافیک بالا در سرتاسر جهان طرفداران زیادی را به خود جذب کرده است.
    این بازی محبوب دارای انواع بسته های الحاقی میباشد که جدید ترین آن که به تازگی رونمائی شده و در حال حاضر صرفا امکان تهیه پیش فروش آن فراهم میباشد دراگون فلایت است
    این بازی که از نظر سبک بازی با سایر نسخه ها متفاوت بوده و جذابیت خاص خود را دارد که در ادامه به آن می پردازیم . همچنین برای تهیه نسخه های این گیم جذاب می توانید به سایت جت گیم مراجعه نمائید. در ادامه بیشتر در مورد بازی و سیستم مورد نیاز بازی می پردازیم

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  • گیم تایم 60 روزه در حال حاضر تنها گیم تایمی است که از طرف کمپانی blizzard برای بازیکنان گیم ، ورد اف وارکرافت ارائه شده است. در گذشته گیم تایم هایی مانند 30 روزه و 180 روزه هم موجود بود اما به دلیل سیاست های جدید این کمپانی و خط مشی که در نظر گرفته است، تنها گیم تایمی که در حال حاضر امکان فراهم کردن آن برای گیمر های عزیز، گیم تایم 60 روزه می باشد. در ادامه توضیحات جالبی در مورد گیم تایم برای شما جمع آوری کرده ایم که خواندنشان خالی از لطف نیست.

    کاربرد گیم تایم دو ماهه

    در حال حاضر گیم تایم 2 ماهه در تمامی زمینه های world of warcraft کاربرد دارد. اما اگر می خواهید که یک سری تجربه های جذاب و جدید را تجربه کنید باید این گیم تایم را خریداری کنید. این تجربه ها عبارتند از:
    استفاده از اکسپنشن های جدید
    بازی در مپ های جدید
    لول آپ به سبک جدید
    تغییر در شکل بازی

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     خرید گیم تایم 60 روزه: بدون شک همه ی دوستداران بازی های آنلاین چندین سال است که با نام بازی  ورلد آف وارکرافت آشنا هستند ، بازی وارکرافت یکی از بازی های پر طرفدار و جذاب در بین گیم های آنلاین چند نفره است که توسط شرکت بلیزارد ارائه شد.

  • خرید بازی دراگون فلایت جت گیم  سری بازی ورلد آف وارکرافت یکی از قدیمی ترین گیم هایی است که هم از نظر محبوبیت و هم از نظر شکل بازی نزدیک به دو دهه است که با ارائه انواع بسته های الحاقی برای دوستداران این گیم سرپا است و به کار خود ادامه می دهد .
    ورلد آف وارکرافت توسط شرکت بلیزارد ارائه شده و بدلیل سبک بازی و گرافیک بالا در سرتاسر جهان طرفداران زیادی را به خود جذب کرده است.
    این بازی محبوب دارای انواع بسته های الحاقی میباشد که جدید ترین آن که به تازگی رونمائی شده و در حال حاضر صرفا امکان تهیه پیش فروش آن فراهم میباشد دراگون فلایت است
    این بازی که از نظر سبک بازی با سایر نسخه ها متفاوت بوده و جذابیت خاص خود را دارد که در ادامه به آن می پردازیم . همچنین برای تهیه نسخه های این گیم جذاب می توانید به سایت جت گیم مراجعه نمائید. در ادامه بیشتر در مورد بازی و سیستم مورد نیاز بازی می پردازیم

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    استفاده از اکسپنشن های جدید
    بازی در مپ های جدید
    لول آپ به سبک جدید
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  • In fact, the 60-day game time is a new example of game times to be used in the World of Warcraft game. In the following, we explain more about this product and how to use it.

    By purchasing 60-day game time, during that game time (60 days), you will have access to features in the World of Warcraft game, which include the following:

    1- permission to level up to level 50 (without game time, you can only play up to level 20)

    2- permission to chat with others in the game (you cannot chat in the game without game time)

    3 - Access to the game World of Warcraft Classic
    Prepared from the Jet Game website

  • ر واقع گیم تایم 60 روزه نمونه ای جدید است از گیم تایم ها برای استفاده دربازی World of Warcraft  . که در ادامه بیشتر در مورد این محصول و نحوه استفاده از آن توضیح می دهیم .

    شما با خرید گیم تایم 60 روزه در مدت زمان آن گیم تایم ( 60 روز ) به امکاناتی در بازی World of Warcraft درسترسی پیدا خواهید کرد که این امکانات شامل موارد زیر میباشند :

    1 - اجازه لول آپ کردن تا لول 50 ( بدون گیم تایم فقط می توانید تا لول 20 بازی کنید )

    2 - اجازه  چت کردن با دیگران درون بازی ( بدون گیم تایم نمی توانید در بازی  چت کنید )

    3 - دسترسی به بازی World of Warcraft Classic

    در نتیجه برای بازی در World of Warcraft حتمآ به تهیه گیم تایم نیاز دارید.تهیه از سایت جت گیم

  • The 60-day game time is currently the only game time provided by the Blizzard company for the players of the game, Word of Warcraft. In the past, game times such as 30 days and 180 days were also available, but due to the new policies of this company and the policy it has considered, the only game time that is currently available for dear gamers is Game Time 60. It is fasting. In the following, we have collected interesting explanations about Game Time for you, which are worth reading.

    Game time application for two months

    Currently, 2-month game time is used in all areas of World of Warcraft. But if you want to experience a series of interesting and new experiences, you should buy this game time. These experiences include:
    Using new extensions
    Play on new maps
    Lollup in a new style
    Change in the shape of the game
    Prepared from the Jet Game website

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  • Popularity of Gametime for two months:
    As mentioned above, the 60-day game time has been more popular than other game times for several months. This is because it has both the right time and the right price. The reason why World of Warcraft players use this type of game time is the duration. Because the game time of 60 days is an average game time and most people use the days of this game time. One advantage that this game time has over other game times is its duration.

    All kinds of game time regions
    In general, the two-month game time is made from 2 regions, Europe and America. But an important point is that it is recommended to get a region of Gametime that is compatible with your Shadowland region. If you are looking for our advice, we recommend you to buy Region Europe. Because it is close to Middle East servers and usually you get better ping. Prepared from the Jet Game website

  • The 60-day game time is currently the only game time provided by the Blizzard company for the players of the game, Word of Warcraft. In the past, game times such as 30 days and 180 days were also available, but due to the new policies of this company and the policy it has considered, the only game time that is currently available for dear gamers is Game Time 60. It is fasting. In the following, we have collected interesting explanations about Game Time for you, which are worth reading.

    Game time application for two months

    Currently, 2-month game time is used in all areas of World of Warcraft. But if you want to experience a series of interesting and new experiences, you should buy this game time. These experiences include:
    Using new extensions
    Play on new maps
    Lollup in a new style
    Change in the shape of the game
    Prepared from the Jet Game website.

  • Buy 60 days game time from Jet Game

    If you are looking to buy a 60-day game time for your World of Warcraft game, you can visit the Jet Game store. One of the features of this store is that it is instant. After paying the price, the product code will be delivered to you as soon as possible. Currently, the advantage of the Jet Game store is that it is faster than other stores. And it is operating with an experienced staff and with the support of products provided to users at the most appropriate price.

    The best way to activate 60 days game time
    The easiest way and the best way to activate Gametime is to present it to the Battlenet client. A code will be sent to you after you purchase 60 days of game time from Jet Game. You must enter this code in the BattleNet client in the Redem a Code section to activate the 60-day game time for you. But another way to activate Gametime is to visit the Battlenet site.

    Gametime's connection to Shadoland
    From the very first day that Shdoland came to the World of Warcraft, Game Time was also presented. It can be said that the main purpose of connecting Gametime to Shadeland is to prevent cheating. Because you have to pay a lot of money to be able to play Game Time. On the other hand, it is to strengthen the servers. After the emergence of Gametime servers, Warcraft game servers have also become stronger.
    Prepared from the Jet Game website

  • معمولا فرانچایز ورلد آف وارکرافت خیلی وابسته به گرافیک نیست وبه همین دلیل حداقل سیستم مورد نیاز ورلد آف وارکرافت دراگون فلایت فرق چندانی با نسخه های قبلی خود ندارد.

    همچنین لازم به ذکر است در صورتی که شما سیستم قدرتمند داشته باشید قادر خواهید بود تا کیفیت گرافیکی بالاتری را نیز تجربه کنید وتغییر را
    تهیه از سایت جت گیم نسبت به دی ال سی های قبلی این نسخه احساس خواهید کرد.

  • If you have been a die-hard fan of the Diablo series, you have undoubtedly experienced both the Reaper of Souls and Rise of the Necromancer expansion packs many times, however, Blizzard is for those who want both of these expansion packs in one complete package. has prepared the Diablo III Eternal Collection title so that they can fully enjoy these games in one place, and even those who have already experienced these games can go to Diablo III Eternal Collection to refresh their memories. Surely, your first question about the expansion pack Diablo III Reaper of Souls Ultimate Evil Edition will be related to its story. If you have finished Diablo III, you will surely agree with us that the ending of the game left many questions unanswered and added many plot points to the Serini storyline. So by buying the game Diablo® IIIEternal Collection from the fascinating ending of the game, all the fans were confident that Blizzard will not make us wait for more than a decade this time to answer the questions and we will soon find the answer to most of our questions. The story part of Diablo III Eternal Collection takes place immediately after the adventures of the main game and starts with a very attractive Blizzard-style cinematic. Tyrael by regrouping
    Horadr tries to take the Soul Stone, which now holds the Great Demon, to a safe place and away from any creature. But immediately after reaching the desired point, the mysterious and former brother enters the story. Finally, it should be said that if you haven't managed to experience Diablo III yet, it is better to experience the main game before experiencing the Diablo III Eternal Collection add-on package. Prepared from the Jet Game site.

  • By purchasing 60-day game time, during that game time (60 days), you will have access to features in the World of Warcraft game, which include the following:

    1- permission to level up to level 50 (without game time, you can only play up to level 20)

    2- permission to chat with others in the game (you cannot chat in the game without game time)

    3 - Access to the game World of Warcraft Classic

    As a result, to play in World of Warcraft, you definitely need to prepare game time.

    Note 1: Game time or the time of the Word of Warcraft game is used for the ability to play online, and without Game Time you will not be able to play the popular game of Word of Warcraft.

    Tip 2: If you don't have game time, you can't play Word of Warcraft Classic, and you can
    Prepared from the Jet Game website.

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  •  خریدبازیShadowlands Base اورجینال که میتوانید به 7 منطقه جدید بازی، کاوننت(Covenant)، دانجن(Dungeon) و رید(Raid) های جدید و بسیاری از آینم های جدید دیگر دسترسی پیدا کنند. که شامل7 منطقه جدید بازی به نام های Revendreath, Maldraxxus, Ardenweald, Bastion, The Maw, Korthia و در آخر Zereth Mortis که در آخرین بروزرسانی بازی به نام Eternity’s End اضافه شده است معرفی شدند. هر کدام از این منطقه های جدید در بازی می توانند مجموعه ای از رویداد های متفاوت و جذاب را برای گیمرها به همراه داشته باشند و تجربه ای بی نظیر برای آن ها ایجاد کند. چهار کاوننت بازی هم به نام های
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    همچنین با خریدبازیShadowlands Base از فروشگاه جت گیم میتوانید محصول خود را با قیمتی مناسب و در کمترین زمان ممکن تحویل بگیرید و خریدی مطمئن و بی دغدغه را تجربه کنید. جت گیم یکی از معتبرترین فروشگاه های بلیزارد درایران می باشد که دارای نماد اعتماد الکترونیکی از وزارتخانه های کشور میباشد تا شما با خیال آسوده به خرید خود بپردازید.

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  • خرید دراگون فلایت این اسامی ممکن است کمی برای گیمر های تازه وارد گیج‌ کننده باشد، چون آزروث نام قلمروی انسان‌ها و همچنین نام یکی از شبه‌قاره‌های سیاره‌ی آزروث نیز هست، ولی این اسم عموماً به خود سیاره نیز اشاره دارد

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  • خرید گیم تایم دومین ویژگی منحصر به فرد این دسته قابلیت اهلی کردن حیوانات وحشی مثل خرس ها گرگ ها و گربه سانان است. سه رشته ی اصلی کلاس شکارچی شامل رام کردن حیوانات و زنده ماندن در وحش و همچنین مهارت در تیر اندازی است. نیروی پایه ی شکارچی ها انرژی جادویی مانا

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  • خرید گیم تایم بخش ها و آیتم ها داشته است. بطور مثال در صورتی که شما تازه وارد در  بازی ورلد آف وارکرفت هستید این امر بدیهی است که در رقابت با بازکنان با سابقه به مشکل می خورید که کاملا طبیعی است. برای پیروزی ترفند های متعدد و قسمت های این بازی را یاد بگ

  • خرید گیم تایم سیاه را شکل دادند. با این‌که اربابان المنتال سعی در متوقف کردنشان داشتند، هرکدام‌شان به بردگی گرفته شدند

  • خرید دراگون فلایت منابع و سرمایه‌های خود را صرف این پروژه‌ی جاه ‌طلبانه کرده بود تا زیربنای آن را به خوبی استوار کند و دلیل دوم، بدون شک پشتیبانی منظم، دقیق و با شور و شوق بلیزارد از بازی خود در طول تمام این سال‌هاست.با این حال، اوج گسترش دادن بازی را باید در گسترش ‌دهنده‌های

  • خرید دراگون فلایت ارائه انواع بسته های الحاقی برای دوستداران این گیم سرپا است و به کار خود ادامه می دهد.ورلد آف وارکرافت توسط شرکت بلیزارد ارائه شده و بدلیل سبک بازی و گرافیک بالا در سرتاسر جهان طرفداران زیادی را به خود جذب کرده است

  • خرید دراگون فلایت ربازی‌ها، بلکه باعث شد تا بزرگ‌ترین گسترش ‌دهندگان این شرکت هم یک‌به‌یک جدا شوند و امیدی برای آینده نماند. آیا بلیزارد می‌تواند از روزهای تاریک و تار خود عبور کند و دوباره هیجان را در دل طرفداران گیم‌های کامپیوتری زنده کند؟ این سؤالی است که سعی داریم به آن

  • خرید گیم تایم در این بین اژدهایان نیز با مشکلاتی مواجه می شوند . مالیگوس ، مانند نلثاریون(مرگبال) دچار جنونی شدید شده است. اژدهایان لازم است هرچه زودتر اقدامی انجام دهند که داستان مرگبال دوباره تکرار نشود. ولی مسئولیت این دیوانگی با کیست

  • خرید دراگون فلایت پس از گسترش یافتن شبکه جهانی اینترنت در همان سال ها، شرکت بلیزارد به فکر این افتاد که شبکه ای جدید ایجاد کند تا گیمرهای بازی وارکرفت دسترسی داشته باشند از سرتاسر جهان به هم

  • خرید دراگون فلایت همچنین او در ادامه گفت که وقتی به بلیزارد پیوست این شرکت ، هنوز نمی‌دانست که جهان وارکرفت باید چگونه اثری باشد. آن‌ها می‌خواستند یک گیم چندنفره آنلاین اما با فضای سه بعدی خلق کنند ولی تجربه خاصی در این مورد نداشتند

  • خرید بازی اورواچ «پاتریک داسون» کارگردان و تهیه کننده حال حاضر بلیزارد روز انتشار در مورد آن می‌گوید:
    «آن مرحله های آغازین و آن لحظه‌های ابتدایی و در کل حس و حال بازی چیزهایی بودند که مرا غرق در خود کردند. خیلی گیم راحت و در دسترسی به نظر می‌رسید

  • خرید دراگون فلایت همچنین او در ادامه گفت که وقتی به بلیزارد پیوست این شرکت ، هنوز نمی‌دانست که جهان وارکرفت باید چگونه اثری باشد. آن‌ها می‌خواستند یک گیم چندنفره آنلاین اما با فضای سه بعدی خلق کنند ولی تجربه خاصی در این مورد نداشتند

  • خرید بازی شدولند رانتشار نسخه آلفا نبود. در ادامه مشخص شد که همه این موارد بخشی از یک برنامه آزمایش و انتشار فشرده تر بودند. به طوری که نسخه های رسمی بازی در تاریخ اعلام شده در دسترس بازیکنان قرار گرفتند

  • خرید شدولند مانند کشف محل های عجیب، شکار غول‌های بی شاخ و دم و موجودات وحشتناک و حتی ماهی ‌گیری دراین گیم وجود دارند که البته هر کدام از آن ها به صورت انفرادی و یا جمعی برای شما جذاب و لذت بخش خواهد بود.

  • خرید دراگون فلایت چگونه بر آینده‌ این گیم تأثیرگذارخواهد بود.
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