When you build an application with JavaScript, you always want to modularize your code. However, JavaScript language was initially invented for simple form manipulation, with no built-in features like module or namespace. In years, tons of technologies are invented to modularize JavaScript. This article discusses all mainstream terms, patterns, libraries, syntax, and tools for JavaScript modules.
In the browser, defining a JavaScript variable is defining a global variable, which causes pollution across all JavaScript files loaded by the current web page:
// Define global variables.let count = 0; const increase = () => ++count; const reset = () => { count = 0; console.log("Count is reset."); }; // Use global variables. increase(); reset();
To avoid global pollution, an anonymous function can be used to wrap the code:
(() => { let count = 0; // ... });
Apparently, there is no longer any global variable. However, defining a function does not execute the code inside the function.
IIFE: Immediately invoked function expression
To execute the code inside a function f, the syntax is function call () as f(). To execute the code inside an anonymous function (() => {}), the same function call syntax () can be used as (() => {})():
(() => { let count = 0; // ... })();
This is called an IIFE (Immediately invoked function expression). So a basic module can be defined in this way:
It wraps the module code inside an IIFE. The anonymous function returns an object, which is the placeholder of exported APIs. Only 1 global variable is introduced, which is the module name (or namespace). Later the module name can be used to call the exported module APIs. This is called the module pattern of JavaScript.
Import mixins
When defining a module, some dependencies may be required. With IIFE module pattern, each dependent module is a global variable. The dependent modules can be directly accessed inside the anonymous function, or they can be passed as the anonymous function’s arguments:
The early version of popular libraries, like jQuery, followed this pattern. (The latest version of jQuery follows the UMD module, which is explained later in this article.)
The revealing module pattern is named by Christian Heilmann. This pattern is also an IIFE, but it emphasizes defining all APIs as local variables inside the anonymous function:
With this syntax, it becomes easier when the APIs need to call each other.
CJS module: CommonJS module, or Node.js module
CommonJS, initially named ServerJS, is a pattern to define and consume modules. It is implemented by Node,js. By default, each .js file is a CommonJS module. A module variable and an exports variable are provided for a module (a file) to expose APIs. And a require function is provided to load and consume a module. The following code defines the counter module in CommonJS syntax:
The following example consumes the counter module:
// Use CommonJS module.const { increase, reset } = require("./commonJSCounterModule"); increase(); reset(); // Or equivelently:const commonJSCounterModule = require("./commonJSCounterModule"); commonJSCounterModule.increase(); commonJSCounterModule.reset();
At runtime, Node.js implements this by wrapping the code inside the file into a function, then passes the exports variable, module variable, and require function through arguments.
AMD module: Asynchronous Module Definition, or RequireJS module
AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition https://github.com/amdjs/amdjs-api), is a pattern to define and consume module. It is implemented by RequireJS library https://requirejs.org/. AMD provides a define function to define module, which accepts the module name, dependent modules’ names, and a factory function:
It also provides a require function to consume module:
// Use AMD module.require(["amdCounterModule"], amdCounterModule => { amdCounterModule.increase(); amdCounterModule.reset(); });
The AMD require function is totally different from the CommonJS require function. AMD require accept the names of modules to be consumed, and pass the module to a function argument.
Dynamic loading
AMD’s define function has another overload. It accepts a callback function, and pass a CommonJS-like require function to that callback. Inside the callback function, require can be called to dynamically load the module:
The above define function overload can also passes the require function as well as exports variable and module to its callback function. So inside the callback, CommonJS syntax code can work:
UMD module: Universal Module Definition, or UmdJS module
UMD (Universal Module Definition, https://github.com/umdjs/umd) is a set of tricky patterns to make your code file work in multiple environments.
UMD for both AMD (RequireJS) and native browser
For example, the following is a kind of UMD pattern to make module definition work with both AMD (RequireJS) and native browser:
// Define UMD module for both AMD and browser. ((root, factory) => { // Detects AMD/RequireJS"s define function.if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { // Is AMD/RequireJS. Call factory with AMD/RequireJS"s define function. define("umdCounterModule", ["deependencyModule1", "dependencyModule2"], factory); } else { // Is Browser. Directly call factory.// Imported dependencies are global variables(properties of window object).// Exported module is also a global variable(property of window object) root.umdCounterModule = factory(root.deependencyModule1, root.dependencyModule2); } })(typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : this, (deependencyModule1, dependencyModule2) => { // Module code goes here.let count = 0; const increase = () => ++count; const reset = () => { count = 0; console.log("Count is reset."); }; return { increase, reset }; });
It is more complex but it is just an IIFE. The anonymous function detects if AMD’s define function exists.
If yes, call the module factory with AMD’s define function.
If not, it calls the module factory directly. At this moment, the root argument is actually the browser’s window object. It gets dependency modules from global variables (properties of window object). When factory returns the module, the returned module is also assigned to a global variable (property of window object).
UMD for both AMD (RequireJS) and CommonJS (Node.js)
The following is another kind of UMD pattern to make module definition work with both AMD (RequireJS) and CommonJS (Node.js):
(define => define((require, exports, module) => { // Module code goes here.const dependencyModule1 = require("dependencyModule1"); const dependencyModule2 = require("dependencyModule2"); let count = 0; const increase = () => ++count; const reset = () => { count = 0; console.log("Count is reset."); }; module.export = { increase, reset }; }))(// Detects module variable and exports variable of CommonJS/Node.js.// Also detect the define function of AMD/RequireJS.typeofmodule === "object" && module.exports && typeof define !== "function" ? // Is CommonJS/Node.js. Manually create a define function. factory => module.exports = factory(require, exports, module) : // Is AMD/RequireJS. Directly use its define function. define);
Again, don’t be scared. It is just another IIFE. When the anonymous function is called, its argument is evaluated. The argument evaluation detects the environment (check the module variable and exports variable of CommonJS/Node.js, as well as the define function of AMD/RequireJS).
If the environment is CommonJS/Node.js, the anonymous function’s argument is a manually created define function.
If the environment is AMD/RequireJS, the anonymous function’s argument is just AMD’s define function. So when the anonymous function is executed, it is guaranteed to have a working define function. Inside the anonymous function, it simply calls the define function to create the module.
ES module: ECMAScript 2015, or ES6 module
After all the module mess, in 2015, JavaScript’s spec version 6 introduces one more different module syntax. This spec is called ECMAScript 2015 (ES2015), or ECMAScript 6 (ES6). The main syntax is the import keyword and the export keyword. The following example uses new syntax to demonstrate ES module’s named import/export and default import/export:
// Define ES module: esCounterModule.js or esCounterModule.mjs.import dependencyModule1 from"./dependencyModule1.mjs"; import dependencyModule2 from"./dependencyModule2.mjs"; let count = 0; // Named export:exportconst increase = () => ++count; exportconst reset = () => { count = 0; console.log("Count is reset."); }; // Or default export:exportdefault { increase, reset };
To use this module file in browser, add a <script> tag and specify it is a module: <script type="module" src="esCounterModule.js"></script>. To use this module file in Node.js, rename its extension from .js to .mjs.
// Use ES module.// Browser: <script type="module" src="esCounterModule.js"></script> or inline.// Server: esCounterModule.mjs// Import from named export.import { increase, reset } from"./esCounterModule.mjs"; increase(); reset(); // Or import from default export:import esCounterModule from"./esCounterModule.mjs"; esCounterModule.increase(); esCounterModule.reset();
For browser, <script>’s nomodule attribute can be used for fallback:
ES dynamic module: ECMAScript 2020, or ES11 dynamic module
In 2020, the latest JavaScript spec version 11 is introducing a built-in function import to consume an ES module dynamically. The import function returns a promise, so its then method can be called to consume the module:
// Use dynamic ES module with promise APIs, import from named export:import("./esCounterModule.js").then(({ increase, reset }) => { increase(); reset(); }); // Or import from default export:import("./esCounterModule.js").then(dynamicESCounterModule => { dynamicESCounterModule.increase(); dynamicESCounterModule.reset(); });
By returning a promise, apparently, import function can also work with the await keyword:
// Use dynamic ES module with async/await. (async () => { // Import from named export:const { increase, reset } = awaitimport("./esCounterModule.js"); increase(); reset(); // Or import from default export:const dynamicESCounterModule = awaitimport("./esCounterModule.js"); dynamicESCounterModule.increase(); dynamicESCounterModule.reset(); })();
SystemJS is a library that can enable ES module syntax for older ES. For example, the following module is defined in ES 6syntax:
// Define ES module.import dependencyModule1 from"./dependencyModule1.js"; import dependencyModule2 from"./dependencyModule2.js"; dependencyModule1.api1(); dependencyModule2.api2(); let count = 0; // Named export:exportconst increase = function () { return ++count }; exportconst reset = function () { count = 0; console.log("Count is reset."); }; // Or default export:exportdefault { increase, reset }
If the current runtime, like an old browser, does not support ES6 syntax, the above code cannot work. One solution is to transpile the above module definition to a call of SystemJS library API, System.register:
// Define SystemJS module. System.register(["./dependencyModule1.js", "./dependencyModule2.js"], function (exports_1, context_1) { "use strict"; var dependencyModule1_js_1, dependencyModule2_js_1, count, increase, reset; var __moduleName = context_1 && context_1.id; return { setters: [ function (dependencyModule1_js_1_1) { dependencyModule1_js_1 = dependencyModule1_js_1_1; }, function (dependencyModule2_js_1_1) { dependencyModule2_js_1 = dependencyModule2_js_1_1; } ], execute: function () { dependencyModule1_js_1.default.api1(); dependencyModule2_js_1.default.api2(); count = 0; // Named export: exports_1("increase", increase = function () { return ++count }; exports_1("reset", reset = function () { count = 0; console.log("Count is reset."); };); // Or default export: exports_1("default", { increase, reset }); } }; });
So that the import/export new ES6 syntax is gone. The old API call syntax works for sure. This transpilation can be done automatically with Webpack, TypeScript, etc., which are explained later in this article.
Dynamic module loading
SystemJS also provides an import function for dynamic import:
// Use SystemJS module with promise APIs. System.import("./esCounterModule.js").then(dynamicESCounterModule => { dynamicESCounterModule.increase(); dynamicESCounterModule.reset(); });
Webpack module: bundle from CJS, AMD, ES modules
Webpack is a bundler for modules. It transpiles combined CommonJS module, AMD module, and ES module into a single harmony module pattern, and bundle all code into a single file. For example, the following 3 files define 3 modules in 3 different syntaxes:
AS a result, Webpack generates the bundle file main.js. The following code in main.js is reformatted, and variables are renamed, to improve readability:
(function (modules) { // webpackBootstrap// The module cachevar installedModules = {}; // The require functionfunctionrequire(moduleId) { // Check if module is in cacheif (installedModules[moduleId]) { return installedModules[moduleId].exports; } // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)varmodule = installedModules[moduleId] = { i: moduleId, l: false, exports: {} }; // Execute the module function modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, require); // Flag the module as loadedmodule.l = true; // Return the exports of the modulereturnmodule.exports; } // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)require.m = modules; // expose the module cacherequire.c = installedModules; // define getter function for harmony exportsrequire.d = function (exports, name, getter) { if (!require.o(exports, name)) { Object.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter }); } }; // define __esModule on exportsrequire.r = function (exports) { if (typeofSymbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) { Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }); } Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); }; // create a fake namespace object// mode & 1: value is a module id, require it// mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns// mode & 4: return value when already ns object// mode & 8|1: behave like requirerequire.t = function (value, mode) { if (mode & 1) value = require(value); if (mode & 8) return value; if ((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value; var ns = Object.create(null); require.r(ns); Object.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value }); if (mode & 2 && typeof value != 'string') for (var key in value) require.d(ns, key, function (key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key)); return ns; }; // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modulesrequire.n = function (module) { var getter = module && module.__esModule ? functiongetDefault() { returnmodule['default']; } : functiongetModuleExports() { returnmodule; }; require.d(getter, 'a', getter); return getter; }; // Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.callrequire.o = function (object, property) { returnObject.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); }; // __webpack_public_path__require.p = ""; // Load entry module and return exportsreturnrequire(require.s = 0); })([ function (module, exports, require) { "use strict"; require.r(exports); // Use ES module: index.js.var esCounterModule = require(1); esCounterModule["default"].increase(); esCounterModule["default"].reset(); }, function (module, exports, require) { "use strict"; require.r(exports); // Define ES module: esCounterModule.js.var amdDependencyModule1 = require.n(require(2)); var commonJSDependencyModule2 = require.n(require(3)); amdDependencyModule1.a.api1(); commonJSDependencyModule2.a.api2(); let count = 0; const increase = () => ++count; const reset = () => { count = 0; console.log("Count is reset."); }; exports["default"] = { increase, reset }; }, function (module, exports, require) { var result; !(result = (() => { // Define AMD module: amdDependencyModule1.jsconst api1 = () => { }; return { api1 }; }).call(exports, require, exports, module), result !== undefined && (module.exports = result)); }, function (module, exports, require) { // Define CommonJS module: commonJSDependencyModule2.jsconst dependencyModule1 = require(2); const api2 = () => dependencyModule1.api1(); exports.api2 = api2; } ]);
Again, it is just another IIFE. The code of all 4 files is transpiled to the code in 4 functions in an array. And that array is passed to the anonymous function as an argument.
Babel module: transpile from ES module
Babel is another transpiler to convert ES6+ JavaScript code to the older syntax for the older environment like older browsers. The above counter module in ES6 import/export syntax can be converted to the following babel module with new syntax replaced:
// Babel.Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports["default"] = void0; function_interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; } // Define ES module: esCounterModule.js.var dependencyModule1 = _interopRequireDefault(require("./amdDependencyModule1")); var dependencyModule2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("./commonJSDependencyModule2")); dependencyModule1["default"].api1(); dependencyModule2["default"].api2(); var count = 0; var increase = function () { return ++count; }; var reset = function () { count = 0; console.log("Count is reset."); }; exports["default"] = { increase: increase, reset: reset };
And here is the code in index.js which consumes the counter module:
Now Babel can work with SystemJS to transpile CommonJS/Node.js module, AMD/RequireJS module, and ES module:
npx babel src --out-dir lib
The result is:
amdDependencyModule1.js (Transpiled with SystemJS)
commonJSDependencyModule2.js (Transpiled with SystemJS)
esCounterModule.js (Transpiled with SystemJS)
index.js (Transpiled with SystemJS)
Now all the ADM, CommonJS, and ES module syntax are transpiled to SystemJS syntax:
// Transpile AMD/RequireJS module definition to SystemJS syntax: lib/amdDependencyModule1.js. System.register([], function (_export, _context) { "use strict"; return { setters: [], execute: function () { // Define AMD module: src/amdDependencyModule1.js define("amdDependencyModule1", () => { const api1 = () => { }; return { api1 }; }); } }; }); // Transpile CommonJS/Node.js module definition to SystemJS syntax: lib/commonJSDependencyModule2.js. System.register([], function (_export, _context) { "use strict"; var dependencyModule1, api2; return { setters: [], execute: function () { // Define CommonJS module: src/commonJSDependencyModule2.js dependencyModule1 = require("./amdDependencyModule1"); api2 = () => dependencyModule1.api1(); exports.api2 = api2; } }; }); // Transpile ES module definition to SystemJS syntax: lib/esCounterModule.js. System.register(["./amdDependencyModule1", "./commonJSDependencyModule2"], function (_export, _context) { "use strict"; var dependencyModule1, dependencyModule2, count, increase, reset; return { setters: [function (_amdDependencyModule) { dependencyModule1 = _amdDependencyModule.default; }, function (_commonJSDependencyModule) { dependencyModule2 = _commonJSDependencyModule.default; }], execute: function () { // Define ES module: src/esCounterModule.js. dependencyModule1.api1(); dependencyModule2.api2(); count = 0; increase = () => ++count; reset = () => { count = 0; console.log("Count is reset."); }; _export("default", { increase, reset }); } }; }); // Transpile ES module usage to SystemJS syntax: lib/index.js. System.register(["./esCounterModule"], function (_export, _context) { "use strict"; var esCounterModule; return { setters: [function (_esCounterModuleJs) { esCounterModule = _esCounterModuleJs.default; }], execute: function () { // Use ES module: src/index.js esCounterModule.increase(); esCounterModule.reset(); } }; });
TypeScript module: Transpile to CJS, AMD, ES, System modules
TypeScript supports all JavaScript syntax, including the ES6 module syntax https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/modules.html. When TypeScript transpiles, the ES module code can either be kept as ES6, or transpiled to other formats, including CommonJS/Node.js, AMD/RequireJS, UMD/UmdJS, or System/SystemJS, according to the specified transpiler options in tsconfig.json:
AMD module: Asynchronous Module Definition, or RequireJS module
UMD module: Universal Module Definition, or UmdJS module
ES module: ECMAScript 2015, or ES6 module
ES dynamic module: ECMAScript 2020, or ES11 dynamic module
System module: SystemJS module
Webpack module: transpile and bundle of CJS, AMD, ES modules
Babel module: transpile ES module
TypeScript module and namespace
Fortunately, now JavaScript has standard built-in language features for modules, and it is supported by Node.js and all the latest modern browsers. For the older environments, you can still code with the new ES module syntax, then use Webpack/Babel/SystemJS/TypeScript to transpile to older or compatible syntax.
This is insane. Also you have a typo `mian.js`
I don't mean you're insane, just JS. Thanks for the summary.
@Derp I fixed the typo. Thank you!
Very helpful tutorial. I've found that the ES6 module pattern works well when using Javascript classes as well.
Nice. Thank you!
Excellent summary mate!
Once I was quite successful with AMD, requires is/was amazing back 2014.
Today I'm optimistic with ES natively in the browser, script type module, I haven't figured out the tooling to optimize my js with this new way of using modules but it is definitely life changing.
This article is very fun, thanks for taking the time to put it all together.
Excellent work, comprehensively covering this important and often confusing topic. Thank you - bookmarked!
Hi, many thanks for this post !! Very comprehensive guide with many examples. Things stands clear now for me ;)
I think there is mini typo there:
AMD’s ***require*** function has another overload. It accepts a callback function, and pass a CommonJS-like require function to that callback. So AMD modules can be loaded by calling require:
It's *define* function that accepts a callback, not *require*.
This was a great historical overview -- thank you.
A small typo: "Only 1 global variable is introduced, which is the modal name."
I believe you meant to say "module name", not "modal name."
Excellent work, one of the best JS modules explanation article.
Thank you!
@pomeh, @Brian, I fixed the typo. Thank you!
Thank you for sharing this helpful article, good content, beautiful images, hope you continue to post more articles.
Nicely written, appreciate you putting the effort on an example for each one.
Thank you
Excellent, THX!
Great article, thanks!
+ Not sure this is intended or not, but seems "deependencyModule1" is a typo in "UMD for both AMD (RequireJS) and native browser" section. Should be "dependencyModule1"?
Try https://hqjs.org/ it is smart server that transform modules to ES6 format.
The article is very good and complete for me, the image and content I see are quite quality, hope that in the future you will continue to share more.
Thank you
I just use webpack bundler, I dont know how those modules work.
Thanks for the article, now we know, how the JavaScript was a mess and we improved.
Thanks for sharing the article it's a real helpful one, The article covering most of the important topics, and main parts of JavaScript.
Nice work and keep posting.
so nice and perfect
thanks veryyy good
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It took three years for players to notice the "offensive" hand gesture lurking in one of South Korea's most popular multiplayer games.
When players made their avatars laugh, talk or give the "OK" sign in "Lost Ark," they clicked an icon featuring a gesture that might have appeared benign to many: an index finger nearly touching a thumb.
But some of "Lost Ark's" users began claiming in August that the gesture was a sexist insult against men, and they demanded its removal.
Smilegate — the creator of "Lost Ark" and one of South Korea's biggest video game developers — quickly complied with the requests for removal. The company removed the icon from the game, and vowed to be more vigilant about policing "game-unrelated controversies" in their products.
Now, though, the latest development in this war is reaching a fever pitch. Since May, more than 20 brands and government organizations have removed what some see as feminist symbols from their products, after mounting pressure. At least 12 of those brands or organizations have issued an apology to placate male customers.
Anti-feminism has a years-long history in South Korea, and research suggests that such sentiments are taking hold among the country's young men. In May, the Korean marketing and research firm Hankook Research said it found that more than 77% of men in their twenties and more than 73% of men in their 30s were "repulsed by feminists or feminism," according to a survey. (The firm surveyed 3,000 adults, half of whom were men.)
The fact that corporations are responding to pressure to modify their products suggests that these anti-feminists are gaining influence in a country that is already struggling with gender issues. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development says that South Korea
among OECD countries. And roughly 5% of board members at publicly listed companies in the country are women compared to the OECD average of nearly 27%.
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Recent results have taken a lot of stress and pressure off the national team which means that full attention can be paid to the biggest club game in Asian soccer which takes place this Tuesday (1 a.m. Wednesday Seoul time) ― the final of the Asian Champions League.
"We are not yet in the World Cup," said the Portuguese boss. "We should keep trying to improve our process and it's what we're going to do in the next training camp."
The good news is that there are eight points between South Korea and the United Arab Emirates in third. With just four games remaining, that is a huge gap and it is almost impossible to see the UAE, or any of Lebanon, Iraq or Syria finishing above Korea. In short, the team will really have to mess up not to be in Qatar next November despite what coach Paulo Bento said.
It doesn't matter which team finishes top or second as both will go to the World Cup. The crucial point is the gap between second and third. Second goes to the World Cup, third has a chance through the playoffs while the other three teams have to wait until 2026.
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Lee Jae-myung, presidential candidate of the Democratic Party of Korea, made a pledge in the field of science and technology on the 22nd, saying, "We will complete the moon landing project by 2030."
Candidate Lee held a press conference at his headquarters in Yeouido, Seoul, earlier in the day and announced the seven major pledges of science and technology, saying, "The world will focus on investing in science and technology surprisingly strongly."
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Candidate Lee said, "The success of the launch of the Nuri in October brought pride and pride that South Korea could become the main character of the aerospace era," adding, "The abolition of the South Korea-U.S. missile guidelines will be a great opportunity."
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