Lambda Calculus via C# (7) Fixed Point Combinator and Recursion

[FP & LINQ via C# series]

[Lambda Calculus via C# series]

p is the fixed point (aka invariant point) of function f if and only if:

≡ f p

Take function Math.Sqrt as example, it has 2 fix point, 0 and 1, so that 0 ≡ Math.Sqrt(0) and 1 ≡ Math.Sqrt(1).


The above fixed point definition also leads to infinite substitution:

≡ f p
≡ f (f p)
≡ f (f (f p))
≡ ...
≡ f (f (f ... (f p) ...))

Similarly, the fixed point combinator Y is defined as if Y f is the fixed point of f:

  (Y f)
≡ f (Y f)

Normal order fixed point combinator (Y combinator) and recursion

The following Y combinator is an implementation of fixed point combinator, discovered by Haskell Curry:

Y := λf.(λg.f (g g)) (λg.f (g g))

It is called the normal order fixed point combinator:

  Y f
≡ (λf.(λg.f (g g)) (λg.f (g g))) f
≡ (λg.f (g g)) (λg.f (g g))
≡ f ((λg.f (g g)) (λg.f (g g)))
≡ f (Y f)


The following is Y implemented in SKI:

Y := S (K (S I I)) (S (S (K S) K) (K (S I I)))

And just in SK:

Y := S S K (S (K (S S (S (S S K)))) K)

When Y f can also be substituted infinitely:

  (Y f)
≡ f (Y f)
≡ f (f (Y f))
≡ f (f (f (Y f)))
≡ ...
≡ f (f (f ... (f (Y f)) ...))


So Y can be used to implement recursion. As fore mentioned, in lambda calculus, a function cannot directly apply it self in its body. Take the factorial function as example, the factorial of n is defined recursively:

  • If n is greater than 0, then factorial of n is the multiplication of n and factorial of n – 1
  • if n is 0, then factorial of n is 1

So naturally:

Factorial := λn.If (n == 0) (λx.1) (λx.n * (Factorial (n - 1)))

However, in lambda calculus the above definition is illegal, because the self reference does not work anonymously:

λn.If (n == 0) (λx.1) (λx.n * (? (n - 1)))

Now with the power of Y combinator, the recursion can be implemented, but still in the anonymous way. First, in above definition, just pass the reference of itself as an variable/argument:

λf.λn.If (n == 0) (λx.1) (λx.n * (f (n - 1)))

If the above function is called FactorialHelper, then the Factorial function can be implemented as:

FactorialHelper := λf.λn.If (n == 0) (λx.1) (λx.n * (f (n - 1)))
Factorial := Y FactorialHelper

So the recursive Factorial is implemented anonymously:

≡ Y FactorialHelper
≡ (λf.(λg.f (g g)) (λg.f (g g))) FactorialHelper
≡ (λf.(λg.f (g g)) (λg.f (g g))) (λf.λn.If (n == 0) (λx.1) (λx.n * (f (n - 1))))

When Factorial is applied, according to the definition of Factorial and Y:

  Factorial 3
≡ Y FactorialHelper 3
≡ FactorialHelper (Y FactorialHelper) 3

Here (Y FactorialHelper) can be substituted by Factorial, according to the definition. So FactorialHelper is called with Factorial and n, exactly as expected.

The normal order Y combinator does not work with applicative order reduction. In applicative order, here FactorialHelper is applied with (Y FactorialHelper), so the right most argument Y FactorialHelper should be reduced first, which leads to infinite reduction:

  FactorialHelper (Y FactorialHelper) 3
≡ FactorialHelper (FactorialHelper (Y FactorialHelper)) 3
≡ FactorialHelper (FactorialHelper (FactorialHelper (Y FactorialHelper))) 3
≡ ...

The normal order Y combinator only works with normal order. In normal order, here FactorialHelper is applied with (Y FactorialHelper), so the left most function FactorialHelper should be reduced first:

  FactorialHelper (Y FactorialHelper) 3
≡ (λf.λn.If (n == 0) (λx.1) (λx.n * (f (n - 1)))) (Y FactorialHelper) 3
≡ (λn.If (n == 0) (λx.1) (λx.n * (Y FactorialHelper (n - 1)))) 3
≡ If (3 == 0) (λx.1) (λx.3 * (Y FactorialHelper (3 - 1)))
≡ If (False) (λx.1) (λx.3 * (Y FactorialHelper (3 - 1))
≡ 3 * (Y FactorialHelper (3 - 1))
≡ 3 * (FactorialHelper (Y FactorialHelper) (3 - 1))
≡ 3 * ((λf.λn.If (n == 0) (λx.1) (λx.n * (f (n - 1)))) (Y FactorialHelper) (3 - 1))
≡ 3 * ((λn.If (n == 0) (λx.1) (λx.n * (Y FactorialHelper (n - 1)))) (3 - 1))
≡ 3 * (If ((3 - 1) == 0) (λx.1) (λx.(3 - 1) * (Y FactorialHelper ((3 - 1) - 1))))
≡ 3 * ((3 - 1) * (Y FactorialHelper ((3 - 1) - 1)))
≡ 3 * (2 * (Y FactorialHelper ((3 - 1) - 1)))
≡ 3 * (2 * (FactorialHelper (Y FactorialHelper) ((3 - 1) - 1)))
≡ 3 * (2 * ((λf.λn.If (n == 0) (λx.1) (λx.n * (f (n - 1)))) (Y FactorialHelper) ((3 - 1) - 1)))
≡ 3 * (2 * ((λn.If (n == 0) (λx.1) (λx.n * (Y FactorialHelper (n - 1)))) ((3 - 1) - 1)))
≡ 3 * (2 * (If (((3 - 1) - 1) == 0) (λx.1) (λx.((3 - 1) - 1) * (Y FactorialHelper (((3 - 1) - 1) - 1)))))
≡ 3 * (2 * (((3 - 1) - 1) * (Y FactorialHelper (((3 - 1) - 1) - 1))))
≡ 3 * (2 * (1 * (Y FactorialHelper (((3 - 1) - 1) - 1))))
≡ 3 * (2 * (1 * (FactorialHelper (Y FactorialHelper) (((3 - 1) - 1) - 1))))
≡ 3 * (2 * (1 * ((f.λn.If (n == 0) (λx.1) (λx.n * (f (n - 1)))) (Y FactorialHelper) (((3 - 1) - 1) - 1))))
≡ 3 * (2 * (1 * ((n.If (n == 0) (λx.1) (λx.n * (Y FactorialHelper (n - 1)))) (((3 - 1) - 1) - 1))))
≡ 3 * (2 * (1 * (If ((((3 - 1) - 1) - 1) == 0) (λx.1) (λx.(((3 - 1) - 1) - 1) * (Y FactorialHelper ((((3 - 1) - 1) - 1) - 1))))))
≡ 3 * (2 * (1 * 1))

So the Y f infinite reduction is blocked in in normal order reduction. First, Y f is reduced to f (Y f), then the next reduction is to reduce leftmost expression f, not the the rightmost (Y f). In the above example Y FactorialHelper n:

  • If n is greater than 0, Y Factorial n is reduced to n * (Y Factorial (n - 1)), where Y Factorial can be further reduced, so the recursion continues.
  • If n is 0, Y Factorial n is reduced to 1. The reduction ends, so the recursion terminates.

Y combinator is easy to implement in C#. Generally, for a recursive function f of type T -> TResult, its helper function accepts the T -> TResult function and a T value, then return TResult, so its helper function is of type (T -> TResult) –> T -> TResult. Y can be viewed as accepting helper function and returns f. so Y is of type ((T -> TResult) –> T -> TResult) -> (T -> TResult). So:

public static partial class FixedPointCombinators<T, TResult>
    // Y = (g => f(g(g)))(g => f(g(g)))
    public static readonly Func<Func<Func<T, TResult>, Func<T, TResult>>, Func<T, TResult>>
        Y = f => new SelfApplicableFunc<Func<T, TResult>>(g => f(g(g)))(g => f(g(g)));

Here are the types of the elements in above lambda expression:

  • g: SelfApplicableFunc<T -> TResult>
  • g(g): T -> TResult
  • f: (T -> TResult) –> T -> TResult
  • f(g(g)): T => TResult
  • g => f(g(g)): SelfApplicableFunc<T -> TResult> –> T -> TResult, which is SelfApplicableFunc<T -> TResult> by definition
  • (g => f(g(g)))(g => f(g(g))): T -> TResult

For Factorial, apparently it is of function type Numeral -> Numeral, so FactorialHelper is of function type (Numeral -> Numeral) –> Numeral -> Numeral:

using static FixedPointCombinators<Numeral, Numeral>;

public static partial class ChurchNumeral
    // FactorialHelper = factorial => n => If(n == 0)(_ => 1)(_ => n * factorial(n - 1))
    public static readonly Func<Func<Numeral, Numeral>, Func<Numeral, Numeral>>
        FactorialHelper = factorial => n =>
                (_ => One)
                (_ => n.Multiply(factorial(n.Subtract(One))));

    public static readonly Func<Numeral, Numeral>
        Factorial = Y(FactorialHelper);

Calling above Factorial always throws StackOverflowException, because in C# executes in applicative order. When Factorial is called, it calls normal order Y in applicative order, which causes infinite execution.

Applicative order fixed point combinator (Z combinator) and recursion

The above Y combinator does not work in C#. When reducing Y f in applicative order, the self application in expression f (g g) leads to infinite reduction, which need to be blocked. The solution is to eta convert f (g g) to λx.f (g g) x. So the applicative order fixed point combinator is:

Z := λf.(λg.λx.f (g g) x) (λg.λx.f (g g) x)

It is called Z combinator. Now reduce Z f in applicative order:

  Z f
≡ (λf.(λg.λx.f (g g) x) (λg.λx.f (g g) x)) f
≡ (λg.λx.f (g g) x) (λg.λx.f (g g) x)
≡ λx.f ((λg.λx.f (g g) x) (λg.λx.f (g g) x)) x
≡ λx.f (Z f) x

This time Z f is not reduced to f (Z f), but reduced to the eta expanded version λx.f (Z f) x, so any further reduction is blocked. Still take factorial as example:

  Factorial 3
≡ Z FactorialHelper 3
≡ (λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) 3
≡ FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) 3
≡ FactorialHelper (λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) 3
≡ (λf.λn.If (n == 0) (λx.1) (λx.n * (f (n - 1)))) (λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) 3
≡ (λn.If (n == 0) (λx.1) (λx.n * ((λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) (n - 1)))) 3
≡ If (3 == 0) (λx.1) (λx.3 * ((λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) (3 - 1)))
≡ If (False) (λx.1) (λx.3 * ((λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) (3 - 1)))
≡ 3 * ((λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) (3 - 1))
≡ 3 * ((λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) 2)
≡ 3 * (FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) 2)
≡ 3 * (FactorialHelper (λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) 2)
≡ 3 * ((λf.λn.If (n == 0) (λx.1) (λx.n * (f (n - 1)))) (λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) 2)
≡ 3 * ((λn.If (n == 0) (λx.1) (λx.n * ((λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) (n - 1)))) 2)
≡ 3 * (If (2 == 0) (λx.1) (λx.2 * ((λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) (2 - 1))))
≡ 3 * (If (False) (λx.1) (λx.2 * ((λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) (2 - 1))))
≡ 3 * (2 * ((λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) (2 - 1)))
≡ 3 * (2 * ((λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) 1))
≡ 3 * (2 * (FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) 1))
≡ 3 * (2 * (FactorialHelper (λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) 1))
≡ 3 * (2 * ((λf.λn.If (n == 0) (λx.1) (λx.n * (f (n - 1)))) (λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) 1))
≡ 3 * (2 * ((λn.If (n == 0) (λx.1) (λx.n * ((λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) (n - 1)))) 1))
≡ 3 * (2 * (If (1 == 0) (λx.1) (λx.1 * ((λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) (1 - 1)))))
≡ 3 * (2 * (If (False) (λx.1) (λx.1 * ((λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) (1 - 1)))))
≡ 3 * (2 * (1 * ((λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) (1 - 1))))
≡ 3 * (2 * (1 * ((λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) 0)))
≡ 3 * (2 * (1 * (FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) 0)))
≡ 3 * (2 * (1 * (FactorialHelper (λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) 0)))
≡ 3 * (2 * (1 * ((λf.λn.If (n == 0) (λx.1) (λx.n * (f (n - 1)))) (λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) 0)))
≡ 3 * (2 * (1 * ((λn.If (n == 0) (λx.1) (λx.n * ((λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) (n - 1)))) 0)))
≡ 3 * (2 * (1 * (If (0 == 0) (λx.1) (λx.0 * ((λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) (n - 1))))))
≡ 3 * (2 * (1 * (If (True) (λx.1) (λx.0 * ((λx.FactorialHelper (Z FactorialHelper) x) (n - 1))))))
≡ 3 * (2 * (1 * 1))

In C#, Z combinator can be implemented in the same pattern. Just eta expand f(g(g)) to x => f(g(g))(x):

public static partial class FixedPointCombinators<T, TResult>
    // Z = (g => x => f(g(g))(x))(g => x => f(g(g))(x))
    public static readonly Func<Func<Func<T, TResult>, Func<T, TResult>>, Func<T, TResult>>
        Z = f => new SelfApplicableFunc<Func<T, TResult>>(g => x => f(g(g))(x))(g => x => f(g(g))(x));

The types of the elements in above lambda expression are the same as in Y combinator, and x is of type T.

Now Factorial can be defined with Z and above FactorialHelper:

using static ChurchBoolean;
using static FixedPointCombinators<Numeral, System.Func<Numeral, Numeral>>;

public static partial class ChurchNumeral
    // DivideByHelper = divideBy => dividend => divisor => If(dividend >= divisor)(_ => 1 + divideBy(dividend - divisor)(divisor))(_ => 0)
    private static readonly Func<Func<Numeral, Func<Numeral, Numeral>>, Func<Numeral, Func<Numeral, Numeral>>> DivideByHelper = divideBy => dividend => divisor =>
                (_ => One.Add(divideBy(dividend.Subtract(divisor))(divisor)))
                (_ => Zero);

    public static readonly Func<Numeral, Func<Numeral, Numeral>> 
        DivideBy = Z(DivideByHelper);

Another recursion example is Fibonacci number. The nth Fibonacci number is defined recursively:

  • if n is greater than 1, then the nth Fibonacci number is the sum of the (n -1)th Fibonacci number and the (n -2)th Fibonacci number.
  • if n is 1 or 0, then the nth Fibonacci number is n

So naturally:

Fibonacci := λn.If (n > 1) (λx.(Fibonacci (n - 1)) + (Fibonacci (n - 2))) (λx.n)

Again, the above recursive definition is illegal in lambda calculus, because the self reference does not work anonymously:

λn.If (n > 1) (λx.(? (n - 1)) + (? (n - 2))) (λx.n)

Following the same helper function pattern as FactorialHelper, a FibonacciHelper can be defined to pass the Fibonacci function as a variable/argument, then Fibonacci can be defined with Z and FibonacciHelper:

FibonacciHelper := λf.λn.If (n > 1) (λx.(f (n - 1)) + (f (n - 2))) (λx.n)
Fibonacci := Z FibonacciHelper

Now Fibonacci is recursive but still can go anonymous, without any self reference:

≡ Z FibonacciHelper
≡ (λf.(λg.λx.f (g g) x) (λg.λx.f (g g) x)) FibonacciHelper
≡ (λf.(λg.λx.f (g g) x) (λg.λx.f (g g) x)) (λf.λn.If (n > 1) (λx.(f (n - 1)) + (f (n - 2))) (λx.n))

In C#:

// FibonacciHelper  = fibonacci  => n => If(n > 1)(_ => fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2))(_ => n)
private static readonly Func<Func<Numeral, Numeral>, Func<Numeral, Numeral>>
    FibonacciHelper = fibonacci => n =>
            (_ => fibonacci(n.Subtract(One)).Add(fibonacci(n.Subtract(Two))))
            (_ => n);

// Fibonacci = Z(FibonacciHelper)
public static readonly Func<Numeral, Numeral>
    Fibonacci = Z(FibonacciHelper);

Previously, in the Church numeral arithmetic, the following illegal DivideBy with self reference was temporarily used:

DivideBy := λa.λb.If (a >= b) (λx.1 + (DivideBy (a - b) b)) (λx.0)

Finally, with Z, an legal DivideBy in lambda calculus can be defined, following the same helper function pattern:

DivideByHelper := λf.λa.λb.If (a >= b) (λx.1 + (f (a - b) b)) (λx.0)
DivideBy := Z DivideByHelper

The following is the formal version of DivideBy:

≡ Z DivideByHelper
≡ (λf.(λg.λx.f (g g) x) (λg.λx.f (g g) x)) DivideByHelper
≡ (λf.(λg.λx.f (g g) x) (λg.λx.f (g g) x)) (λf.λa.λb.If (a >= b) (λx.1 + (f (a - b) b)) (λx.0))

In C#:

// DivideByHelper = divideBy => dividend => divisor => If(dividend >= divisor)(_ => 1 + divideBy(dividend - divisor)(divisor))(_ => 0)
private static readonly Func<Func<Numeral, Func<Numeral, Numeral>>, Func<Numeral, Func<Numeral, Numeral>>>
    DivideByHelper = divideBy => dividend => divisor =>
            (_ => One.Add(divideBy(dividend.Subtract(divisor))(divisor)))
            (_ => Zero);

// DivideBy = Z(DivideByHelper)
public static readonly Func<Numeral, Func<Numeral, Numeral>>
    DivideBy = Z(DivideByHelper);

The following are a few examples

public static partial class NumeralExtensions
    public static Numeral Factorial(this Numeral n) => ChurchNumeral.Factorial(n);

    public static Numeral Fibonacci(this Numeral n) => ChurchNumeral.Fibonacci(n);

    public static Numeral DivideBy(this Numeral dividend, Numeral divisor) => 

public partial class FixedPointCombinatorTests
    public void FactorialTest()
        Func<uint, uint> factorial = null; // Must have to be compiled.
        factorial = x => x == 0 ? 1U : x * factorial(x - 1U);

        Assert.AreEqual(factorial(0U), 0U.Church().Factorial().Unchurch());
        Assert.AreEqual(factorial(1U), 1U.Church().Factorial().Unchurch());
        Assert.AreEqual(factorial(2U), 2U.Church().Factorial().Unchurch());
        Assert.AreEqual(factorial(8U), 8U.Church().Factorial().Unchurch());

    public void FibonacciTest()
        Func<uint, uint> fibonacci = null; // Must have. So that fibonacci can recursively refer itself.
        fibonacci = x => x > 1U ? fibonacci(x - 1) + fibonacci(x - 2) : x;

        Assert.AreEqual(fibonacci(0U), 0U.Church().Fibonacci().Unchurch());
        Assert.AreEqual(fibonacci(1U), 1U.Church().Fibonacci().Unchurch());
        Assert.AreEqual(fibonacci(2U), 2U.Church().Fibonacci().Unchurch());
        Assert.AreEqual(fibonacci(8U), 8U.Church().Fibonacci().Unchurch());

    public void DivideByTest()
        Assert.AreEqual(1U / 1U, 1U.Church().DivideBy(1U.Church()).Unchurch());
        Assert.AreEqual(1U / 2U, 1U.Church().DivideBy(2U.Church()).Unchurch());
        Assert.AreEqual(2U / 2U, 2U.Church().DivideBy(2U.Church()).Unchurch());
        Assert.AreEqual(2U / 1U, 2U.Church().DivideBy(1U.Church()).Unchurch());
        Assert.AreEqual(8U / 3U, 8U.Church().DivideBy(3U.Church()).Unchurch());
        Assert.AreEqual(3U / 8U, 3U.Church().DivideBy(8U.Church()).Unchurch());


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     خرید گیم تایم 60 روزه: بدون شک همه ی دوستداران بازی های آنلاین چندین سال است که با نام بازی  ورلد آف وارکرافت آشنا هستند ، بازی وارکرافت یکی از بازی های پر طرفدار و جذاب در بین گیم های آنلاین چند نفره است که توسط شرکت بلیزارد ارائه شد.

  • گیم تایم 60 روزه در حال حاضر تنها گیم تایمی است که از طرف کمپانی blizzard برای بازیکنان گیم ، ورد اف وارکرافت ارائه شده است. در گذشته گیم تایم هایی مانند 30 روزه و 180 روزه هم موجود بود اما به دلیل سیاست های جدید این کمپانی و خط مشی که در نظر گرفته است، تنها گیم تایمی که در حال حاضر امکان فراهم کردن آن برای گیمر های عزیز، گیم تایم 60 روزه می باشد. در ادامه توضیحات جالبی در مورد گیم تایم برای شما جمع آوری کرده ایم که خواندنشان خالی از لطف نیست.

    کاربرد گیم تایم دو ماهه

    در حال حاضر گیم تایم 2 ماهه در تمامی زمینه های world of warcraft کاربرد دارد. اما اگر می خواهید که یک سری تجربه های جذاب و جدید را تجربه کنید باید این گیم تایم را خریداری کنید. این تجربه ها عبارتند از:
    استفاده از اکسپنشن های جدید
    بازی در مپ های جدید
    لول آپ به سبک جدید
    تغییر در شکل بازی

  • گیم تایم 60 روزه در حال حاضر تنها گیم تایمی است که از طرف کمپانی blizzard برای بازیکنان گیم ، ورد اف وارکرافت ارائه شده است. در گذشته گیم تایم هایی مانند 30 روزه و 180 روزه هم موجود بود اما به دلیل سیاست های جدید این کمپانی و خط مشی که در نظر گرفته است، تنها گیم تایمی که در حال حاضر امکان فراهم کردن آن برای گیمر های عزیز، گیم تایم 60 روزه می باشد. در ادامه توضیحات جالبی در مورد گیم تایم برای شما جمع آوری کرده ایم که خواندنشان خالی از لطف نیست.

    کاربرد گیم تایم دو ماهه

    در حال حاضر گیم تایم 2 ماهه در تمامی زمینه های world of warcraft کاربرد دارد. اما اگر می خواهید که یک سری تجربه های جذاب و جدید را تجربه کنید باید این گیم تایم را خریداری کنید. این تجربه ها عبارتند از:
    استفاده از اکسپنشن های جدید
    بازی در مپ های جدید
    لول آپ به سبک جدید
    تغییر در شکل بازی

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