DevChat Today! SPS 2.0 Developer Considerations

I'll be participating in an MSDN DevChat today at 1:00pm EST. The topic is SPS Developer Considerations:

This session is targeted at intermediate ASP.Net developers who are interested in developing collaborative web applications under Sharepoint and/or Windows Sharepoint Services.  We’ll cover the top 10 things to know as you move from a pure IIS platform to a SPS/WSS platform.   In the end, you’ll have a good idea for the types of apps that can be built on Sharepoint and a good idea for how to do it.  This is a developer-oriented session, delivered by developers.

My role is to answer questions in the Q&A. See you there!

This DevChat was recorded, I will post the links as soon as they become available. In the meantime I've removed the (now dead) links to the webcast.

The DevChat was led by Scott Howlett and included a nice collection of tips for SharePoint development before launching into a demo on creating custom search features on a portal site. Scott led the audience through adding fields to a list, having those fields appear in Advanced Search, and then in creating a custom query page which executes a search based on a developer-defined query. This section provided some good insight into the query structure, and is well worth reviewing when the DevChat is posted.

Thanks to all who participated, it was a terrific event!

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