From Wall Street to Dubai: How Infusion is evolving
When the Wall Street herd began to stumble over their own their mortgage inventory, there were signs of rockier times ahead. Now that several giants lay collapsed, people like our CEO Greg Brill are writing about what it was like to watch the race to self-destruction unfold, and how they read the signs that clearly said, "now is a good time to evolve."
TSPUG Fall Session Starts Tonight (2008-09-28)
Members received an update last week, I just wanted to mention here that summer's over and meetings start back up tonight, Wednesday, September 28!
SharePoint Security: Hard limits and recommended practices
This summarizes the hard limits and recommended guidance for Groups, Access Control Lists (ACLs) and securable objects in SharePoint 2007.
Why care about Google Chrome?
In the last 24 hours there's been a lot of conversation about Chrome. When Safari was released for Windows, why was so little written about Safari's SharePoint compatibility? I used Opera for years, but why never a post about Opera and SharePoint (summary: it stinks, even drop-down menus fail to render)? What's the big deal about Chrome? Web developers certainly don't need another browser to support, unless this is the one that finally gets it right, and the odds of that are way high against. So why did I bother?
Google Chrome works for SharePoint users, less so for administrators
Today I downloaded and installed the just-released Google Chrome browser, ran it through some preliminary tests with SharePoint 2007 and so far, acceptable but missing a few key things. Chrome supports NTLM authentication, uploads (though not multiple uploads), renders all the usual menus correctly, and generally does a good job of rendering SharePoint pages. And it's screaming fast.