Launch Cassini in any folder
Wouldn't it be great if you could launch a web server on any folder just by right-clicking? Robert McLaws built a utility that does just that. This will be one of those "how'd I live without it" tools for ASP.NET v2 (Whidbey) development and testing. Thanks Robert!
PDC 2005 Slide Decks
All sessions presented at PDC 2005: -
Slide deck: Web Parts in WSS v2, ASP.NET v2, and WSS v3.
Thanks again to Graham for asking us to present, the audience for showing up, and to Ali for co-presenting with me at the Metro Toronto .Net User Group last night.
Metro Toronto .NET User Group: Web Part Wednesday
I'm back at the Metro Toronto .NET User Group tomorrow night where I'll be co-presenting with Ali Kheradvar.
Clippy, Interactivity, and Product Success
The other day I read this: "Now, they make a big deal out of the "interactive menus," but I was working under the impression that all menus were interactive, like when you go into a restaurant and point to where it says "steak," it shows up a little later and then you eat it. Now that's interactive." [Red Green, article, may require free registration]
Straw Poll: Speech Recognition
If saying "F*** off Clippy" actually closed Clippy, would you have kept Clippy enabled?
TSPUG tonight, and downloads galore
Tonight's TSPUG meeting brings us the long-awaited SharePoint Backup, Restore, and Disaster Recovery presentation by Radu Vaduva. As usual we'll spend some time before the presentation talking about what's new and answering questions.
Build Project add-in planned for release with VS2005
If you've knocked your head against the wall to come up with ways to deploy multiple web.config files for Dev, Testing, Staging, and Production servers, the answer is on the way. It takes the the form of an add-in for Visual Studio 2005 -- a Build Project Manager.
I'm in Redmond!
No, not that Redmond. I'm in beautiful Redmond, Oregon with the scent of pine in the air, mountains on the horizon, and some great fishing just a short ride away. But yeah, I was planning to be in Redmond, WA. I suppose this is divine justice for making my latest catch-phrase, "unless something goes horribly wrong."