Web Deployment Projects: CodeCamp Presentation and Source

Since this presentation, there's been an update to Web Deployment Projects, read about it on ScottGu's blog.

Target ASP.NET Dev, Staging and Production Environments with Web Deployment Projects in ASP .NET 2.0

Eli Robillard, Eidenai Innovations

With ASP.NET v2 comes a fully automated build solution (MSBuild) and an add-in to create Web Deployment Projects which allow you to automatically target builds to different environments. Come down and find out what every developer and architect needs to know about the new build features, and take advantage of Web Deployment Projects to make web.config headaches a thing of the past.

[Download presentation]
[Download presentation and source code]
[Download the Web Deployment Project add-in for Visual Studio]
[CodeCamp downloads page]

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