TO SharePoint User Group January Speaker: Reza Alirezai
The first meeting of TSPUG in 2008 will feature the return of Reza. Lately he's been working on custom authentication providers for SharePoint, and next Wednesday you'll learn just how easy these are to build and deploy (when you know the tricks; there are always tricks). See you there!
When: Wednesday, January 16, 6:00pm to 8:30
Where: 2 Bloor West (NW corner of Yonge and Bloor), 8th Floor
Topic: Custom authentication
providers in SharePoint 2007
Abstract: In ASP.NET 2.0 , there is an important
concept called the authentication provider model which is used for many new
features such as Membership and Role Management, Profiles, etc. Moss 2007 is built
on the top WSS 3.0 which is in turn built on the top of ASP.NET 2.0. This means
that both MOSS and WSS can utilize everything that ASP.NET 2.0 offers. In this
session learn how to create a custom authentication provider, how to set up forms
based authentication, get yourself familiar with issues/workarounds, manage
your custom profiles and finally how to leverage this solution to expose your
SharePoint sites to the external users. This session is targeted at both IT
pros and developers.
About the speaker: Reza (MOSS MVP,MCTS)is
currently working for Protech as
principal architect where he is in charge of architecting and implementing
various technologies to support the organization. Since 2001, his focus has been Collaboration platforms, Knowledge Management, and Business Process Management. Reza
frequently speaks on a variety of SharePoint related topics at user group
meetings and industry events. For his community involvement and contributions,
he was awarded the Microsoft MVP award for SQL Server Reporting Services (2004-2005)
and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (2007-).
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