Factory Vision, Part 1: Introducing the Macaw Solutions Factory
We finally started our public "comming out" on a project we are working on for few years already: the Macaw Solutions Factory.
Vincent just posted the first installment in our "Macaw Solutions Factory Vision" blogpost series: Factory Vision, Part 1: Introducing the Macaw Solutions Factory.
We are very interested in your feedback.
Posts available so far on the Macaw Solutions Factory:
- Factory Vision, Part 1: Introducing the Macaw Solutions Factory
- Factory Overview, Part 1: A Bird’s Eye View of the Macaw Solutions Factory
- Macaw Vision on SharePoint Release Management
And if you are interested, tracks us on:
- Weblog Serge van den Oever: http://weblogs.asp.net/soever
- Twitter Serge van den Oever: http://www.twitter.com/svdoever
- Weblog Vincent Hoogendoorn: http://vincenth.net
- Twitter Vincent Hoogendoorn: http://www.twitter.com/vincenth_net