Such a pity...
So much to write about, but shit it's under non-disclosure. Working on Sharepoint Portal Server V2 now. As soon as the public beta comes out (probably half of march) I will post my findings here. Cool thing is that finally you can do some decent development for it using .NET!!! Something else I received yesterday in the post (although I already downloaded it) is the new beta for Exchange Server 2003 (Titanium). I love the new Outlook Web Access (OWA) interface... it's also in the Web Storage System delivered with SPS2. Much more like the real outlook, but working in a browser. Will take some time before I will start on Titanium, I will probably need another harddisk for my laptop to test that one out (probably want work together with SPS2).
Microsoft is smart: both SPS2 and Exchange 2003 only run on Windows server 2003 (.NET server). People have to move over to this new sever platform, although I think most companies are not up to it yet, they just moved to Windows 2000 server!
One of those sites that I check once in a while is Microsoft Research employed a large amount of researchers from great companies like AT&T and famous universities. If you look at their site it is fun to see that documents are delivered in Postscript format, and projects use programming languages like Perl and Python. A lot of research done if very fundamental research... have a look at it, and be amazed that Miccysoft isn't only about commercial products like Windows and Office.
A shameless plug for a site built by a very talented collegue, Teun Duynstee. It is a "personal newsroom" where you can aggregate multiple RSS feeds within a browser window. Check it out, might be handy to read your favorite blogs...
The .NET MacawWebDAVClient library...
For a project we are implementing a WebDAV client library for talking to Sharepoint Portal Server 2001 and Exchange public folders. We did only implement the most neccesary things and skipped things like locking. We did not find a use for this functionalilty yet, and we are only implementing what we need. It's working pretty well.
We have great support for access to WebDAV search that we used for MacawDynaList, a document list viewer used for replacing all those lists in Sharepoint with something really powerful. The search has full support for paging sorting etcetera and can return results directly in a dataset so no transformation on the resulting XML is needed. Something else I really like is the easy of programming by mapping CLR types to the Exchange/Sharepoint WebDAV types. This makes it very easy to do proppatch/propfind commands and interpret the results..
Let me know if there is any interest in such a library. We use it for searching and publising information to Sharepoint and Exchange.
Had my good friend Paul over for dinner tonight. We were talking about one of his big hobbies: movies. He showed me a great movie site, The Internet Movie Database: Most of you will probably know this site already, but I had never heard about it. I especially love the the sections "trivia" and "goofs" under the Fun Stuff. Also funny to look for someone you know who ever did something with movies (even catering)... everyone is in there!!!
Let the Blog begin....
This is my first weblog entry ever! Until now I was spamming my collegues with my thoughts. They were not always happy with it, complaining about all those "useless" mails they receive. Problem is that not everyone is interested in every subject. We adopted a kind of namespacing on our general e-mails like: [FORMS] How to do bla bla bla... which helped, although we had some strange namespaces appearing. For me blogging seems to be the solution to three problems at the same time:
- I don't have to spam my collegues anymore with my thoughts
- I (hopefully) have a wider audience "listening" to my spam, resulting in more feedback (often you are the only within a company busy with exactly that specific topic)
- My "spam" is not lost, but gets arhcived automatically so i can read back my own thoughts and responses on them.
I hope that you readers will benefit from my thoughts and information, and I really apreciate any feedback!!!!
Serge van den Oever
Specialist developer
The Netherlands
Macaw - http://www.macaw.nlDisclaimer: All information shared here is my personal opinion, not neccesarely that of the company I work for.