Source Code for the Built-in ASP.NET 2.0 Providers Now Available for Download

Today we released the source code for the built-in ASP.NET 2.0 Membership, Role Management, Site Navigation, Session State, Profile, Web Events, and Web Part Personalization providers (basically all of the built-in providers that ship in the .NET 2.0 Framework Redist).  You can download them here, and learn more about the ASP.NET 2.0 Provider Model from this site here.

The source code is released under a permissive license that allows both commercial and non-commercial re-use of the source code, and should be very useful both for people wanting to build their own custom providers (you can take our source and just tweak it if you want), or to better understand/debug our existing ones.

The provider source code comes with a buildable VS 2005 Project all setup.

Jeff Prosise also wrote 130+ pages of awesome whitepapers that walkthrough the code, database schema, and how they work.  You can read them here:

  • Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Providers: Introduction
  • Membership Providers
  • Role Providers
  • Site Map Providers
  • Session State Providers
  • Profile Providers
  • Web Event Providers
  • Web Parts Personalization Providers

    The beauty of the ASP.NET 2.0 Provider model is that it delivers rich extensibility and flexibility to the built-in productivity features you get with ASP.NET 2.0.  Out of the box with ASP.NET 2.0 you get a secure user management and role credential store (no need to write any database code -- just call Membership.CreateUser() or use the <asp:login> controls and you are good to go).  Because you can plug-in custom provider implementations, though, you also have the flexibility to customize the implementations in the future if you want (or adapt them to go against existing databases or stores that you already have with other applications).  Code written to the Membership APIs or <asp:login> controls will work regardless of what provider you have configured in your web.config file.

    To learn more the new ASP.NET 2.0 Security Features, please check out this post I did a month ago.  It provides links to tons of content (including a nice 12 minute video you can watch to learn how easy it is to add Membership and Roles to a site from scratch).  It also links off to a number of other providers (including Access and MySql ones) that people have already written.

    Hope this helps,


    P.S. Earlier this month I blogged about a bunch of the cool ASP.NET releases we were doing this month, but I forgot to mention this one.... Sorry! :-)


  • WOW! This is great stuff. Been working with the limited functionality in the profile provider for a while now and can't wait to my grubby little fingers on the SqlProfileProvider!

  • Any chance on the code for ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider getting released as well?

  • I think it would be a nice idea to have Jeff Prosise's guides, availiable as download too...

  • Hi George,

    I'll see if we can get download versions up there too. In the meantime, you can use the &quot;Save As&quot; feature in IE to copy all images stylesheets + html etc to save local copies.

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi Colin,

    I'll check on the availability of that too.



  • The code for the ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider would be awesome. Thanks for making this available for download...what a great resource and learning tool. Speaking of learning tools, I'd certainly benefit from some additional Starter Kits, I learned a ton from the original 1.1 kits. The 2.0 starter kits don't seem to be as good.

  • Man, this is awesome! Thanks a lot dudes.

  • Dear Mr. Scott,

    You said this about starterkits...

    &quot;We have a long list of new ones that we are working on -- so so expect to see more and more soon.&quot;

    Since you are already informing WHATS NEW for the entire month. How about blogging about WHATS NEW in STARTERKITS.

    This will really help us

  • Thanks Scott, no better way to learn it then to read through the actual code...

  • Thanks for the source code. I'll have to go compare what I wrote against these.

  • Hi Scott,

    You mentioned in this blog that we can tweak the source code of built-in providers. I have not have chance to look at the source code yet. I am wondering if we can change the signature of a function. For instance, for our case, we really want to change the createUser() to take more parameters if we can. I like to use the createuserwizard but I found I need to resort the event of CreatingUser to get my implementation to work. this happens in a project I just finshed and I need to face similar situation in my next project.



  • Hi Hua,

    You need to have the same signature for the Membership contract. But what you can do is add new methods with overloaded parameters. There is then a way to get access to them via the Membership API within an application.

    Hope this helps,


  • All I can say is WOW! Very nice. I'll mark this off my wishlist. I'm glad that the .NET team really is listening to their users. I know this would have helped me out a ton, and I'm sure will help many many programmers be able to quick start their own providers, and understand the default ones much better. Hats off to you guys for doing this for us!

  • hi scott,

    i have a question...can i call/invoke .net 2.0 assembly from a .net 1.x assembly?



  • Hi Anonymous,

    You can ceretainly call a V1.1 assembly from a V2.0 one. I'm not 100% sure if you can do the reverse though -- it probably depends on the signature of the assembly (and whether you are exposing or using any new V2.0 features or APIs).

    Hope this helps,


  • Excellent; working with the original source helps a lot!

    A bug in the installer though: the .msi won't install as a non-admin. Ignores the entered path and wants to write to Program Files (and a different path to the default too!). A plain old .zip would have been sufficient.

  • hi scott,

    I can't find the source code at the path after run the .msi


  • Hi Guest,

    It is installed under the Program Files\ASP.NET Provider Toolkit directory.

    Hope this helps,


  • Scott,

    This is fantastic news! Thank you so much for making an effort to do this, it's definitely a step in the right direction!



  • Why are the providers based on abstract classes, not interfaces, that seal some methods which cannot be extended? This creates major issues when creating proxy classes for some of these objects. The proxy will not be able to extend the non-virtual methods.

  • When I run the installer, no actual folder/files created. Any idea?

  • This is GREAT! I'm wondering...does anyone ever post samples tbat utilize the Enterprise Library Application Blocks?

  • Hi Sean,

    The source code is installed under your &quot;Program Files&quot; directory within the &quot;ASP.NET Provider Toolkit SQL Samples&quot; directory.



  • Hi Adam,

    The providers were abstract classes by default for versioning reasons (to help us extend in the future). If you want to send me email, I can send you a sample set of providers that implement Web Service remoting fo rthe providers for multi-tier deployment.



  • Scott:

    Thanks for the code.

    We have been experimenting a lot with providers and I gotta say it's a cool design pattern.

    Adam and Scott:

    We did, just as a proof of concept, some samples of how to use the providers through WS, Remoting and MockClasses using some kind of ServiceAgent to decouple the Proxy from the provider's contract. It's something simple, but it worked, if you need the code, just e-mail me (

    Scott, could you post or e-mail me your sample set to compare it with what we did. Thanks.

  • Scott, I've used the tutorials for the &quot;Provider&quot; tools extensively but some things are not covered or they are so loosely arranged it's hard to make sense of it for someone very new to web development (less than 6 months).

    Has someone (that you know of) put together a fully functioning example that makes use of the provider/membership/profile toolkit so that it demonstrates user managment/creation and then individual user updating like viewing their profile etc...

    When I google all results go to one other blog and then to the ASP Tutorials pages. Do you know of such a resource to assist someone like me?



  • Scott,

    the download that you have posted near the top of your blog post is for the Table Provider SQL Samples, not the &quot;basically all of the built-in providers that ship in the .NET 2.0 Framework Redist&quot; as you indicate. That is, at least at the time I downloaded it.

  • Hi Peter,

    I just double-checked, and the link at the top is actually for the SQL Providers (it installs them under the Program Files\ASP.NET Provider Toolkit SQL Samples directory.

    Hope this helps,


  • How comes MS didn't bother to use the Original Application Block for their data access code ?

    Surely if its good enough for us its good enough for Microsoft ??.. Plus you could cut some of that code down using the SqlHelper ?

    Might be a stupid question.

  • Peter,

    These are great and I am very happy that Microsoft has done this. This is the greatest way to build a strong community of developers such as the PHP,Python,Perl, etc communities.

    As much as I like these I would also love to see some composite controls source code. I am struggling right now with composite controls. There are not near as many tutorials about them as there are about providers and I think this would be a great way to initiate those kinds of articles and get some nifty built controls from the community!

    Just an idea!


  • Hi Josh,

    We are also looking to hopefully publish the source code to some/many of our controls too in the months ahead. That is definitely also something we want to-do.



  • Hi Chris,

    There is a &quot;Provider&quot; property on the APIs like Membership, Roles and others. This gives you access to the provider instance. Its default type is the provider base class - but you can just cast this however you want to get back to your specific subclass type.

    For examoke:

    ((MyCustomMembership) Membership.Provider).CustomCreateUser(arg1);

    Hope this helps,


  • Forgive me if this is a stupid question but I'm fairly new to .net. Is there a reason why the provider source wasn't released in VB? Is C# the standard .net language now? I'm asking because most of the samples I find these days are C#.



  • Hi Chenimen,

    Generally we try and ship all of our samples in both C# and VB. The reason the source code providers are C# only is because this is less of a sample, and more the real code that we ship in the product (and ASP.NET is written in C#).

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi Scott , thnx for cool stuff here.

    I need to write a provider for membership that i must validate user both in windows and database is there any usefull toolkit?

    thanks again

  • Hi Marco,

    Can you send me mail on this ( I can then loop a few folks in and we can figure out the best way to do this.



  • Hi Scott,

    I'll send you a mail about wednesday next week, because I'm learning for my exam next tuesday. I found a proprietary solution only working in overriding the OnError method of the login control. But I guess/hope there is a way not to do this.


  • Your site is fantastic, &nbsp;I have been searching for a fully functionally provider to usr with an Access DB. I see the C# one on microsofts site, but all my code is in VB and I really would like one in VB. &nbsp;I have found a few that just provide authentication and create user, &nbsp;but none that have methods for all the membership controls, Like change password, get users online, change password, lookup user by email. Is there anything complete for use with access DB as apposed to SQLMemeberShipProvider. Jeff

  • Has anybody actually installed the source code? &nbsp; &nbsp;Whenever I run the installer, nothing gets installed, no files are where the installer was told to put them. &nbsp;Why is it in a .msi? &nbsp;Can it just be zipped?

  • Hi Ryan,

    The source code is installed in the c:\Program Files\ASP.NET Provider Toolkit SQL Samples\ directory.

    Hope this helps,


  • Thanks Scott, guess I should have searched a bit more. &nbsp;Why does the installer prompt for installationg location though and ignore it? &nbsp;I thought I was going crazy.

  • Hi; First off, thanks for releasing this. I have a couple of questions: 1) What is the recomended way to use this if we are going to change it? I assume changing the class name and setting it as the roleManager in Web.config. If it is in a DLL in the Bin directory for my app, is that sufficient or should I do something else? 2) Is there a sql script that will create the database? I need it for the membership &amp; role provider. If not, is there a way to get the database created in SqlServer so we can pull everything from there? thanks - dave

  • Has anyone here ported this so it works on Oracle, DB2, &amp; MySql?

    If not, once we get it done is there some place we could make it available in case otheres want to add more vendors?

    thanks - dave

  • SqlConnectionHelper has the code:

    private static object s_lock = new object();

    but s_lock is never used. Is there a reason for this or is it ok to remove?

    thanks - dave

  • In SqlRoleProvider there is a ton of places where it has:

    if (holder != null)



    holder = null;


    But holder is never referenced after it is set to null. Any idea why they did this?

    thanks - dave

  • Hi;

    Why wasn't SqlConnectionHolder mad IDisposable to gaurantee the Close call?

    thanks - dave

  • In SqlMembershipProvider in one place you have:





    How is this different from not having the catch?

    thanks - dave

  • Hi David,

    You can find a MySQL and Oracle Provider implementation can be found here:

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi David,

    To your question about the SQL schema -- the provider source shipped above use the same schema that the aspnet_regsql.exe utility generates. So you can use this utility to generate your schema for you.

    To re-use the classes, I'd recommend building into a assembly .dll and just adding it to your \bin directory (or referenced from your project). You'd then want to update your provider declarations within the web.config file to reference it.

    Hope this helps,


  • Thank you for the pointers to the Oracle &amp; MySql providers. I was thinking we would port the SqlServer one (hence the request for the sql script, to pull that in to ErWin). But as these others exist, I think we may just use each as is.

    thanks - dave

  • Hi; Just to confirm, can we call all this code from a Windows app (ie an exe that runs on the server to first set everything up)? And should that work for all providers? thanks - dave

  • Hi David,

    Yep -- in theory you can also use this from a Windows app.



  • i've read the article about configuring ASP.NET 2.0 to use SQL server 2000, but i've come across a problem. Using the aspnet_regsql.exe tool failed and I get an error saying that sp_addrole needs @strUserPassword, which is not supplied. I've discovered that the problem is caused during the creation of Roles in SQL 2000. Can u provide me a solution for this? Thanks in Advance, Will

  • Hi Will,

    From the error message you are seeing it sounds like the user account that you are using to create the schema might not have the permissions needed inside the SQL database.

    Have you checked that that user has the appropriate SQL database permissions?



  • hi Scott

    Now I want to add the tables in aspnetdb to my system database. can I do this? and how?

    many thanks

  • Hi Scott, Thanks for the quick reply. Let me be more specific. With the installation of VS 2005 a database ASPNETDB has been created that DO contain the necessary roles (aspnet_Roles etc) and tables. I use windows authentication to access the SQL server and I have full access as the administrator to the SQL database. I can copy the tables and views to my Custom DB but if i try to copy all the objects including the relations etc I get the error I mentioned before. The aspnet_regsql was only able to create the aspnet_Users, aspnet_Memberships and 2 other tables. I was able to locate the problem with Roles creation because I use the DTS to copy one thing at a time (first tables, views). The exact error msg is: Exception: An error occurred during the execution of the SQL file 'InstallMembership.sql'. The SQL error number is 201 and the SqlException message is: Procedure 'sp_addrole' expects parameter '@strUserPassword', which was not supplied. Procedure 'sp_addrole' expects parameter '@strUserPassword', which was not supplied. Procedure 'sp_addrole' expects parameter '@strUserPassword', which was not supplied. This errormsg appears if I try to create the Roles manually. Thanks in advance, Will

  • Hi Will,

    From the error message above it sounds like your account might not have had full writes to run the SPROC (although I'm not sure why).

    Can you send me an email directly ( with the exact error message, and then I'll loop some folks in from my team to help?



  • Hi Joy,

    This blog post describes how to setup the aspnetdb tables in your SQL database:

    Hope this helps,


  • It has been done, thank you for you help.


    and I posted another question, Did you get it?

  • I'm unable to see anything after installing the msi above. Have tried on a couple of pcs, it says it's successfully installed, but nothing in the folder, have tried dropping to different folders, but no joy, very strange!

  • Hi Keith,

    The MSI by default installs the files here:

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ASP.NET Provider Toolkit SQL Samples\

    Can you check there to see if you can find them?



  • It would be really useful to have the source as vb. I am working with Web Express, and all of my classes are written in vb, therefore I cannot integrate the c# samples. Web Express says it can't compile both types.

  • I too require an MS Access implentation using VB. Is there anywhere I can get more information regarding using the Built-in Security features of NET 2.0?
    ciao, Dan

  • Hi Dan,

    This page contains a bunch of tutorials and information on using the built-in ASP.NET 2.0 security features:

    Included part way down is an Access provider for membership/roles/profiles that you can use.

    Hope this helps,


  • pl send the how to build the blocks

  • Is there anyway to use membership provider in a real application using a production SQL database? All I can get working is the automatic SQL Express in the app-data folder, not a real database. And, the SQL Express breaks the first time it’s viewed with SQL express manager and never works again. Once done, I can find no configuration options, no way to fix problems, no way to move it to a production environment.

    After wasting hours trying to make this work, I need someone say it can even be don ein a production environment before spending more time on this.

  • Hi Robert,

    You can definitely use the membership provider against a full SQL Server database. The aspnet_regsql utility that comes with ASP.NET provides a GUI based interface for provisioning it.

    This post walksthrough how to-do this:

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi Mohsen,

    Unfortunately some of the links on MSDN are temporarily not working. You can find the provider download directly here:

    Hope this helps,


  • I need to write an application, which can write/send/receive SMS and edit the phonebook from a device running the Windows .Net platform.
    The device will be connected to any type of GSM using the serial port.

  • Hi Scott,

    Thanks for sharing your source code. Simply love the paradigm shift in Microsoft. It helps us build a better future for everyone of us and the world at large.

    On a different note, the ProviderToolkitSamples.msi shows the default installation directory as C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ASP.NET Provider Toolkit SQL Samples\

    However, it installs to C:\Program Files\ASP.NET Provider Toolkit SQL Samples

    Am I missing something?


  • Hi Vamsi,

    I'm actually not entirely sure why the directory names are different. On the bright side, it looks like you still found them though .



  • Hi Rick,

    Eilon has a sample Custom Resource Provider here:

    Send me mail if you are stuck with yours and I'd be happy to get a loop going with some folks who can help.



  • Can anyone tell me from a-z how to compile the custom SQL membership provider, and how to include in the code? And a list of the source files needed to be compiled.

  • Hi Zoran,

    You should be able to add the files to a class library project, and then add a reference to the System.Web.dll assembly. You should then be able to compile and get it going.

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi Scott,

    Thanks for releasing the source. Unfortunately the code that would help me is missing! I need to build a new RoleProvider that will query an extended Active Directory schema. This will be very similar to the
    ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider but will not actually implement the Membership provider interface, I will develop a new RoleProvider class. Please can you release the source for the ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider?

    Many Thanks


  • hi Scott,
    Can we have the link to source code for Active Directory providers? for example, AD Membership provider.


  • Hi Scott,

    I am about to start working on a new wbsite development using ASP.NET 2.0. As every other developer, I need to extend the User table to store additional attributes (like PostCode, Age etc.) of the user. I can also keep these additional attributes in the Profile table. I am not sure what is the best place for these attributes (add them to User table or the Profile table). Using Profile table seems less work to me. Please advise.


  • Hi Jas,

    Storing properties about users in the Profile object is definitely the easiest way to accomplish this.

    You might also want to look at these simple providers that you can plug into your application if you want total control over the database schema used:

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi Saumin,

    Unfortunately we haven't shipped the source code for the ADProvider yet.



  • This source code is a life saver! I tried merging the schema with a new db setup (i linked the users table to my custom application db) and the default implementation of the Sql Providers uses "dbo.aspnet_SP" in its implementation of stored procedure calls. In a shared hosting environment you almost never have dbo access and instead are placed in an account named after your database. Using the source code you can quickly remove the "dbo." bits to resolve this issue. Thanks again for releasing the source!

    -Kasi Prasad

  • Code Available in C# for File Downloading

  • The aspnet_Membership_FindUsersByName stored procedure and the aspnet_Membership_GetAllUsers SP extract the entire User/Membership tables (or potentially large portions of them) into a temporary table with an identity column.

    While this method works great with <100 members, I was hoping to scale it to perhaps 3,000,000 members. I tried increasing the timeout and it performs awful, if at all.

    Is there a recommended strategy for addressing this situation?

  • Hi Tom,

    Can you send me email with this question? I can then loop you in with some folks who might be able to help.



  • Scott,

    Has anyone taken these and ported them to use in Smart Client or WinForm applications? I need to do this as I want to use this for our own apps, but if nobody has done it I'll update the code and put it back into the community. Let me know.


  • Any chance of getting the ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider source code yet? We need it desperately!

    Why no ActiveDirectoryRoleProvider? Anyone know if one is planned?

  • Hi Greg,

    If you want to email me directly, I can help answer some questions you might have about the ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider. Are there specific scenarios that you are running into?

    Also - there is a role provider for activedirectory. Unfortunately I don't have VS on me right now - but if you search in the System.Web.Security namespace you should see a WindowsRoleProvider or something like that.



  • Scott,

    Can you point me towards any source of information about how the ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider implements it's derived MembershipUser? I need to create a custom MembershipUser for ADAM.

    Thanks, Phil

  • Hi Phil,

    Probably the easiest way to see how this is implemented is to use Lutz' Reflector tool here:

    It will provide you with a C# listing of the ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider implementation.

    Hope this helps,


  • Scott,

    When I tried to use the code without removing or adding. I get RS and SecUtility can't be used due to private or internal?

    How can I get around that.

  • Hi Kiryn,

    You shouldn't see any errors about internal. What class are you compiling and how are you using it?



  • I'm looking to build an Active Directory Profile Provider. Is there an implementation that you know of already?

  • Hi Jonno,

    Unfortunately I don't know of an Active Directory Provider for the Profile object yet. Let me know if/when you put one together and I'd be happy to point people at it in the future!



  • Hi Scott,

    Is there a simple way to use an existing SQL 2005 Database schema instead of having to run the aspnet_regsql.exe tool to create a different Schema? I've not seen any articles on this. I've already got a SQL Server 2005 database with thousands of User Login information in a table and need the ASP.NET membership provider to use that table/database instead of a new schema added to my already existing database structure. Are there any good tutorials on this subject?


  • Hi Chris,

    I'd recommend checking out this set of Simple Membership Providers:

    It provides a good example of how you can build your own Membership provider that goes against your existing User tables.

    Hope this helps,


  • how run sql in remote control of my sqlserver2005 program for add table to my database in server????(my english is bad!sorry!!)

  • Scott, do you know any web part personalization provider for IDM DB2 backend.

  • Hi Prashant,

    Unfortunately I don't know of a built-in provider for DB2 databases I'm afraid.



  • Hey Scott,

    Your Blog has been the source of countless "That's It!" moments for me already - thanks.
    My custom role provider will handle multiple databases on a per session basis (ie the user profile tells me where to connect). All the child DBs will also use the standard ASPNETDB schema within them, so all I really want to do is sneak in a new connection string into SqlRoleProvider on a per-session basis.

    However, it looks to me that I'll have to re-write the bulk of the code since I don't have access to a sqlConnectionString property.

    1. If there's an easier way to insert a new connection string into your Sql Providers on a per-session basis via user.profile, I'd be happy...

    2. Since I want to reuse the bulk of your SqlRoleProvider code, I've run into an issue where I can't access your providers SqlConnectionHelper class (Among others):
    Error: System.Web.DataAccess.SqlConnectionHelper is inaccessible due to its protection level.

    Will I have to write a my own Data Access Layer for my provider even though it will do the same thing as yours (at least for security)?

    Thanks in advance,

  • Hi Logan,

    I believe there is a way to dynamically switch the connection string - although I can't remember right now exactly how to-do it. Can you send me email ( repeating the question and I can loop you in with someone who can help?



  • Hello Scott,

    Thanks for your efforts.

    Unfortunately, after installation I am unable to find the source code in targeted location. Can you please help me.

    Thanks in advance.


  • HI Krishna,

    You should be able to find the source under: C:\Program Files\ASP.NET Provider Toolkit SQL Samples

    Hope this helps,


  • From what I can see SharePoint 2007 uses the Provider model?

    I have two domains, we are currently in the progress of migating from "OldDomain" to new "NewDomain" users exist with the same name on both domains. Do you think it would be possible to extend the existing windows provider so that the logged on identity to authenticate users in a domain agnostic manner?

  • Same here, I couldn't see the source codes even in the default path. Help.

  • Hi Kim,

    Look under the \Program Files\ directory for an ASP.NET Provider Toolkit directory.



  • Hi Mike,

    I believe you could build a new provider that in turn wrapped the Windows provider, and allowed you to check both domains.

    I haven't tried it myself - but in theory I think that would work.

    Hope this helps,


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