"Reality has a well-known liberal bias"

I've been thinking about this famous Stephen Colbert quote quite often lately. Having been raised in a country where there are no political ads on TV, I find it quite shocking to see how candidates here in the U.S. sling mud at each other through disgusting little ads that insult the viewer's intelligence with really outrageous claims.

In this depressing climate, it's really refreshing to see sites like FactCheck.org do the necessary work that every self-respecting journalist should be doing. Thank FSM for this, the Daily Show and Stephen Colbert...



  • The *best* place to get facts is fox news................................. LOL! i'm sorry, i couldn't help myself with that joke.

    factcheck.org rocks.

  • FSM = Flying Spaghetti Monster?

  • @Gabe: yes, I was touched by His Noodly Appendage.

  • I pick on their records, not on the personality cult. Reality is that most people in the US ignore the media and go by sound judgement.

    I prefer to keep my money in my own wallet regardless of the websites I visit ;)

  • One of the saddest things is that young people go to The Daily Show not recognizing that the slanted parody they dish out is hardly news.

  • @Charlie: I think you're wrong about two things. First, "young people" are not necessarily stupid and might actually understand when Jon Stewart explicitly says his show is "fake news". And second, the major news outlets today are so trapped by the laziness and sensationalism biases that the Daily Show is often and paradixically a much better source of information than any of them.

  • I think you need to get your own facts checked. The name "Factcheck.org" is a lie in itself, because it is a completely slanted liberal site that supports of the hard-left Barack Obama.

    I will not attempt to set any points straight here, and frankly doubt that this comment will even be published on your blog, because the liberal hatred is so strong right now, and that hatred drives away any sense of logic and common sense.

    It's amazing to me that people who are obviously so bright when it comes to technology are so completely without a clue when it comes to real-world events.

  • Bertrand,

    I never said they are stupid; I would say that they are ill-informed. I have two sons in their 20's - both them tell me about how many of the people they know who think they are getting a balanced view of the news from Jon Stewart and make no effort to check multiple sources and and weigh the information in an attempt to filter out bias. It's not an easy task and few people make the effort.

  • @Speednet: right, thanks for the good laugh :) I'm still debating whether your comment falls under Poe's Law. Just for the sake of the argument, please point me to one thing that was factually incorrect on that site (and that wasn't duly corrected on the site itself). Please also provide an example of a blatant lie from Obama that wasn't exposed by factcheck. I'd also like to know what you'd consider to be a reliable and unbiased source of information. Factcheck seems to be good enough for the Republicans who use them in their own campaign spots (by grossly manipulating their quotes).
    Oh, and thank so much for thinking I'm bright when it comes to technology. I think you're being way too kind.
    @Charlie: thanks for the clarification.

  • From my perspective, it seems factcheck.org is trying to do the right thing. It also seems to me that those 'fake news' shows are a catalyst for so many of those mud-slinging ads you speak of.

    Lets be honest now, a much better source of information? I enjoy the shows but can see them for what they are..(entertainment)..surely you can as well?

    I've got a buddy that writes for Colbert. He understands what they are doing quite well. (will submit credentials upon request)

  • @Greg: of course I can, let me explain. Today I don't consider TV news to be a source of information at all because I just can't watch them without feeling nauseous. I get my news from French radio stations, newspaper web sites, etc. But on more than one occasion, I learned about something on the Daily Show and then looked it up elsewhere. In that sense, it was a good source of information even if it was presented as a joke.

  • I love FactCheck.org and similar sites. And I am a big fan of The Daily Show and Colbert too.

    BUT, if you really want a good source of news, turn off the cable networks and tune your radio to NPR, National Public Radio. On NPR, you don't get quick sound bites. You get long, in depth stories that get down to the details. No flashy intros, sound effects and graphics. Just good old fashioned journalism - the way it is supposed to be.

  • @Andy - NPR is good old fashioned journalism? You must be joking. Yeah, their stories are longer than the 30 second blips you see on the 4 majors but that doesn't make them unbiased. Over the decades I have learned that the best way to know the truth is to pay attention to what is said and what is NOT said. Too often I hear only 1 side of stories from NPR. Even when they do give both sides they do so only half-heartedly. In addition, most stories have 5,6,7, or even 11 different angles and sides but they only report 1 or 2. Of course, no one reports every side of a story - but please, don't refer to NPR as unbiased old fashioned reporting.

  • Yes, NPR has a built-in bias. They receive a lot of their funding from large corporations such as General Electric and Archer-Daniels-Midland, the result of which is you'll never hear a critical word about their large sponsors. They've been bought off to assure they will NOT SAY anything negative about corn ethanol or nuclear power. (among others)

  • @speednet........thats hilarious....factcheck.org is a leftist organization?

    Well, reality tends to act that way......

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