This is how we should read hexadecimal…
Today my five-year-old told me that when she was four, she thought that what came after ninety-nine was… tenty. You know, because seventy, eighty, ninety, tenty.
At first I thought it was just funny and charming, but then I realized it was actually a really good idea. Tenty is only nonsensical if you’re counting in base ten (or lower), but it makes total sense for higher bases.
How do people usually read 0xA0? “A-zero”? How unimaginative! Let’s read that “tenty” from now on!
Here are some more examples of how to read hexadecimal in a non-boring way:
- 0xB3 is eleventy-three
- 0xCA is twelvety-ten
- 0xD9 is thirteenty-nine
- 0xEC is fourteenty-twelve
- 0xFF is fifteenty-fifteen
- 0xF04A is fifteen hexathousand forty-ten
- 0x4B2AC0AA is forty-eleven hexamillion, two hexahundred tenty-twelve hexathousand tenty-ten
- and of course, seven-eleven will have to change their logo to 0x7B.
Repeat after me... One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, onety, onety-one, and so on.
Is this the greatest thing or what?