Using Taxonomies in Orchard

In this screencast, I will demonstrate how to use the Taxonomies module in Orchard to create a simple news site.


  • Hi Bertrand,

    Thanks for the video - very useful!

    Is it possible to add the Taxonomy Widget such that it is visible "only" when viewing the Blog (i.e. it is not visible when viewing the Home Tab)?


  • @Martin: yes, for that you need to put the widget on a layer that is only shown when viewing the blog. This can be done with a simple url rule, something like 'url("~/blog/*")' if "blog" is the relative url of your blog.

  • Oh man, the timing of this video could not be better. Great stuff, Bertrand - thank you!

  • @Adam, you would need to define your own Handler for TermPart so that it overrides the default item url in the metadata event. Also it would require a setting to select which field needs to be used as the route provider. It's not trivial ... And it's not something I will do, as there are features with higher priority than that.

    A simple solution would be for you to define the exact route you want by hand, on the content item, something you can do with everything out of the box in Orchard right now.

  • Well... I am thoroughly stuck. This is kind of a deal breaker for us, and I am unable to get my head around Orchard's method of routing, overriding default url's, etc. - so I shall be back when this feature is implemented. Is there somewhere that I can make a feature request that is track-able?


  • Sure:

  • Please file a bug in

  • Hi Bertrand

    I follow the same steps , and every thing was fine , every post have section shown , but when click the Section Link on the right widget, [Sport for example ] no blog Post Shown , its empty , seems no connection between the widgets and the post , any help

  • @Omar: can you please ask on the discussions forum on CodePlex and specify version numbers of both Orchard and the Taxonomies module?

  • Hi Bertrand

    after i install [search] and [indexing] modules, every thing goes fine.

    orchard ver is [1.2.41] , tamonomies module is [.9]

    thanks for your reply.

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