Category Theory via C# (20) More Monad: Reader< , > Monad

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[Category Theory via C# series]

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Reader< , > Monad

Sometimes there are functions work with a shared environment. Typical examples are:

  • Environment variables
  • Application’s settings stored in App.config
  • web application’s configurations stored in Web.config

The Reader< , > monad is a specialized State< , > monad. It threads an environment parameter through a sequence of functions.

The definition is simple:

// Reader<TEnvironment, T> is alias of Func<TEnvironment, T>
public delegate T Reader<in TEnvironment, out T>(TEnvironment environment);

It is nothing but a Func< , >. This is its SelectMany:

public static partial class ReaderExtensions
    // Required by LINQ.
    public static Reader<TEnvironment, TResult> SelectMany<TEnvironment, TSource, TSelector, TResult>
        (this Reader<TEnvironment, TSource> source,
         Func<TSource, Reader<TEnvironment, TSelector>> selector,
         Func<TSource, TSelector, TResult> resultSelector) => 
            environment =>
                    TSource sourceResult = source(environment);
                    return resultSelector(sourceResult, selector(sourceResult)(environment));

    // Not required, just for convenience.
    public static Reader<TEnvironment, TResult> SelectMany<TEnvironment, TSource, TResult>
        (this Reader<TEnvironment, TSource> source,
            Func<TSource, Reader<TEnvironment, TResult>> selector) => 
            source.SelectMany(selector, Functions.False);

so that:

// [Pure]
public static partial class ReaderExtensions
    // μ: Reader<TEnvironment, Reader<TEnvironment, T>> => Reader<TEnvironment, T>
    public static Reader<TEnvironment, TResult> Flatten<TEnvironment, TResult>
        (Reader<TEnvironment, Reader<TEnvironment, TResult>> source) => source.SelectMany(Functions.Id);

    // η: T -> Reader<TEnvironment, T>
    public static Reader<TEnvironment, T> Reader<TEnvironment, T>
        (this T value) => environment => value;

    // φ: Lazy<Reader<TEnvironment, T1>, Reader<TEnvironment, T2>> => Reader<TEnvironment, Lazy<T1, T2>>
    public static Reader<TEnvironment, Lazy<T1, T2>> Binary<TEnvironment, T1, T2>
        (this Lazy<Reader<TEnvironment, T1>, Reader<TEnvironment, T2>> binaryFunctor) => 
                value1 => binaryFunctor.Value2,
                (value1, value2) => new Lazy<T1, T2>(value1, value2));

    // ι: TUnit -> Reader<TEnvironment, TUnit>
    public static Reader<TEnvironment, Unit> Unit<TEnvironment>
        (Unit unit) => unit.Reader<TEnvironment, Unit>();

    // Select: (TSource -> TResult) -> (Reader<TEnvironment, TSource> -> Reader<TEnvironment, TResult>)
    public static Reader<TEnvironment, TResult> Select<TEnvironment, TSource, TResult>
        (this Reader<TEnvironment, TSource> source, Func<TSource, TResult> selector) => 
            source.SelectMany(value => selector(value).Reader<TEnvironment, TResult>());

Here is an example of the usage in a .NET application:

Reader<Settings, string> query =
    // 1. Use settings.
    from html in new Reader<Settings, string>(settings => DownloadString(settings.BlogUrl))
    // 2. Use settings.
    from _ in new Reader<Settings, Unit>(settings => SaveToDatabase(settings.ConnectionString, html))
    // 3. Update settings.
    from __ in new Reader<Settings, Settings>(settings => UpdateSettings(settings))
    // 4. Use settings. Here settings are updated.
    from ___ in new Reader<Settings, Unit>(settings => ListenToPort(settings.Port))
    select html;
string result = query(Settings.Default);

Monad laws, and unit tests

public partial class MonadTests
    public void ReaderTest()
        bool isExecuted1 = false;
        bool isExecuted2 = false;
        bool isExecuted3 = false;
        bool isExecuted4 = false;
        Reader<int, int> f1 = x => { isExecuted1 = true; return x + 1; };
        Reader<int, string> f2 = x =>
            { isExecuted2 = true; return x.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); };
        Func<string, Reader<int, int>> f3 = x => y => { isExecuted3 = true; return x.Length + y; };
        Func<int, Func<int, int>> f4 = x => y => { isExecuted4 = true; return x + y; };
        Reader<int, int> query1 = from x in f1
                                    from y in f2
                                    from z in f3(y)
                                    from _ in f1
                                    let f4x = f4(x)
                                    select f4x(z);
        Assert.IsFalse(isExecuted1); // Laziness.
        Assert.IsFalse(isExecuted2); // Laziness.
        Assert.IsFalse(isExecuted3); // Laziness.
        Assert.IsFalse(isExecuted4); // Laziness.
        Assert.AreEqual(1 + 1 + 1 + 1, query1(1)); // Execution.

        Tuple<bool, string> config = Tuple.Create(true, "abc");
        // Monad law 1: m.Monad().SelectMany(f) == f(m)
        Func<int, Reader<Tuple<bool, string>, int>> addOne = x => c => x + 1;
        Reader<Tuple<bool, string>, int> left = 1.Reader<Tuple<bool, string>, int>().SelectMany(addOne);
        Reader<Tuple<bool, string>, int> right = addOne(1);
        Assert.AreEqual(left(config), right(config));
        // Monad law 2: M.SelectMany(Monad) == M
        Reader<Tuple<bool, string>, int> M = c => 1 + c.Item2.Length;
        left = M.SelectMany(ReaderExtensions.Reader<Tuple<bool, string>, int>);
        right = M;
        Assert.AreEqual(left(config), right(config));
        // Monad law 3: M.SelectMany(f1).SelectMany(f2) == M.SelectMany(x => f1(x).SelectMany(f2))
        Func<int, Reader<Tuple<bool, string>, int>> addLength = x => c => x + c.Item2.Length;
        left = M.SelectMany(addOne).SelectMany(addLength);
        right = M.SelectMany(x => addOne(x).SelectMany(addLength));
        Assert.AreEqual(left(config), right(config));



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  • How would you recommend integrating the Reader Monad in a larger enterprise-level C# application, especially when working alongside more traditional object-oriented patterns? It would be great to see a follow-up exploring real-world scenarios. Keep up the great work!

  • The Reader< , > monad in C# is crucial for managing shared environments, like application settings. It simplifies function composition by threading parameters through sequences. This concept parallels the engaging gameplay of Snow Rider 3D, where navigating through obstacles requires strategic planning and a shared understanding of the environment. Both highlight the importance of context in achieving desired outcomes, whether in programming or gaming.

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