Category Theory via C# (3) Monoid as Category
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[Category Theory via C# series]
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One monoid, one category
An individual monoid (T, ⊙, I) can be a category M:
- ob(M) ≌ { T } - yes, a one-object category
- hom(M) are morphisms from source object T to result object (target object) T, since there is only one object in category M.
- ∘, composition of morphisms, is just ⊙
Representing a monoid itself as category is straightforward:
public partial interface IMonoid<T> : ICategory<IMonoid<T>> { }
Its morphism is quite different from DotNetMorphism<TSource, TResult> previously implemented:
public class MonoidMorphism<T> : IMorphism<T, T, IMonoid<T>> { private readonly Func<T, T> function; public MonoidMorphism(IMonoid<T> category, Func<T, T> function) { this.function = function; this.Category = category; } public IMonoid<T> Category { [Pure] get; } [Pure] public T Invoke (T source) => this.function(source); }
Since there is only 1 object in the category, the source object and result object are always the same object. So MonoidMorphism<T> only take one type parameter. And apparently, its category is IMonoid<T> instead of DotNet.
The implementation of Monoid<T> for ICategory<IMonoid<T>> is a little tricky:
public partial class Monoid<T> { [Pure] public IMorphism<TSource, TResult, IMonoid<T>> o<TSource, TMiddle, TResult>( IMorphism<TMiddle, TResult, IMonoid<T>> m2, IMorphism<TSource, TMiddle, IMonoid<T>> m1) { if (!(typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TSource)) && typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TMiddle)) && typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TResult)))) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Category {nameof(Monoid<T>)} has only 1 object {nameof(T)}."); } return new MonoidMorphism<T>( this, _ => this.Binary( (T)(object)m1.Invoke((TSource)(object)this.Unit), (T)(object)m2.Invoke((TMiddle)(object)this.Unit))) as IMorphism<TSource, TResult, IMonoid<T>>; } [Pure] public IMorphism<TObject, TObject, IMonoid<T>> Id<TObject>() { if (!typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TObject))) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Category {nameof(Monoid<T>)} has only 1 object {nameof(T)}."); } return new MonoidMorphism<T>(this, value => value) as IMorphism<TObject, TObject, IMonoid<T>>; } }
As a category, it expects all the type parameters are the same as T, because - once again - T is the only object in it. Then it uses the ⊙ operator (this.Binary) to compose morphisms.
Category laws, and unit tests
The following unit test shows how it works:
public partial class MonoidTests { [TestMethod()] public void CategoryTest() { IMonoid<int> addInt32Monoid = 0.Monoid(a => b => a + b); // Category law 1: ability to compose IMorphism<int, int, IMonoid<int>> m1 = addInt32Monoid.MonoidMorphism(unit => 1); IMorphism<int, int, IMonoid<int>> m2 = addInt32Monoid.MonoidMorphism(unit => 2); IMorphism<int, int, IMonoid<int>> m3 = addInt32Monoid.MonoidMorphism(unit => 3); Assert.AreEqual( 1 + 2 + 3, // (m1 ∘ m2) ∘ m3 addInt32Monoid.o<int, int, int>(addInt32Monoid.o<int, int, int>(m1, m2), m3).Invoke(0)); Assert.AreEqual( 1 + 2 + 3, // m1 ∘ (m2 ∘ m3) addInt32Monoid.o<int, int, int>(m1, addInt32Monoid.o<int, int, int>(m2, m3)).Invoke(0)); // Category law 2: existence of an identity morphism Assert.AreEqual(1, addInt32Monoid.Id<int>().Invoke(1)); Assert.AreEqual(addInt32Monoid.Unit, addInt32Monoid.Id<int>().Invoke(addInt32Monoid.Unit)); } }
Here monoid (T, ⊙, I), as a category now, has 2 kinds of morphisms
- Each element of T can be associated with a morphism: ∀ x ∈ T, there is a mx: I → T
- For example, in (int, +, 0) or addInt32Monoid implementation, it has a family of η morphisms (functions) - from unit to each element of int, apparently those morphisms (+ arithmetic) can be composited.
- id: the normal IdT morphism.
Thus it satisfies the category laws.