Category Theory via C# (5) More Functors: Lazy<>, Func<> And Nullable<>
[LINQ via C# series]
[Category Theory via C# series]
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Lazy<> functor
A simple functor in DotNet category is Lazy<>. Its Select functions can be easily implemented:
[Pure] public static partial class LazyExtensions { // C# specific functor pattern. public static Lazy<TResult> Select<TSource, TResult> (this Lazy<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TResult> selector) => new Lazy<TResult>(() => selector(source.Value)); // General abstract functor definition of Lazy<>: DotNet -> DotNet. public static IMorphism<Lazy<TSource>, Lazy<TResult>, DotNet> Select<TSource, TResult> (/* this */ IMorphism<TSource, TResult, DotNet> selector) => new DotNetMorphism<Lazy<TSource>, Lazy<TResult>>(source => source.Select(selector.Invoke)); }
As fore mentioned, above 2 Select functions are equivalent. The second one looks the same as IEnumerable<>’s: source => source.Select(selector.Invoke), except the type info IEnumerable<> are replaced by Lazy<>.
Lazy<int> lazyFunctor = new Lazy<int>(() => 0); Lazy<int> query = from x in lazyFunctor select x + 1;
It is similar to the Identity functor of Haskell.
In the second Select function, keyword “this” is commented out; otherwise, the EnumerableGeneralTest function in previous part cannot be compiled. In :
EnumerableAssert.AreEqual( addTwoMorphism.o(addOneMorphism).Select().Invoke(functor), addTwoMorphism.Select().o(addOneMorphism.Select()).Invoke(functor));
When compiling the Select function application, compiler will look for the Select extension method in the context. If looking at EnumerableExtensions.Select:
public static IMorphism<IEnumerable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TResult>, DotNet> Select<TSource, TResult> (this IMorphism<TSource, TResult, DotNet> selector) => new DotNetMorphism<IEnumerable<TSource>, IEnumerable<TResult>>(source => source.Select(selector.Invoke));from previous part, and LazyExtensions.Select:
public static IMorphism<Lazy<TSource>, Lazy<TResult>, DotNet> Select<TSource, TResult> (this IMorphism<TSource, TResult, DotNet> selector) => new DotNetMorphism<Lazy<TSource>, Lazy<TResult>>(source => source.Select(selector.Invoke));
they have the same the same function parameter (this IMorphism<TSource, TResult, DotNet> selector), and type parameters<TSource, TResult> . The compiler will report an ambiguity error:
Error CS0121 The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'LazyExtensions.Select<TSource, TResult>(IMorphism<TSource, TResult, DotNet>)' and 'EnumerableExtensions.Select<TSource, TResult>(IMorphism<TSource, TResult, DotNet>)'
So above “this” keyword is commented out to make EnumerableExtensions.Select the only available extension method for IMorphism<TSource, TResult, DotNet>.
Func<> functor
Func<> is a functor:
[Pure] public static partial class FuncExtensions { public static Func<TResult> Select<TSource, TResult> (this Func<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TResult> selector) => () => selector(source()); // General abstract functor definition of Func<>: DotNet -> DotNet. public static IMorphism<Func<TSource>, Func<TResult>, DotNet> Select<TSource, TResult> (/* this */ IMorphism<TSource, TResult, DotNet> selector) => new DotNetMorphism<Func<TSource>, Func<TResult>>(source => source.Select(selector.Invoke)); }
Again, the general abstract version of Select is the same as IEnumerable<>’s and Lazy<>’s.
Func<int> functionFunctor = new Func<int>(() => 1); Func<int> query = from x in functionFunctor select x + 1;
Actually any function can be Func<> (Func<T>):
- Functions with N-arity can be transformed to Func<T> with closure.
- Functions without return value like an Action, can be transformed to Func<Void>. In C# Func<Void> Be compiled, so they can be transformed to Func<Unit>, borrowed unit from F#.
For example:
Func<int, bool> isPositive = x => x > 0; Func<int, Func<bool>> isNegative = x => from y in isPositive.Partial(x) select !y; Action<int> action = x => { int y = x + 1; }; Func<int, Unit> returnUnit = x => { action(x); return null; }; Func<int, Func<Unit>> query = x => from y in returnUnit.Partial(0) select y;
In last query expression, y’s type is Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Unit, and it is always null.
Fun< , > functor
Func<T, TResult> can also have its own Select function and becomes a natural functor:
// [Pure] public static partial class FuncExtensions { public static Func<TSourceArg, TResult> Select<TSourceArg, TSource, TResult> (this Func<TSourceArg, TSource> source, Func<TSource, TResult> selector) => arg => selector(source(arg)); }
or equivalently:
public static Func<TSource, TResult> Select2<TSource, TMiddle, TResult> (this Func<TSource, TMiddle> source, Func<TMiddle, TResult> selector) => selector.o(source);
Now LINQ syntax applies without closure:
Func<int, bool> isPositive = x => x > 0; Func<int, bool> isNegative = from x in isPositive select !x; Action<int> action = x => { int y = x + 1; }; Func<int, Unit> returnUnit = x => { action(x); return null; }; Func<int, Unit> query = from x in returnUnit select x;
Nullable<> functor
System.Nullable<> can be a functor too. To be more general, the Nullable<T> for any type will be used again.
Here are the Select functions:
[Pure] public static partial class NullableExtensions { // C# specific functor pattern. public static Nullable<TResult> Select<TSource, TResult> (this Nullable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, TResult> selector) => new Nullable<TResult>(() => source.HasValue ? Tuple.Create(true, selector(source.Value)) : Tuple.Create(false, default(TResult))); // General abstract functor definition of Nullable<>: DotNet -> DotNet. public static IMorphism<Nullable<TSource>, Nullable<TResult>, DotNet> Select<TSource, TResult> (/* this */ IMorphism<TSource, TResult, DotNet> selector) => new DotNetMorphism<Nullable<TSource>, Nullable<TResult>>(source => source.Select(selector.Invoke)); }
Once again, the general version of Select looks the same as the code for IEnumerable<>, Lazy<>, Func<>. As explained in previous part, C#/CLR does not support higher-kinded polymorphism, so the same algorithm has to repeat again and again.
And the LINQ syntax:
Nullable<int> noValue = new Nullable<int>(); // or new Nullable<int>(() => Tuple.Create(false, default(int))) Nullable<int> query1 = from x in noValue select x + 1; Nullable<int> hasValue = new Nullable<int>(() => Tuple.Create(true, 0)); Nullable<int> query2 = from x in noValue select x + 1;
Functor laws, laziness, and unit tests
All the above generics satisfy functor laws, and they have laziness in LINQ queries. These properties are demonstrated by the following unit tests:
public partial class FunctorTests { [TestMethod()] public void LazyTest() { bool isExecuted1 = false; bool isExecuted2 = false; Lazy<int> lazy = new Lazy<int>(() => { isExecuted1 = true; return 0; }); Func<int, int> addOne = x => { isExecuted2 = true; return x + 1; }; Lazy<int> query1 = from x in lazy select addOne(x); Assert.IsFalse(isExecuted1); // Laziness. Assert.IsFalse(isExecuted2); // Laziness. Assert.AreEqual(0 + 1, query1.Value); // Execution. Assert.IsTrue(isExecuted1); Assert.IsTrue(isExecuted2); // Functor law 1: F.Select(Id) == Id(F) Assert.AreEqual(lazy.Select(Functions.Id).Value, Functions.Id(lazy).Value); // Functor law 2: F.Select(f2.o(f1)) == F.Select(f1).Select(f2) Func<int, string> addTwo = x => (x + 2).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Lazy<string> query2 = lazy.Select(addTwo.o(addOne)); Lazy<string> query3 = lazy.Select(addOne).Select(addTwo); Assert.AreEqual(query2.Value, query3.Value); } [TestMethod()] public void FuncTest() { bool isExecuted1 = false; bool isExecuted2 = false; Func<int> zero = () => { isExecuted1 = true; return 0; }; Func<int, int> addOne = x => { isExecuted2 = true; return x + 1; }; Func<int> query1 = from x in zero select addOne(x); Assert.IsFalse(isExecuted1); // Laziness. Assert.IsFalse(isExecuted2); // Laziness. Assert.AreEqual(0 + 1, query1()); // Execution. Assert.IsTrue(isExecuted1); Assert.IsTrue(isExecuted2); // Functor law 1: F.Select(Id) == Id(F) Assert.AreEqual(zero.Select(Functions.Id)(), Functions.Id(zero)()); // Functor law 2: F.Select(f2.o(f1)) == F.Select(f1).Select(f2) Func<int, string> addTwo = x => (x + 2).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Func<string> query2 = zero.Select(addTwo.o(addOne)); Func<string> query3 = zero.Select(addOne).Select(addTwo); Assert.AreEqual(query2(), query3()); } [TestMethod()] public void Func2Test() { bool isExecuted1 = false; bool isExecuted2 = false; Func<int, int> addOne = x => { isExecuted1 = true; return x + 1; }; Func<int, int> addTwo = x => { isExecuted2 = true; return x + 2; }; Func<int, int> query1 = from x in addOne select addTwo(x); Assert.IsFalse(isExecuted1); // Laziness. Assert.IsFalse(isExecuted2); // Laziness. Assert.AreEqual(0 + 1 + 2, query1(0)); // Execution. Assert.IsTrue(isExecuted1); Assert.IsTrue(isExecuted2); // Functor law 1: F.Select(Id) == Id(F) Assert.AreEqual(addOne.Select(Functions.Id)(1), Functions.Id(addOne)(1)); // Functor law 2: F.Select(f2.o(f1)) == F.Select(f1).Select(f2) Func<int, string> addThree = x => (x + 3).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Func<int, string> query2 = addOne.Select(addThree.o(addTwo)); Func<int, string> query3 = addOne.Select(addTwo).Select(addThree); Assert.AreEqual(query2(2), query3(2)); } [TestMethod()] public void NullableWithoutValueTest() { bool isExecuted1 = false; Func<int, string> append = x => { isExecuted1 = true; return x + "b"; }; Nullable<int> nullable = new Nullable<int>(); Nullable<string> query1 = from x in nullable select append(x); Assert.IsFalse(isExecuted1); // Laziness. Assert.IsFalse(query1.HasValue); // Execution. Assert.IsFalse(isExecuted1); // Functor law 1: F.Select(Id) == Id(F) Assert.AreEqual(query1.Select(Functions.Id).HasValue, Functions.Id(query1).HasValue); // Functor law 2: F.Select(f2.o(f1)) == F.Select(f1).Select(f2) Func<string, int> length = x => x.Length; Nullable<int> query2 = nullable.Select(length.o(append)); Nullable<int> query3 = nullable.Select(append).Select(length); Assert.AreEqual(query2.HasValue, query3.HasValue); } [TestMethod()] public void NullableWithValueTest() { bool isExecuted1 = false; Func<int, string> append = x => { isExecuted1 = true; return x + "b"; }; Nullable<int> nullable = new Nullable<int>(() => Tuple.Create(true, 1)); Nullable<string> query1 = from x in nullable select append(x); Assert.IsFalse(isExecuted1); // Laziness. Assert.IsTrue(query1.HasValue); // Execution. Assert.AreEqual("1b", query1.Value); Assert.IsTrue(isExecuted1); // Functor law 1: F.Select(Id) == Id(F) Assert.AreEqual(query1.Select(Functions.Id).HasValue, Functions.Id(query1).HasValue); // Functor law 2: F.Select(f2.o(f1)) == F.Select(f1).Select(f2) Func<string, int> length = x => x.Length; Nullable<int> query2 = nullable.Select(length.o(append)); Nullable<int> query3 = nullable.Select(append).Select(length); Assert.AreEqual(query2.Value, query3.Value); } }
Tests for the general version of Select functions are not showing here, since they are equivalent with these C# specific Select functions.