C# Functional Programming In-Depth (6) Anonymous Function and Lambda Expression

[LINQ via C# series]

[C# functional programming in-depth series]

Besides named function, C# also supports anonymous function, represented by anonymous method or lambda expression with no function name at design time. Lambda expression can also represent expression tree, This chapter discusses lambda expression as a functional feature of C# language. Lambda expression is also the core concept of lambda calculus, where functional programming originates. It is revisited in the Lambda Calculus chapters.

Anonymous method

As discussed in the delegate chapter, a function can be represented by a delegate instance, and delegate instance can be initialized with a named function:

internal static bool IsPositive(int int32) { return int32 > 0; }


internal static void NamedFunction()


    Func<int, bool> isPositive = IsPositive;

    bool result = isPositive(0);


C# 2.0 introduces a syntactic sugar called anonymous method, enabling function to be defined inline with the delegate keyword. The above function can be inline as:

internal static void AnonymousMethod()


    Func<int, bool> isPositive = delegate (int int32) { return int32 > 0; };

    bool result = isPositive(0);


This time delegate instance is initialized with an anonymous function, which does not have function name at design time. At compile time, a named function is generated. The above example is compiled to:


private static Func<int, bool> cachedIsPositive;



private static bool CompiledIsPositive(int int32) { return int32 > 0; }


internal static void CompiledAnonymousMethod()


    Func<int, bool> isPositive;

    if (cachedIsPositive == null)


        cachedIsPositive = new Func<int, bool>(CompiledIsPositive);


    isPositive = cachedIsPositive;

    bool result = isPositive.Invoke(0);


Besides named function, C# compiler also generates a cache field for performance. As discussed in the delegate chapter, a delegate instance is actually an object with an Invoke method. When AnonymousMethod is called for the first time, the delegate instance is constructed with the generated named function, and stored in the static cache fieled forever. When AnonymousMethod is called again, the cached delegate instance is reused.

Lambda expression as anonymous function

C# 3.0 introduces lambda expression syntactic sugar, which can define anonymous function with a lambda operator instead of delegate keyword:

internal static void AnonymousFunction()


    Func<int, bool> isPositive = (int int32) => { return int32 > 0; };

    // Equivalent to: Func<int, bool> isPositive = int32 => int32 > 0;

    bool result = isPositive(0);


Its compilation is identical to above anonymous method example. The => operator is called lambda operator and reads “go to”. Lambda expression can be further shortened:

·        if the type of parameter can be inferred (for example, from the specified function type), the type of parameter can be omitted. In above example, the lambda expression’s parameter type can be inferred to be int from the provided function type int –> bool, so it can be simplified to (int32) => { return int32 > 0; }.

·        if lambda expression has one parameter, the parentheses for the parameter can be omitted. So, the above lambda expression can be simplified to int32 => { return int32 > 0; }.

·        if the body of the lambda expression has only one statement, the curly brackets for the body and the return keyword can be omitted, which is call expression body syntax. So, the above lambda expression can be just int32 => int32 > 0.

Lambda expression with expression body are called expression lambda, for example:

internal static void ExpressionLambda()


    Func<int, int, int> add = (int32A, int32B) => int32A + int32B;

    Func<int, bool>isPositive = int32 => int32 > 0;

    Action<int> traceLine = int32 => int32.WriteLine();


When a lambda expression having more than one statements in the body, its body has to be a block with curly brackets. It is called statement lambda:

internal static void StatementLambda()


    Func<int, int, int> add = (int32A, int32B) =>


        int sum = int32A + int32B;

        return sum;


    Func<int, bool>isPositive = int32 =>



        return int32> 0;


    Action<int> traceLine = int32 =>






For delegate instantiation, lambda expression (both expression lambda and statement lambda) can also be used with the constructor call syntax and type conversion syntax, which is similar to using named function discussed in the delegate chapter:

internal static void Constructor()


    Func<int, bool> isPositive = new Func<int, bool>(int32 => int32 > 0);

    bool result = isPositive(0);



internal static void Conversion()


    Func<int, bool> isPositive = (Func<int, bool>)(int32 => int32 > 0);

    bool result = isPositive(0);



internal static void Simplified()


    Func<int, bool> isPositive = int32 => int32 > 0;

    bool result = isPositive(0);


These 3 syntaxes are compiled identically.


Immediately-invoked function expression

An anonymous function is not required to be assigned to a function variable. It can be used directly. The following example directly calls an anonymous function definition. Unfortunately, it  cannot be compiled:

internal static void CallAnonymousFunction(int arg)


    (int32 => int32 > 0)(arg); // Cannot be compiled..


The reason is, C# compiler cannot inter the type information of the lambda expression. The type information can be provided with the constructor call or type conversion syntax above code cannot be compiled because C# compiler cannot infer any type for the lambda expression. For this kind of IIFE (), the above constructor call syntax, or type conversion syntax can be used to provide type information to compiler:

internal static void CallLambdaExpressionWithConstructor(int arg)


    bool result = new Func<int, bool>(int32 => int32 > 0)(arg);



internal static void CallLambdaExpressionWithConversion(int arg)


    bool result = ((Func<int, bool>)(int32 => int32 > 0))(arg);


In functional programming, this pattern is called immediately-invoked function expression (IIFE). There is no function name or function variable (delegate instance) name involved at design time. At compile time, C# compiler generates identical code of named function for the above 2 syntaxes:



private sealed class Functions


    public static readonly Functions Singleton = new Functions();


    public static Func<int, bool> cachedIsPositive;


    internal bool IsPositive(int int32) { return int32 > 0; }



internal static void CompiledCallLambdaExpressionWithConstructor()


    Func<int, bool> isPositive;

    if (Functions.cachedIsPositive == null)


        Functions.cachedIsPositive = new Func<int, bool>(Functions.Singleton.IsPositive);


    isPositive = Functions.cachedIsPositive;

    bool result = isPositive.Invoke(1);


Here are a few more examples of IIFE:

internal static void ImmediatelyInvokedFunctionExpression()


    new Func<int, int, int>((int32A, int32B) => int32A + int32B)(1, 2);

    new Action<int>(int32 => int32.WriteLine())(1);


    new Func<int, int, int>((int32A, int32B) =>


        int sum = int32A + int32B;

        return sum;

    })(1, 2);

    new Func<int, bool>(int32 =>



        return int32> 0;


    new Action<int>(int32 =>






In some other strongly-typed functional languages, like F#, Haskell, etc. the type information can be omitted at design time and inferred at compile time the type information is also not needed for dynamic functional languages, like JavaScript. IIFE was commonly used in JavaScript to modularize or isolate code in the function scope, until the ECMAScript 2015 standard introduces module and block scope to JavaScript.


Similar to local function, anonymous function also supports closure for capturing free variable:

internal static void AnonymousFunctionWithClosure()


    int free = 1; // Outside anonynmous function.

    new Action(() =>


        int local = 2; // Inside anonymous function.

        (local + free).WriteLine();

    })(); // 3


Its compilation is also similar to local function. The difference is, C# compiler generates closure structure for local function, while it generates closure class for anonymous function, which requires heap allocation and can be a performance overhead. The above code is compiled to:


private sealed class Closure1


    public int Free;


    internal void Add()


        int local = 2;

        (local + this.Free).WriteLine();




internal static void CompiledAnonymousFunctionWithClosure()


    int free = 1;

    Closure1 closure = new Closure1() { Free = free };

    closure.Add(); // 3


Similar to local function, the closure of anonymous function may also introduce the same performance pitfall of memory leak. Closure must be used with caution for anonymous function too, whenever an anonymous function may live longer than the execution of outer function.

Expression bodied function member

C# 6.0 and 7.0 introduce expression bodied function member of type. It enables anonymous function’s lambda operator and expression body syntactic sugar to simplify all kinds of named functions, including instance method, static method, extension method, as well as static constructor, constructor, conversion operator, operator overload, getter only property, property getter, property setter, getter only indexer, indexer getter, indexer setter. It also works for local function:

internal partial class Data


    private int value;


    static Data() => MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name.WriteLine(); // Static constructor.


    internal Data(int value) => this.value = value; // Constructor.


    ~Data() => MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name.WriteLine(); // Finalizer.


    internal bool InstanceEquals(Data other) => this.value == other?.value; // Instance method.


    internal static bool StaticEquals(Data @this, Data other) => @this?.value == other?.value; // Static method.


    public static Data operator +(Data data1, Data data2) => new Data(data1.value + data2.value); // Operator overload.


    public static explicit operator int(Data value) => value.value; // Explicit conversion operator.


    public static implicit operator Data(int value) => new Data(value); // Implicit conversion operator.


    internal int ReadOnlyValue => this.value; // Getter only property.


    internal int ReadWriteValue


        get => this.value; // Property getter.

        set => this.value = value; // Property setter.



    internal int this[long index] => throw new NotImplementedException(); // Getter only indexer.


    internal int this[int index]


        get => throw new NotImplementedException(); // Indexer getter.

        set => throw new NotImplementedException(); // Indexer setter.



    internal event EventHandler Created


        add => MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name.WriteLine(); // Event accessor.

        remove => MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name.WriteLine(); // Event accessor.



    internal int GetValue()


        int LocalFunction() => this.value; // Local function.

        return LocalFunction();



This syntax works for extension method and interface explicit implementation too:

internal internal static partial class DataExtensions


    internal static bool ExtensionEquals(Data @this, Data other) => @this?.ReadOnlyValue == other?.ReadOnlyValue; // Extension method.



internal partial class Data : IEquatable<Data>


    bool IEquatable<Data>.Equals(Data other) => this.value == other?.value; // Explicit interface implementation.


The expression body is just a syntactic sugar. Its compilation has no difference from the statement body with curly bracket.


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