Understanding C# Features (7) Higher-Order Function

[LINQ via C#] - [C# Features]

Function as input/output

Higher-order function is a function taking one or more function parameters as input, or returning a function as output. The other functions are called first-order functions. (Again, in C#, the term function and the term method are identical.) C# supports higher-order function from the beginning, since a C# function can use almost anything as its input/output, except:

  • Static types, like System.Convert, System.Math, etc., because there cannot be a value (instance) of a static type.
  • Special types in .NET framework, like System.Void.

A first-order function can take some data value as input and output:

public class DataType { }

public static DataType FirstOrder(DataType dataValue)
    return dataValue;

public static void CallFirstOrder()
    DataType inputValue = default(DataType);
    DataType outputValue = FirstOrder(inputValue);

To get a higher-order function, just replace above DataType/dataValue with a function type/function value. In C#, delegate type can be viewed as function type, and delegate instance can be viewed as function value (instance). So:

public delegate void FunctionType();

public static FunctionType HigherOrder(FunctionType functionValue)
    return functionValue;

public static void CallHigherOrder()
    FunctionType inputValue = default(FunctionType);
    FunctionType outputValue = HigherOrder(inputValue);

Above HigherOrder becomes a higher-order function takes function as input and output.

Besides named function, anonymous first-order/higher-order functions can be easily expressed with lambda expression:

public static partial class HigherOrderFunction
    public static void Lambda()
        Action firstOrder1 = () => { };
        Action<Action> higherOrder1 = action => action();

        Func<int> firstOrder2 = () => default(int);
        Func<Func<int>> higherOrder2 = () => firstOrder2;

Higher-order functions are everywhere in .NET framework, like fore mentioned Sort method of List<T>. It’s signature is:

namespace System.Collections.Generic
    public class List<T>
        public void Sort(Comparison<T> comparison);

Its comparison parameter is a function value of Comparison<T> function type:

namespace System
    public delegate int Comparison<in T>(T x, T y);

Most LINQ query methods are higher-order functions, like Where. Its signature is:

public static IEnumerable<TSource> Where<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, bool> predicate);

Its predicate parameter is a function value of function type Func<TSource, bool>:

public static partial class LinqToObjects
    public static IEnumerable<int> Positive(IEnumerable<int> source)
        return source.Where(value => value > 0);

First-class function

So far C# has been demonstrated to have first class functions. C# function can be compared to C# object side by side:

  Data (object) Function (method)
Type Object type: class Function type: delegate type
Value Object: class instance Function value: delegate instance
Assignment Can be assigned to variable Can be assigned to variable
Storage Can be stored in data structure Can be stored in data structure
Input Can be function’s parameter Can be higher-order function’s parameter
Output Can be function’s return value Can be higher-order function’s return value
Nesting Can be nested (e.g. Exception.InnerException) Can be nested (function in function): anonymous function, lambda expression, closure with non-local variable access
Equality Reference equality testable Reference equality testable

They can have type and instance:

public static partial class FirstClass
    public class ObjectType
        public ObjectType InnerObject { get; set; }

    public delegate void FunctionType();

    public static void ObjectInstance()
        ObjectType objectValue = new ObjectType();

    public static void FunctionInstance()
        FunctionType functionValue1 = FunctionInstance; // Named function.
        FunctionType functionValue2 = () => { }; // Anonymous function.

They can be stored in data structure:

public static partial class FirstClass
    public static ObjectType objectField = new ObjectType();

    public static FunctionType functionField1 = FunctionInstance; // Named function.

    public static FunctionType functionField2 = () => { }; // Anonymous function.

They can be function parameter and return value:

public static partial class FirstClass
    public static ObjectType InputOutputObject(ObjectType objectValue) => objectValue;

    public static FunctionType InputOutputFunction(FunctionType functionValue) => functionValue;

They can be nested:

public static partial class FirstClass
    public static void NestedObject()
        ObjectType outerObject = new ObjectType()
            InnerObject = new ObjectType()

    public static void NestedFunction()
        object nonLocalVariable = new object();
        FunctionType outerFunction = () =>
                object outerLocalVariable = nonLocalVariable;
                FunctionType innerFunction = () =>
                        object innerLocalVariable = nonLocalVariable;

They are reference equality testable:

public static partial class FirstClass
    public static void ObjectEquality()
        ObjectType objectValue1;
        ObjectType objectValue2;
        objectValue1 = objectValue2 = new ObjectType();
        bool areEqual1 = objectValue1 == objectValue2; // true.

        ObjectType objectValue3 = null;
        bool areEqual2 = objectValue2 == objectValue3; // false.

    public static void FunctionEquality()
        FunctionType functionValue1;
        FunctionType functionValue2;
        functionValue1 = functionValue2 = () => { };
        bool areEqual1 = functionValue1 == functionValue2; // true.

        FunctionType functionValue3 = null;
        bool areEqual2 = functionValue2 == functionValue3; // false.

Apparently, C# treats functions as first-class citizen, just like C# objects.


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