Eli's SharePoint 2007 Resources

What's Here

Welcome to my list of SharePoint 2007 Resources! This is a hub for SharePoint 2007 and WSS 3.0 Resources with two advantages: All resources are hand-picked and vetted for quality, and each topic contains a with hand-tuned search designed to return the latest content which you can then filter further to find what you need.

Reference [Search Results]

Wikipedia: SharePoint.

Microsoft: SharePoint Server Home Page.

Microsoft: Social Computing Home.

KBAlertz. Receive free alerts whenever Microsoft posts a new support or KB article. [Index by Technology] [SharePoint 2007 / RSS]

SPSFAQ. SharePoint Server Frequently Asked Questions. Common forum questions are answered on this site, managed by forum moderator Mike Walsh.

WSS 3.0 FAQ. Common WSS questions.

Hubs [Search Results]

These are the other pages like this one: starting points for doing things with SharePoint.

SharePoint Community Portal.
Heather's SharePoint Resources.


SharePoint Conference. The first source of "deep" content for SharePoint 2010. October 12-22, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Best Practices Conferences. Commercial conferences coordinated by Mindsharp hosted around the world. Great speakers, independent content, well-received. Next: August 24-26, Washington, DC.

SharePoint Saturday. Free, one-day events held around the world: Adelaide, Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Dallas, DC, Charlotte, Chicago, Copenhagen, Dallas, San Francisco, Sydney, Toronto, Tulsa, Virginia Beach, and more!


User Groups. [Search Results]

International SharePoint Association (ISPA). Map of user groups by region.

Discussions and Q&A Forums. [Search Results]

SharePoint Newsgroups (Microsoft.com)

Weblogs. [Search Results

SharePoint OPML. Includes product team blogs, MVP blogs and more.

SharePoint Products & Technologies Team Blog. [RSS]

Top SharePoint Blogs (Alltop).  

Top 100 SharePoint Blogs (Joel Oleson).

Planning and Architecture

Planning and architecture for Office SharePoint Server 2007 (Microsoft).
Performance and Capacity Planning Resource Center (Microsoft).
Information Architecture in Office SharePoint Server (Whitepaper).
Hard Limits and Recommended Practices (Eli).

Capability Checklist for Successful SharePoint (Eli).

Governance Resource Center (Microsoft).

Governance Checklist (Microsoft).

Robert Bogue's articles on Governance: Part I, Part II.

Administration [Search results]


SharePoint Administration Toolkit   
   Includes: SharePoint Dagnostics (SPDIAG.EXE), user profile replication engine, batch site manager, and alert URL updater.
   Descriptions: Features for WSS. Features for MOSS. Introducing v1 (somewhat outdated).
   Downloads: 32-bit. 64-bit.

SharePoint Manager
"The SharePoint Manager 2007 is a SharePoint object model explorer. It enables you to browse every site on the local farm and view every property. It also enables you to change the properties (at your own risk)."

Gary Lapointe's STSADM and Powershell Extensions
   List of all extensions. Downloads.

Service Packs.

Announcing Service Pack 2 for MOSS 2007 and WSS 3.0 (Product Team Blog). Includes guidance and links. 

All Office 2007 Service Pack 2 downloads on MSDN for client and server applications, including language packs.

Download: WSS Service Pack 1. MOSS Service Pack 1.

Download: WSS Service Pack 2. MOSS Service Pack 2.

Backup and Restore. [Search results]

How to backup and restore a farm (Microsoft).

Data protection whitepaper (Microsoft).

Developer Resources [Search results]

Software Development Kits (SDKs).

WSS 3.0 SDK Online. Download.

MOSS 2007 SDK Online. Download.

Building the Development Environment.

Building a SharePoint 2007 Development Machine (Eli).
Remote Development, Deployment, and Remote Debugging your first SharePoint 2007 Program (Justin Devine).

Building and Packaging Solutions.

Planning SharePoint Solution Packages, by Eli.

Building and Packaging SharePoint Solutions, by Eli

Atomic Use Cases, Features, WSP Solutions and VS Solutions, by Reza.
Deploying files not handled by the WSP Solution Schema, by Gary Lapointe

How-to Articles.

WSS 3.0 Technical Articles on MSDN.

Core Skills 

Writing CAML Queries (SharePoint Magazine), Karine Bosch. CAML is far more performant for quering lists than iterating over the object model. Karine is also the author of the indispensible CAML Query Builder.

Web Parts

Creating a basic SharePoint WebPart (MSDN).

Web Part Event Lifecycle, by Phil Harding. With web parts (or any server control), it's all about the event lifecycle.

Web Part Page Services Component (WPSC) Object Model (MSDN). "The Web Part Page Services Component (WPSC) adds dynamic capabilities to your Web Part Page by providing Web Part discovery, notification, and state management services used by Web Parts. It is a client-side component that is rendered as a client-side ECMAScript (JScript, JavaScript) component."

The Web Part Event Model (and why to never use Render) by Andrew Connell.


Creating and Debugging SharePoint Workflow (MSDN).

Namespace, Class and Web Service references.


SPSite class.
SPWeb class.


SPFarm class.
SPServer class.


WebPart class.

SharePoint Web Services.


Best Free SharePoint Downloads (Eli).


Application Templates for WSS 3.0 (MSDN).

10 New Themes (MSDN). Screenshots (Randy Drisgill).

 Features [Search Results]

Working with Features (MSDN).

Features - a collection of free, innovative features for SharePoint (CodePlex). 


Faceted Search (CodePlex). Article Part 1. Article Part 2.
Commercial: BA-Insight. Ontolica.

Web Parts [Search Results]


Books [Amazon results]

Books are categorized by audience: developers (e.g. Web Parts, the SharePoint API), designers (re-branding, use of SharePoint Designer, look and feel), administrators (deployment and maintenance), and end-users (Mort).

"Best of" Lists.

Eli's "Best Books for SharePoint Developers"
Andrew Connell's "Best Damn SharePoint Books" List.
Spencer Harbar's List.


Book Cover Inside Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, by Ted Pattison and Dan Larson.This is the best book for any developer starting out with SharePoint, and one of the best references to have around even after you know what you're doing. Once this book helps you understand WSS, you'll have a sound foundation to either go deeper or go beyond outside WSS into MOSS.

Excertps: Chapter 2, Chapter 3.

Book Cover Professional SharePoint 2007 Development, by John Holliday, John Alexander, Jeff Julian, Eli Robillard, Brendon Schwartz, Matt Ranlett, Dan Attis, Adam Buenz, and Tom Rizzo. I'm a contributing author so I am biased, but this is the best book on developing MOSS solutions. Topics include SharePoint architecture, building a developer machine, using enterprise search, BDC, records management, web content management (including custom field types, site columns, content types, and , online forms, workflow, and the report center. My full review is here including links to sample chapters, the source code and forums to ask the authors questions.

Book Cover Professional SharePoint 2007 Web Content Management Development, by Andrew Connell. This is the best book for developers working with Publishing Sites. "WCM" describes the features that have to do with using MOSS for public web sites and intranets (internal web sites). It's also a really well-written book with great examples that every SharePoint developer can learn from. Topics include: site columns & content types, search, content deployment, and workflow.

Workflow Cover Workflow in the 2007 Microsoft Office System, by David Mann.


Beginning MOSS 2007 Cover Beginning SharePoint 2007: Building Team Solutions with MOSS 2007, by Amanda Murphy and Shane Perran.This book does a terrific job of describing what SharePoint is and how to get it deployed and configured without writing a line of code.

Step-by-Step SharePoint Cover Step-by-Step Microsoft SharePoint Designer, by Penny Coventry. Another terrific book that covers what SharePoint is and how to customize it with a focus on SharePoint Designer.


Best Practices Cover MOSS 2007 Best Practices, edited by Ben Curry.

Inside SharePoint 2007 Administration Cover Inside SharePoint Administration, by Steve Caravajal, Todd Klindt and Shane Young.

End Users.

SharePoint Shepherd's Guide for End Users Cover The SharePoint Shepherd's Guide for End Users, Robert Bogue. Step-by-step instructions to do most anything that end-users can do in WSS and MOSS. Also available in online, customized, and video editions. See the SharePoint Shepherd's Guide Home Page for further details.

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