Using SharePoint web services from Flash: put a cross-domain policy file on your SharePoint server

I a weblog posting on calling SharePoint web services from Flash I forgot to mention that you need to put a special file on the root of your SharePoint server to allow the Flash client to access the web services on the server. This file is called the cross-domain policy file.

Russ asked a question on this in a comment on this posting. I forget to answer this question, sorry Russ.

For more information on the cross-domain policy file see for example this documentation page at Macromedia.

I used FrontPage to drop the file crossdomain.xml in the root of the SharePoint site. The contents of the crossdomain.xml file are in my case:

   <allow-access-from domain="*" secure="false" />


  • How do we avoid the windows login popup that appears when we access sharepoint site from a flex page.I have already asked the user to login and lnow the identify od the user. but when the user clicks on the share point link given the user is again prompted to login. After the use logs the share point site loads perfectly. I would want to pass the identity of the user and avoid the login popup dialog.How can this be done?

  • I think it's adorable that people ask technical questions in comments.

    LOL. Google it?

  • Where do you exactly put it? is it C:\inetpub\wwwroot ? Or is it in the web.config file in the sharepoint server.

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