Understanding C# async / await (1) Compilation

Understanding C# async / await:

Now the async / await keywords are in C#. Just like the async and ! in F#, this new C# feature provides great convenience. There are many nice documents talking about how to use async / await in specific scenarios, like using async methods in ASP.NET 4.5 and in ASP.NET MVC 4, etc. This article will look at the real code working behind the syntax sugar.

As MSDN stated:

The async modifier indicates that the method, lambda expression, or anonymous method that it modifies is asynchronous.

Also since lambda expression / anonymous method will be compiled to normal method, this article will focus on normal async method.


First of all, Some helper methods need to be made up.

internal class HelperMethods
    private static void IO()
        using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
            Enumerable.Repeat("http://weblogs.asp.net/dixin", 10).Select(client.DownloadString).ToArray();

    internal static int Method(int arg0, int arg1)
        int result = arg0 + arg1;
        IO(); // Do some long running IO.
        return result;

    internal static Task<int> MethodTask(int arg0, int arg1)
        Task<int> task = new Task<int>(() => Method(arg0, arg1));
        task.Start(); // Hot task (started task) should always be returned.
        return task;

    internal static void Before()

    internal static void Continuation1(int arg)

    internal static void Continuation2(int arg)

Here Method() is a long running method doing some IO. Then MethodTask() wraps it into a Task and return that Task. Nothing special here.

Await something in async method

Since MethodTask() returns Task, let’s try to await it:

internal class AsyncMethods
    internal static async Task<int> MethodAsync(int arg0, int arg1)
        int result = await HelperMethods.MethodTask(arg0, arg1);
        return result;

Because the await keyword is used in the body, the async keyword must be put on the method. Now the first async method is here. According to the naming convenience, it has postfix Async. Of course as an async method, itself can be awaited. So here comes a CallMethodAsync() to call MethodAsync():

internal class AsyncMethods
    internal static async Task<int> CallMethodAsync(int arg0, int arg1)
        int result = await MethodAsync(arg0, arg1);
        return result;

After compilation, MethodAsync() and CallMethodAsync() will have the same logic. This is the code of MethodAsyc():

internal class CompiledAsyncMethods
    [AsyncStateMachine(typeof(MethodAsyncStateMachine))] // async
    internal static /*async*/ Task<int> MethodAsync(int arg0, int arg1)
        MethodAsyncStateMachine methodAsyncStateMachine = new MethodAsyncStateMachine()
                Arg0 = arg0,
                Arg1 = arg1,
                Builder = AsyncTaskMethodBuilder<int>.Create(),
                State = -1
        methodAsyncStateMachine.Builder.Start(ref methodAsyncStateMachine);
        return methodAsyncStateMachine.Builder.Task;

The async keyword is gone. It only creates and starts a state machine MethodAsyncStateMachine, and all actual logic are moved to that state machine:

internal struct MethodAsyncStateMachine : IAsyncStateMachine
    public int State;
    public AsyncTaskMethodBuilder<int> Builder;
    public int Arg0;
    public int Arg1;
    public int Result;
    private TaskAwaiter<int> awaitor;

    void IAsyncStateMachine.MoveNext()
            if (this.State != 0)
                this.awaitor = HelperMethods.MethodTask(this.Arg0, this.Arg1).GetAwaiter();
                if (!this.awaitor.IsCompleted)
                    this.State = 0;
                    this.Builder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(ref this.awaitor, ref this);
                this.State = -1;

            this.Result = this.awaitor.GetResult();
        catch (Exception exception)
            this.State = -2;

        this.State = -2;

    void IAsyncStateMachine.SetStateMachine(IAsyncStateMachine param0)

The generated code has been cleaned up so it is readable and can be compiled. Several things can be observed here:

  • The async modifier is gone, which shows, unlike other modifiers (e.g. static), there is no such IL/CLR level “async” stuff. It becomes a AsyncStateMachineAttribute. This is similar to the compilation of extension method.
  • The generated state machine is very similar to the state machine of C# yield syntax sugar.
  • The local variables (arg0, arg1, result) are compiled as the fields of the state machine.
  • The real code (await HelperMethods.MethodTask(arg0, arg1)) is compiled into MoveNext() as: HelperMethods.MethodTask(this.Arg0, this.Arg1).GetAwaiter().

CallMethodAsync() will create and start its own state machine CallMethodAsyncStateMachine:

internal class CompiledAsyncMethods
    [AsyncStateMachine(typeof(CallMethodAsyncStateMachine))] // async
    internal static /*async*/ Task<int> CallMethodAsync(int arg0, int arg1)
        CallMethodAsyncStateMachine callMethodAsyncStateMachine = new CallMethodAsyncStateMachine()
                Arg0 = arg0,
                Arg1 = arg1,
                Builder = AsyncTaskMethodBuilder<int>.Create(),
                State = -1
        callMethodAsyncStateMachine.Builder.Start(ref callMethodAsyncStateMachine);
        return callMethodAsyncStateMachine.Builder.Task;

CallMethodAsyncStateMachine has the same logic as MethodAsyncStateMachine above. The detail of the state machine will be discussed soon. Now it is clear that:

  • async /await is a C# level syntax sugar.
  • There is no difference between awaiting a async method or awaiting a normal method. Any method returning Task will be awaitable, or – to be precise – Task objects can be awaited. What can be awaitable will be explained in part 2.

State machine and continuation

To demonstrate more details in the state machine, a more complex method can be created:

internal class AsyncMethods
    internal static async Task<int> MultiCallMethodAsync(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3)
        int resultOfAwait1 = await MethodAsync(arg0, arg1);
        int resultOfAwait2 = await MethodAsync(arg2, arg3);
        int resultToReturn = resultOfAwait1 + resultOfAwait2;
        return resultToReturn;

In this method:

  • There are multiple awaits.
  • There are code before the awaits, and continuation code after each await

After compilation, this multi-await method becomes the same as above single-await methods:

internal class CompiledAsyncMethods
    [AsyncStateMachine(typeof(MultiCallMethodAsyncStateMachine))] // async
    internal static /*async*/ Task<int> MultiCallMethodAsync(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3)
        MultiCallMethodAsyncStateMachine multiCallMethodAsyncStateMachine = new MultiCallMethodAsyncStateMachine()
                Arg0 = arg0,
                Arg1 = arg1,
                Arg2 = arg2,
                Arg3 = arg3,
                Builder = AsyncTaskMethodBuilder<int>.Create(),
                State = -1
        multiCallMethodAsyncStateMachine.Builder.Start(ref multiCallMethodAsyncStateMachine);
        return multiCallMethodAsyncStateMachine.Builder.Task;

It also creates and starts one single state machine, MultiCallMethodAsyncStateMachine, with more logic:

internal struct MultiCallMethodAsyncStateMachine : IAsyncStateMachine
    public int State;
    public AsyncTaskMethodBuilder<int> Builder;
    public int Arg0;
    public int Arg1;
    public int Arg2;
    public int Arg3;
    public int ResultOfAwait1;
    public int ResultOfAwait2;
    public int ResultToReturn;
    private TaskAwaiter<int> awaiter;

    void IAsyncStateMachine.MoveNext()
            switch (this.State)
                case -1:
                    this.awaiter = AsyncMethods.MethodAsync(this.Arg0, this.Arg1).GetAwaiter();
                    if (!this.awaiter.IsCompleted)
                        this.State = 0;
                        this.Builder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(ref this.awaiter, ref this);
                case 0:
                    this.ResultOfAwait1 = this.awaiter.GetResult();
                    this.awaiter = AsyncMethods.MethodAsync(this.Arg2, this.Arg3).GetAwaiter();
                    if (!this.awaiter.IsCompleted)
                        this.State = 1;
                        this.Builder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(ref this.awaiter, ref this);
                case 1:
                    this.ResultOfAwait2 = this.awaiter.GetResult();
                    this.ResultToReturn = this.ResultOfAwait1 + this.ResultOfAwait2;
                    this.State = -2;
        catch (Exception exception)
            this.State = -2;

    void IAsyncStateMachine.SetStateMachine(IAsyncStateMachine stateMachine)

The above code is already cleaned up, but there are still a lot of things. To keep it simple stupid, the state machine can be rewritten as:

internal struct MultiCallMethodAsyncStateMachine : IAsyncStateMachine
    // State:
    // -1: Begin
    //  0: 1st await is done
    //  1: 2nd await is done
    //     ...
    // -2: End
    public int State;
    public TaskCompletionSource<int> ResultToReturn; // int resultToReturn ...
    public int Arg0; // int Arg0
    public int Arg1; // int arg1
    public int Arg2; // int arg2
    public int Arg3; // int arg3
    public int ResultOfAwait1; // int resultOfAwait1 ...
    public int ResultOfAwait2; // int resultOfAwait2 ...
    private Task<int> currentTaskToAwait;

    /// <summary>
    /// Moves the state machine to its next state.
    /// </summary>
    void IAsyncStateMachine.MoveNext()
            switch (this.State)
                IAsyncStateMachine that = this; // Cannot use "this" in lambda so create a local copy. 
                // Orginal code is splitted by "case"s:
                // case -1:
                //      HelperMethods.Before();
                //      MethodAsync(Arg0, arg1);
                // case 0:
                //      int resultOfAwait1 = await ...
                //      HelperMethods.Continuation1(resultOfAwait1);
                //      MethodAsync(arg2, arg3);
                // case 1:
                //      int resultOfAwait2 = await ...
                //      HelperMethods.Continuation2(resultOfAwait2);
                //      int resultToReturn = resultOfAwait1 + resultOfAwait2;
                //      return resultToReturn;
                case -1: // -1 is begin.
                    HelperMethods.Before(); // Code before 1st await.
                    this.currentTaskToAwait = AsyncMethods.MethodAsync(this.Arg0, this.Arg1); // 1st task to await
                    // When this.currentTaskToAwait is done, run this.MoveNext() and go to case 0.
                    this.State = 0;
                    this.currentTaskToAwait.ContinueWith(_ => that.MoveNext()); // Callback
                case 0: // Now 1st await is done.
                    this.ResultOfAwait1 = this.currentTaskToAwait.Result; // Get 1st await's result.
                    HelperMethods.Continuation1(this.ResultOfAwait1); // Code after 1st await and before 2nd await.
                    this.currentTaskToAwait = AsyncMethods.MethodAsync(this.Arg2, this.Arg3); // 2nd task to await
                    // When this.currentTaskToAwait is done, run this.MoveNext() and go to case 1.
                    this.State = 1;
                    this.currentTaskToAwait.ContinueWith(_ => that.MoveNext()); // Callback
                case 1: // Now 2nd await is done.
                    this.ResultOfAwait2 = this.currentTaskToAwait.Result; // Get 2nd await's result.
                    HelperMethods.Continuation2(this.ResultOfAwait2); // Code after 2nd await.
                    int resultToReturn = this.ResultOfAwait1 + this.ResultOfAwait2; // Code after 2nd await.
                    // End with resultToReturn. No more invocation of MoveNext().
                    this.State = -2; // -2 is end.
        catch (Exception exception)
            // End with exception.
            this.State = -2; // -2 is end. Exception will also when the execution of state machine.

    /// <summary>
    /// Configures the state machine with a heap-allocated replica.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="stateMachine">The heap-allocated replica.</param>
    void IAsyncStateMachine.SetStateMachine(IAsyncStateMachine stateMachine)
        // No core logic.

Only Task and TaskCompletionSource are involved in this revised version. And MultiCallMethodAsync() can be also simplified to:

[AsyncStateMachine(typeof(MultiCallMethodAsyncStateMachine))] // async
internal static /*async*/ Task<int> MultiCallMethodAsync_(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3)
    MultiCallMethodAsyncStateMachine multiCallMethodAsyncStateMachine = new MultiCallMethodAsyncStateMachine()
            Arg0 = arg0,
            Arg1 = arg1,
            Arg2 = arg2,
            Arg3 = arg3,
            ResultToReturn = new TaskCompletionSource<int>(),
            // -1: Begin
            //  0: 1st await is done
            //  1: 2nd await is done
            //     ...
            // -2: End
            State = -1
    (multiCallMethodAsyncStateMachine as IAsyncStateMachine).MoveNext(); // Original code are in this method.
    return multiCallMethodAsyncStateMachine.ResultToReturn.Task;

Now the entire state machine becomes very clear - it is about callback:

  • Original code are split into pieces by “await”s, and each piece is put into each “case” in the state machine. Here the 2 awaits split the code into 3 pieces, so there are 3 “case”s.
  • The “piece”s are chained by callback, that is done by Builder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(callback), or currentTaskToAwait.ContinueWith(callback) in the simplified code.
  • A previous “piece” will end with a Task (which is to be awaited), when the task is done, it will callback the next “piece”.
  • The state machine’s state works with the “case”s to ensure the code “piece”s executes one after another.

It is like callbacks

Since it is like callbacks, the simplification can go even further – the entire state machine can be completely replaced by Task.ContinueWith(). Now MultiCallMethodAsync() becomes:

internal static Task<int> MultiCallMethodAsync(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3)
    TaskCompletionSource<int> taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<int>();
        MethodAsync(arg0, arg1).ContinueWith(await1 =>
                    int resultOfAwait1 = await1.Result;
                    MethodAsync(arg2, arg3).ContinueWith(await2 =>
                                int resultOfAwait2 = await2.Result;
                                int resultToReturn = resultOfAwait1 + resultOfAwait2;
                            catch (Exception exception)
                catch (Exception exception)
    catch (Exception exception)
    return taskCompletionSource.Task;

In order to compare with the original async / await code:

internal static async Task<int> MultiCallMethodAsync(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3)
    int resultOfAwait1 = await MethodAsync(arg0, arg1);
    int resultOfAwait2 = await MethodAsync(arg2, arg3);
    int resultToReturn = resultOfAwait1 + resultOfAwait2;
    return resultToReturn;

the above code can be reformatted for easier reading:

internal static Task<int> MultiCallMethodAsync(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3)
    TaskCompletionSource<int> taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<int>(); try {

    // Original code begins.
    // int resultOfAwait1 = await MethodAsync(arg0, arg1);
    MethodAsync(arg0, arg1).ContinueWith(await1 => { try { int resultOfAwait1 = await1.Result;
    // int resultOfAwait2 = await MethodAsync(arg2, arg3);
    MethodAsync(arg2, arg3).ContinueWith(await2 => { try { int resultOfAwait2 = await2.Result;
    int resultToReturn = resultOfAwait1 + resultOfAwait2;
    // return resultToReturn;
    // Original code ends.

    } catch (Exception exception) { taskCompletionSource.SetException(exception); }});
    } catch (Exception exception) { taskCompletionSource.SetException(exception); }});
    } catch (Exception exception) { taskCompletionSource.SetException(exception); }
    return taskCompletionSource.Task;

Yeah that is the magic of C# async / await:

  • Await is literally pretending to wait. In a await expression, a Task object will be return immediately so that calling thread is not blocked. The continuation code is compiled as that Task’s callback code.
  • When that task is done, continuation code will execute.

However, the above callback code has a context handling issue at runtime, which will be explained and fixed in part 3.

Use Task.Yeild()

Task.Yeild() is an interesting built-in API:

You can use await Task.Yield(); in an asynchronous method to force the method to complete asynchronously.

For example:

internal static void NoYeild()
    // Returns after HelperMethods.Continuation(0) finishes execution.

internal static async Task YeildAsync()
    await Task.Yield(); // Returns without waiting for continuation code to execute.

Here await Task.Yield(); indicates to compile the following HelperMethods.Continuation(0); like a callback. So, similarly, it can be rewritten as:

internal static Task YeildAsync()
    TaskCompletionSource<object> taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
        Task yeild = new Task(() => { });
        yeild.ContinueWith(await =>
                catch (Exception exception)
    catch (Exception exception)

    return taskCompletionSource.Task;

Here TaskCompletionSource<object> is used, since .NET does not provided a non-generic TaskCompletionSource class.

Similarly, this can be reformatted to:

internal static Task YeildAsync()
    TaskCompletionSource<object> taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<object>(); try {

    // Original code begins.
    // await Task.Yeild();
    Task yeild = new Task(() => { }); yeild.Start(); yeild.ContinueWith(await => { try {
    // Original code ends.

    } catch (Exception exception) { taskCompletionSource.SetException(exception); }});
    } catch (Exception exception) { taskCompletionSource.SetException(exception); }
    return taskCompletionSource.Task;

In another word, Task.Yeild() makes the method returns right there immediately, and schedule its continuation code to CPU asynchromously, which creates a chance for other tasks to be scheduled to CPU first. This is similar concept to the setTimeout() approach in JavaScript:

var sync = function () {
    // Returns after continuation finishes execution.
var async = function () {
    setTimeout(continuation, 0);
    // Returns immediately (after setTimeout finishes execution).

except JavaScript has a single threading model.

Again, the above ContinueWith() callback code has the same context handling issue at runtime, which will be explained and fixed in part 3.


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