API Trends 2022 - API Security and Cybersecurity

API Trends 2022 - API Security and Cybersecurity - Brenton House


As long as there have been APIs, there have been hackers who are searching for vulnerabilities in those APIs. API Security and Cybersecurity is of critical importance for EVERY organization. Especially now. NOBODY wants to be in the headlines for all the wrong reasons.

Earlier, Gartner had predicted that by 2022, API abuses will move from infrequent to the most-frequent attack vector. The growth in not only the number of APIs but the exponential increase in API usage has made this prediction all the more impactful on businesses around the world.

According to a more recent Gartner CIO and Technical Executive survey, cyber and information security are at the top of the list for planned investments in 2022. This is not surprising as business leaders are feeling the pressure to put budget and resources behind cybersecurity to protect their APIs, data, customers, and the reputation of their companies.

You may have heard the phrase “Shift Left, Shield Right”.

“Shift Left" is referring to is shifting your security focus to the beginning of the API Lifecycle process and to integrate it into the design, development, and every other step of the API Lifecycle all the way to the retirement of an API.

“Shield Right" is talking about the emphasis on continuing to protect your APIs at runtime and beyond. Doing this will allow you to provide a defense against unknown attacks.

Closely related to API Cybersecurity is the topic of encryption and privacy. Because of the close relation to security, they are included in this topic. Organizations are increasing their understanding and proper implementation of encryption to protect their data. Everything from storage and transmission of data requires a critical security eye when planning and implementing DevOps security. Privacy is also directly related to this as API Cybersecurity is an essential key to securing the privacy of users and employees. Not only does data need to be secured but sometimes the best decision is not to store the data at all. There are a lot of government regulations surrounding privacy in certain parts of the world but security and privacy requirements can also drive a strategy that reduces unnecessary data to protect both consumers and enterprises alike.

API Cybersecurity as it is important for everyone to understand API Cybersecurity, what is at risk, and how to protect and defend your APIs and other systems from attacks.


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