Great C# User Group Mtg with CLR Team!

It was a great meeting with Microsoft opening up 3 rooms for all the people last night.  They covered a lot of material in the amount of time allotted!  Kirk Allen and Jerry Dennany list some of the stuff covered, but if you missed it, you really missed a great meeting.  Brendon Schwartz and Matt Ranlett (Atlanta .NET Regular Guys) have posted something as well.  Man, these guys goes to almost every user group meeting in Atlanta and shares lots of information on their blog.  (thanks guys!)

What I thought was real interesting was the stuff about performance enhancements to System.Reflection.  I don’t see a lot of documentation about it yet, but I guess there is a way of caching a unique token that you get from something like MemberInfo and then be able to get the MemberInfo back using the token.  I will post more info after I investigate it more…

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  • Hey - Brendon and I review the UG meetings as a team effort - and we DO go to every UG meeting in Atlanta. That's why we call ourselves the Atlanta .Net Regular Guys!

    -- Matt Ranlett

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