
Archives / 2007
  • Working with ModalPopup Ajax Control

    In this article the author shows how to display a simple popup window to the user with the ModalPopup Extender available in the ASP.NET Ajax Toolkit. After giving a few example cases of when to use the ModalPopup, the author walks through how to use this AJAX Extender control using source code snippets and a source download.

  • An information box control to display messages using Ajax

    Our objective is to provide an Ajax equivalent to WinForms’ MessageBox and Javascript alert, which is adapted to both the HTTP submit pattern and the display of messages of Ajax callbacks. The function is fulfilled by an information box ASP.NET server control which displays messages within the page. Our environment is ASP.NET 2.0 on Windows and IIS and our information box uses ASP.NET Ajax Extensions 1.0 which you can download and install from

  • An Ajax image list control to manage list of items displayed with icons

    Our objective is to provide a mean to manage small lists of items in the browser, including adding and removing items, where the final list can be posted to an ASP.NET server. This function is fulfilled by an ImageList control which is inspired from the WinForms’ ListView control. Our environment is ASP.NET 2.0 on Windows and IIS and our image list uses ASP.NET Ajax Extensions 1.0 which you can download and install from

  • Database local cache

    You are developing a desktop application for managing a fitness center. The members information is of course to be stored in a database, so you define a "Members" table with fields such as name, birth date, telephone, and the like. But your happiness ends when you are faced with the requirement of recording the member's photo together with the rest of the data. Then the second most trascendental question in human history (right after the meaning of life) comes to your mind: Should I store the photo in the database for the sake of data consistency, or in the local filesystem for the sake of performance?

  • A New Task Scheduler Class Library for .NET

    Task Scheduler is the Windows service that schedules and automatically starts programs. Windows Explorer presents a user interface to the service when you browse the %WINDIR%\TASKS folder, typically from the shortcut in the control panel. From the command line, the schtasks command and the old at command do the same. Programmers have a well-documented COM interface, but the .NET framework does not offer any wrapper for it. The present library provides that .NET wrapper.

  • Generic DataGridView V2.0

    GenericDataGridView is a new control which is more flexible for coding than a simple datagrid. However, there are a lot of developers who are facing diffulties about DataGridView Calendar, Mask, ComboBox and also Validations. Actually, GenericDataGridView does not support such as important properties.

  • Building an ASP.NET AJAX Server-Centric Based Online Shopping Website

    Social sites may have the spotlight at the moment, but online shopping sites have held an important place in the Internet economy for years. With electronic commerce so vital, it shouldn't be surprising that ASP.NET offers a useful framework, dubbed ASP.NET AJAX, to help you build such a site. This article, the first of eleven parts, starts you off on a step-by-step journey to building the e-commerce site of your dreams.

  • Creating a Data Access Layer for Paging in SQL Server 2005

    Visual Studio 2005 introduced a number of tools that allow web developers to create dynamic web pages more easily than ever. The GridView encapsulates most of the functionality needed for displaying and editing tabular data efficiently, and can bind to several types of data sources. The DetailsView is a sibling to the GridView, supporting most of the same functionality but displaying a single record at a time. While these controls can bind to databases through simple DataSets and SqlDataSources, the ObjectDataSource control provides a more clearly defined, more sophisticated -- but potentially more complicated -- connection. For developers looking to model their SQL data within the application through custom classes, the ObjectDataSource allows them to bind their strongly-typed classes to user controls and add a discrete Business Logic Layer to ensure user interactions follow defined rules of behavior.

  • MyFriends : A simple contact keeper using XLINQ/LINQ/WPF

    The other week I was surfing the web and I came across something that perked my interest, and this article is kind of a result of what I found. Basically, I come from a database type of background, so am used to seeing forms with grids, list and listviews which were functional, but looked pretty boring. This is kind of why I like WPF so much, as you can make functional apps, but make them look really sexy. Anyone that has done any WPF will probably know, that there are a couple of data type controls, such a ListBox and a ListView, and with some clever binding and some templating/styling we could probably make these look like a grid. But the truth is that there simply is no DataGrid or anything like that.

  • LINQ to SQL

    This article demonstrates what LINQ to SQL is and how to use its basic functionality.

  • Understanding Code Access Security in .NET

    In Microsoft .NET you have two types of security, Code Access Security and Role Based Security. In this article we will explore what the latter implies, how it can be used, etc. So, what is Code Access Security then? Code Access Security (CAS) is a security feature of .NET that enables the code that is to be executed to be properly verified and different levels of trust granted accordingly. It actually provides the flexibility to define what the code could perform and what not to perform. This article discusses CAS, the functions and benefits of CAS, permissions and permission sets.

  • Creating and Consuming ASP.NET AJAX Page Methods

    Web services provide a great way to exchange data between ASP.NET AJAX pages and a server using lightweight JSON messages (see my previous articles for examples of integrating Web services into ASP.NET AJAX applications). However, creating a separate .ASMX Web service file and adding the ScriptService attribute to the service class may feel like overkill in situations where a single page consumes the service's methods. In some cases, it's more convenient to simply add the functionality provided by the Web service directly into an ASP.NET code-beside page. In these cases, ASP.NET AJAX page methods can be used instead of Web Services.

  • Authenticating Users with ASP.NET AJAX

    However, each time a user logs in to your application, a postback operation occurs which, in some situations, may not be desirable. In cases where you'd like to log users into a Web site without performing a complete postback of a page, you can use the ASP.NET AJAX authentication service instead.

  • DataTableReader in ADO.NET 2.0

    In this fast and furious world, everyone needs everything to be faster. Once upon a time Pentium MMX was considered as faster system, but now we don’t accept even Pentium Dual core as the fastest system. If this is the situation for a computer system, then what will be the situation for the data we managed in our web application? Readers need data to be load faster into their webpage irrespective of the size of data that page contains. So someone in someway needs a solution to overcome this problem. Let us go straight to the concept.

  • Creating Globally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs)

    When storing data, either in a database or other storage medium, it is usual to assign an identifying value or key against each item held.  There are many ways in which to generate such a key.  In an accounting system, the ID for each customer may be entered by the user or generated from other data using a standard that is easy to remember.  In this case, the software will perform a validation check to ensure no duplication.  In other systems a sequential series of numbers may be used to ensure that the keys remain unique.

  • Understanding Interfaces in C#

    Interfaces are a very useful tool built into C#. In this article Brendan explains the basics of how interfaces work and for what they may be used. He explains how to create simple custom interfaces and how to implement them.

  • Code To HTML colorizer

    I published my first professional article! Tough job, I realise now how hard it might be to write a technical book.

  • Flyout - A great way to save space on your webpage.

     This article describles the ASP.NET Flyout Control and its application. Flyout can make your webpage contain more information, look neater and more stylish. Above images shows how Flyout is used as QuickLinks in Microsoft MSDN website. The Flyout control that I would like to introduce here is from obout inc. This Flyout is features-rich and total free: free to download, free to use, free to distribute.

  • DAL Class and Transact-SQL generator for C#.Net

    This program help you write the necessary code for doing base operations of your application's Data Layer (both Web and Windows applications). The function of this program is making a DAL class to easily selecting, manipulating and deleting records of the Database. The result is a simple class for each table in your database.

  • Fast Exporting from DataSet to Excel

    Exporting data from a .NET application to Excel is a very common requirement. A simple search on the Web results in several examples that show us the method to copy data and put it into the Excel cells. However, there is a payload with this method: each interaction to put a value into an Excel cell requires an InterOp invocation. If the amount of data to transfer is huge, we have a problem with the performance of the method. Is there a better way to accomplish this?

  • Jobs Site Starter Kit for ASP.NET 3.5

    Jobs Site Starter Kit (JSSK) is an ASP.NET starter kit demonstrating many features of ASP.NET 3.5 including themes, master pages, data controls, membership, roles, profiles and AJAX. JSSK is a web application that provides a platform for candidates seeking job and the employers to share their needs.

  • Basic of GDI+

    In this article, Handy Chang will explain about GDI+ in .NET Framework. If you haven't heard about GDI+, then GDI+ is a set of classes in .NET framework that deal with graphics. You can use GDI+ to draw custom drawing on the screen. GDI provides a layer of abstraction, hiding the differences between different video cards.

    You simply need to call the Windows API function to do the specific task, and internally the GDI figures out how to get to the client's particular video card to do whatever that you want.

    Although GDI exposes a relatively high level API to developers, it is still an API that based on the old Windows API with C style functions. GDI+ sits as a layer between GDI and your application providing more intuitive and inheritance based object model.

    GDI+ is generally considered a Windows technology. However, some of the new GDI+ features make this technology an excellent choice for Web applications, enabling developers to generate images, graphs, diagrams, and much more.

  • Scheduled Tasks Web Service

    Let's say for example that you have to calculate the value of some fields in your database every hour from 8am to 8pm, but you don't have full control of the server where your web application is running; this is a common scenario and my project will provide you the tools to make the job possible.

  • Creating a better Master Page

    MasterPage is a new technique in ASP.NET 2.0 that is very helpful in maintaining full web application design in generic places. Using this, we can change the complete look and feel of the application within a short duration. Normally, we keep our layout designs in MasterPage and all other pages will extend the UI from it.

  • ImageTemplate.NET

    Have you ever had the need to generate images on the fly in your ASP.NET applications? You could use GDI.NET to do this directly, but we think we have an easier way. Enter ImageTemplate.NET. ImageTemplate.NET lets you configure an image template in an XML file and then change the image that is generated by passing parameters in the URL.

  • Page and User Control communication

    This article shows how the page and user controls within the page can communicate together with a little more work. It shows how the use of interfaces or custom page classes can make the application more efficient and reduce code.

  • Extending .NET Events Functionality

    Anyone who has used .NET events and delegates understands its power and ease of use. Creating an event and subscribing onto it has become quite simple in C# or VB.NET classes. Moreover, it is a helpful mechanism to implement (for instance) a responsive user interface. When carefully designed you don't need to poll for an object's state, instead you signal its state by means of an event.

  • Developing a Wiki with ASP.NET

    Recently, more and more articles and books have been published on the ASP.NET AJAX framework 1.0 ("MS AJAX" for short). However, due to various reasons, such as the difficulty in immediately mastering the client-centric framework and the immaturity of the client-centric type framework itself, there are comparatively few materials dwelling on the client side techniques. In this four-part tutorial, Xianzhong Zhu will venture to write a wiki-like web application that will allow users to write and share articles mainly using MS AJAX client-centric techniques.

  • DataGrid and Paging using Ajax

    The DataGrid is displayed without a single line of code in the Code Behind Page. the whole
    functionaliy depends on Ajax and client side coding. no doubt we have a user control which
    is used to bound the data.

  • Can the alt attribute be omitted without hurting accessibility?

    In the current editor's draft of HTML 5, it is suggested that the alt attribute for img elements should no longer be required. The reasoning is that in some cases alt text will be omitted, regardless of whether it is required or not, so it might as well be made optional. Otherwise some authoring tools will automatically insert empty, repeated or meaningless alt text. At least that's how I understand the reasoning explained in Why the Alt Attribute May Be Omitted.

  • Thumbnail images in GridView using C#

    ASP.Net have the gridview which is very usefull to display such kind of some datas or images like this. Here S.Vinothkumar is going to display images which are in a folder with thumbnail size.

  • Explore ways to extend ASP.NET AJAX Client-Side function

    With the elegant integration with legacy ASP.NET applications and the introduction of fully object-oriented JavaScript, Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX has been attracting more and more web developers. In this article the author examines the typical ways to extend the ASP.NET AJAX framework from the client side.

  • Keeping pulse on your site...

    One of the best, yet often overlooked, features of ASP.NET 2.0 is health monitoring. Milan Negovan believe it is absolutely essential to be notified of any problems with your web application, and this is where health monitoring comes in handy. A few years ago Milan wrote an article about custom error pages and demonstrated various ways to tap into error details. Health Monitoring is a natural progression of that approach.

  • Sitemaps 1.1

    Sitemaps.NET is a website plugin that automatically generates an XML sitemap of your content. Sitemaps.NET reuses ASP.NET's sitemap functionality and automatically mirrors changes in your site to search engines. Features include:

    - Quickly generate XML sitemaps for search engines
    - Integrates with the ASP.NET sitemap functionality, automatically mirrors changes to search engines
    - Specify the priority and update frequency of content within your site on a page by page basis.
    - Simple plug in installation

  • Utilities.NET 1.0

    Homer: Listen, what would you say if I told you a woman did most of the work? Kent Brockman: I'd have this gazebo torn down and built into a coffin...for your manhood. Homer: (Shrieks) Kent Brockman: Why did my hypothetical scenario scare you so? Homer: Uh, like all manly men, I have a vivid imagination. Kent Brockman: Well said! Let's take off our shirts and wrestle. Utilities.NET is a collection of helper classes and components for quickly solving common .NET programming tasks.

  • Silverlight streaming

    Microsoft® Silverlight™ Streaming by Windows Live™ is a companion service for Silverlight that makes it easier for developers and designers to deliver and scale rich media as part of their Silverlight applications. The service offers web designers and developers a free and convenient solution for hosting and streaming cross-platform, cross-browser media experiences and rich interactive applications that run on Windows™ and Mac. Combined with the ability to create content with Microsoft® Expression Studio and other 3rd party tools, Web designers and content publishers wishing to integrate Silverlight applications into their online properties can enjoy complete control of the end user experience.

  • GridView Edit, Update, Delete, Paging, Sorting using DLINQ


    Microsoft DLINQ is part of the .NET 3.0 framework. DLINQ allows the developer to iterate through data sources which includes SQL SERVER databases. In this article I will demonstrate how you can use DLINQ to perform editing, updating, paging, sorting and deleting operations on the GridView control.

  • Styling file inputs with CSS

    File inputs HTML tags are the bane of beautiful form design. No rendering engine provides the granular control over their presentation designers desire. This simple, three-part progressive enhancement provides the markup, CSS, and JavaScript to address the long-standing irritation.

  • Monitor your clipboard

    Clipboard Text Scrubber is a handy little application that sits in your system tray and monitors your clipboard. When it finds any text on the clipboard it will “scrub” (or “clean”) that text, to remove all formatting. This is great for copying and pasting text into emails, documents or anywhere else. You can also (optionally) remove all HTML tags from the clipboard text, which is excellent for copying and pasting things from the web, without getting all the extra markup. Anyone that uses notepad to scrub their text will love this application. You can have Clipboard Text Scrubber automatically scrub text as it detects it, or you can manually scrub it by right-clicking on the system tray icon. When Clipboard Text Scrubber is scrubbing text the system tray icon will change, just to let you know it’s hard at work.

  • DisplayFusion to manage multiple screens

    DisplayFusion is a fantastic (and free) new application that can make your dual monitor (or triple monitor or more) life much, much easier! From allowing you to use a different wallpaper on each monitor, to integrating with Flickr for image searching, to providing hotkeys for managing your application windows.

  • A Web Spider Library in C#

    The classes implement a basic web spider (also called "web robot" or "web crawler") to grab web pages (including resources like images and CSS), download them locally and adjust any resource hyperlinks to point to the locally downloaded resources.

  • LINQ and Geocoding

    Mapping applications are everywhere, and having “locational awareness” is paramount when running customer-related applications. Gathering stats about a user’s IP can tell you a lot about their physical location, which in turn can tell you a lot about the market you’re serving.

  • Ajax exception logging

    In this article Kazi Manzur Rashid will show you how to create an effective error logging system to log all kinds of JavaScript errors. Prior the release of ASP.NET AJAX we used some wonderful components like Microsoft Enterprise Library and Log4net to log all our application exceptions. Since the release of ASP.NET AJAX, a fair amount of code has been transferred to the browser, from the web server. We need a powerful logging system to catch all kinds of errors in the browser as well as record them in the server, in order to improve our application. In this article, the author will provide an exception logging system developed with ASP.NET AJAX.

  • Creating tabbed dialogs using AJAX

    Tabbed dialogs come handy when you have too many controls on your web form. If all the controls are placed at once in front of the user the page may look cluttered. Instead you can logically group the controls using a tabbed user interface making it neat and easy to use. One way to develop such a tabbed user interface is to use MultiView and View server controls. However, being server controls these controls require a post back while switching between the tabs. ASP.NET AJAX and HTML tags can be put to use in developing a client side tabbed dialog. This article is going to show you just that.

  • LINQPad - a free LINQ query expression tool

    Can't wait for C# 3.0 and LINQ? Well you don't have to! Dynamically query SQL databases today in LINQ: no more struggling with antiquated SQL. Download LINQPad and kiss goodbye to SQL Management Studio: LINQPad supports LINQ to objects, LINQ to SQL and LINQ to XML—in fact, everything in C# 3.0 and .NET Framework 3.5. LINQPad is also a terrific learning tool for experimenting with this exciting new technology.

  • How to create an HTML Editor for ASP.NET AJAX

    Most blog, forum and Wiki applications use an HTML editor as the primary authoring tool for site content. With this type of control, an online user can create and edit an HTML document. The user is able to modify the text -- including its format, fonts and colors -- as well as add links and images. Often, they may also view and/or edit the HTML source.

  • Using Silverlight to create a video player

    Microsoft's recent release of it's new web development technology, Silverlight, has generated a lot of interest. Originally code-named "WPF/E" (Windows Presentation Foundation / Everywhere), it was intended to be an online version of WPF. Silverlight certainly did a great job of that, and currently offers a wide selection of built in element and a number of classes seen in WPF, along with ones exclusively for Silverlight. In this article, the author demonstrate how to take advantage of a number of Silverlight features to create a real-world application: a video player.

  • Make your web application run faster

    It is easy to develop your own ASP.NET web application. But making it do some useful things for your users while keeping the design simple and elegant is not so easy. If you are lucky, your web application will be used by more than a handful of users, in that case, performance can become important. For some of the web applications I worked on, performance is vital: the company will lose money if users got frustrated with the slow response.

  • How to capture an entire web page

    I have seen other articles that describe how to accomplish this, but had no luck in getting any to work with Internet Explorer 7. This is a simple example that captures a webpage, inlcuding elements below the fold, and saves it as an image.

  • JetBrains releases ReSharper 3.0

    Version 3.0 features in-depth code analysis for C# and a host of new productivity-enhancing features such as a superior unit testing solution, efficient handling of to-do lists, plus new navigation and search commands.

  • Agile Tools for .NET

    The following is a list of tools for doing agile based development with Microsoft .NET.
    There are quite a few tools out there that will accelerate your use of continuous integration, test driven development, source control integration, etc.

  • A Developers Toolkit for C# and .Net

    A developer, no matter how skilled, is dependent on the tools at his disposal. There are numerous free tools to aid in .Net development; from source control to debugging to documentation and profiling. Here, I’ve compiled a complete list of tools that I’ve used for years that cover the entire development lifecycle.

  • Creating an AJAX Rating Widget

    Frequent visitors of ajax enabled websites, like ajaxian, have all witnessed them already: ajax rating widgets. They are flashy, animated, you can use them to rate the content (usually without refreshing the page) and if you could, you'd present them to your parents and marry them. Compared to the classic rating system, as on IMDb, they incite people to click them, reducing the effective rating process to only one click.


  • Edit and Encrypt Web.Config sections using C# 2.0

    ASP.NET 1.x allowed configurations in web.config file to be read from .NET application. But there were no options to manipulate Web.Config contents in programatically. To achieve this we had to consider Web.Config file as a normal file or an xml file. .NET 2.0 fills this gap and also provides many other useful operations to be carried out on Web.Config file; like editing and encrypting sections of Web.Config file. This articles illustrates these functionalities via a sample ASP.NET application. 

  • Some ASP.NET 2.0 Configuration Tips

    It is a common scenario for ASP.NET Web developers to want to have different sets of configuration data depending on whether the project is being developed locally within Visual Studio in Debug mode, being tested in QA in Release mode, or is in Release mode in production. Also, settings may differ from machine to machine if the Application is deployed into a web farm scenario.

  • Distributed Transactions in .NET 2.0

    Transactions are commonly used to update data as a batch. If any one operation from the batch is failed the entire batch of operations must be cancelled. Thus either all operations in the batch succeed or all of them are cancelled. ADO.NET 1.x provided SqlTransaction class that in conjunction with SqlConnection class provided to commit or rollback transactions. In .NET 2.0 an additional technique can be used and that is what is the topic of this article.

  • How to create ProgressBar user control

    In any user centric application, we always strive to make application more interactive and user friendly. When ever user performs any heavy or lengthy operation (Uploading/downloading a large file or Installation) he or she expects to know the progress of operation at regular intervals. The user should be made aware of status whether it may be success or failure at each step. We cannot keep user waiting. The user should be informed of percentage of task completed.

  • Inserting Images into Database and Display it in GridView through Handler.ashx

    This article explicate the method of inserting images and pictures into SQL Server database table and display it in an Asp.Net GridView control with the help of Handler.aspx.
    Have you seen any web application or website without images? No, you cannot. Images played a major role in web application development. Either it’s a static html website or an advanced RAD application, everything is build along with images. If your application is an E-Commerce based or Image Gallery portal, definitely you have to suffer lot on saving the images in different location with different sizes and types. And it’s not an easiest job to manage those unwanted and outdated images to be removed from your file server, then making backup of those images from one server location to another location. So it is clearly time consuming and hectic.

  • Microsoft Indexing Service HOW-TO

    A lot of web sites provide search capabilities, where you can simple type several words, press "Search" button, and you'll receive a list of pages which contains these words. It's simple. But how can you implement these features in your own web application? Yes, you have to use indexing service which will index your files or web pages. After that you can use full text search features.

  • LINQ screencast

    Daniel Moth has a great screencast on Channel 9 digging into Local Variable Type Inference, Object Initiliazers, Anonymous Types, Extension Methods, Lambda Expressions and Query Expressions.  These are all features of C# 3.0 & VB9 that enable LINQ.  I cover these features briefly in my LINQ presentations.  Daniel does an excellent job breaking down the features.  You should check out this video if you want to know more about the features that ultimately enable the SQL-like syntax you see with LINQ.

  • Building Web Pages Using Microsoft Silverlight

    This article talks about how we can create Web Pages using Silverlight and is intended for anyone who is interested in knowing what Silverlight is and what needs to be known in order to create and deploy a Silverlight application with your Microsoft Silverlight Streaming account.

  • Request.QueryString for Javascript

    This is a stunningly useful Javascript library. With Ajax, I am working more now on the client-side than before, which is weird! But some Javascript stuff are not easy to do, this is where you see that ASP.NET is really powerful.

  • Atlas: ModalUpdateProgress - An UpdateProgress Control in Modal Popup Style

    ASP.NET AJAX has a cool UpdateProgress control that provides a visual indicator while one or more of the UpdatePanel controls are being updated. However, it will be much more useful if all other elements on the page could be disabled when the UpdateProgress is shown. This led Ting Huang to build the ModalUpdateProgress control in which the UpdateProgress will act as a modal popup.

  • No more declarative programming please

    Writing ASP.NET 2.0 applications is harder than before. Yes you read well, harder. If you are a newbie or an amateur of declarative programming, you're safe. I am not an expert, I place myself in the middle ground, but yes damn it it's hard.

  • any good?

    BlogEngine.NET is an open source .NET blogging project that was born out of desire for a better blog platform. A blog platform with less complexity, easy customization, and one that takes advantage of the latest .NET features.

  • Building a User Control that displays RSS feeds

    Displaying data in ASP.NET verison 1.x required writing code to programmatically retrieve the data and then more code to bind the data to a data Web control, such as the DataGrid. ASP.NET 2.0 simplifies the process of working with data through its data source controls, which allow data to be retrieved and even modified through declarative means. In short, ASP.NET 2.0's data source controls permit developers to work with and display data without having to write a line of code. For a more thorough look at working with data in ASP.NET 2.0, be sure to check out my Accessing and Updating Data in ASP.NET 2.0 article series.

    Different data source controls are designed to work with different types of data. The XmlDataSource control, as its name implies, is designed for working with XML data. By setting a few properties, it is possible to retrieve XML data from a remote URL or local file, transform it using XSLT, and filter it using an XPath expression, all without writing a line of code. This data can then be displayed by binding it to a data Web control and XPath databinding statements can be used to bind specific chunks of the resulting XML to other Web controls.

    In this article we will see just how easy it is to display XML data in an ASP.NET 2.0 page. In particular, we will build a User Control that will display the contents of an RSS feed. Once created, this User Control can be dragged onto the Design surface of any ASP.NET page in your project and configured to display the contents of a particular RSS feed by simply setting the control's Url property to the URL of the RSS feed.

  • Geek baby name;-)

    Well we see that done already before, just heard that Scoble was thinking about Google for the name of his baby, but I can't find anything better than this:

  • ASP.NET Ajax Client Life-cycle events cheat sheet

    In Microsoft AJAX, the order of events on the client side always confused me. There were various objects involved in the client life cycle, and I didn’t understand which events fired when. Milan Negovan distilled whatever documentation he found into a “cheat sheet” to illustrate the flow of events.

  • Tweak Vista with Vispa

    There are many reasons why you wouldn't want your operating system connect to Microsoft's server, be it for practical reasons or pure idealism. Based on the source-code of the award-winning xpy (version 0.9.8), Vispa allows you to easily tweak your Windows Vista for better privacy and security, even system performance. Do a few clicks rather than finding the write registry keys or program settings.

  • Easy HTML To Any Script Converter

    Easy HTML To Any Script Converter provides fast and easy conversion of HTML Files and HTML Code Blocks pasted from Clipboard to any Script. You can use the existing script generation templates, create your own or edit existing templates directly from program window. The Setup Pack already includes 10 ready-to-use templates for ASP, C#, JavaScript, JSP, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, VB and VBScript. Generated scripts can be used for different purposes, e.g. you can include them to your server scripts, replace all identical blocks in your HTML pages with a link to generated JavaScript File and further edit only this file for applying changes to all linked pages.
    Also you can use it for encrypting the Email addresses with JavaScript for preventing any access to them by spam-bots from your web pages.

  • Script#: Past, Present, Future...

    A new build of Script# is now available, complete with full support for creating Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX components, controls and behaviors... this post includes a video demonstration of building a script watermark behavior, and gives a chance to reflect on the project exactly a year since its initial release...

  • File Upload & Compression in ASP.Net

    In this article Bean Software look at how to upload a file to the web server and compress it using the compression methods provided in .Net. They use the open source compression method to compress to a .gz file. The method is available in System.IO.Compression.

  • Expression Studio on MSDN today - not for all subscribers !! :-(

    Update 1: This story now start to be like a bad joke. Scott Guthrie and Tim Heuer answers sounds like an Abbott and Costello routine, yes you need to be MSDN Premium subscriber, but yes I am, no you aren't, we tell you, you need to be an MSDN Premium subscriber, etc... !! Come on, can we get some "intelligent" answers ?

  • XML Debug Type Visualizer

    Derek Smyth has created a XML debugger visualizer for Visual Studio 2005 which you can download here. Just unzip and place the DLL in 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\Packages\Debugger\Visualizers'. You can view the XML as text and as a DOM like tree as well as run XPath expressions as a filter mechanism.

  • Top 15 free SQL Injection Scanners

    While the adoption of web applications for conducting online business has enabled companies to connect seamlessly with their customers, it has also exposed a number of security concerns stemming from improper coding. Vulnerabilities in web applications allow hackers to gain direct and public access to sensitive information (e.g. personal data, login credentials).

  • IE6 & IE7 on same machine!!

    There is a situation where you need both IE versions on the same machine to test your web application. Now you can still run IE6 even if you have IE7 installed on your computer. Just download the file attached and extract it.

  • Bitjuice: Ajax bitmap API

    Bitjuice is a little library to do bitmap/raster graphics in the browser. The aim is to make it easy to write “Ajax graphics” - graphics you can update real-time in the browser. And at the same time, maintain compatibility with all major browsers and old browsers too. That’s why it doesn’t use any new-fangled SVG/Canvas APIs. Just a plain-old HTML table, where we manipulate the CSS cell background style.

  • Working with Transactions

    A transaction is a group of operations combined into a logical unit of work that is either guaranteed to be executed as a whole or rolled back. Transactions help the database in satisfying all the ACID (Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, and Durable). Transaction processing is an indispensible part of ADO.NET. It guarantees that a block of statements will either be executed in its entirety or rolled back,( i.e., none of the statements will be executed). Transaction processing has improved a lot in ADO.NET 2.0. This article discusses how we can work with transactions in both ADO.NET 1.1 and 2.0 versions.

  • Refresh module

    Most of you are familiar with the feature of all web-browsers that when you press the F5 button, the content of a page is refreshed. After the F5 button is pressed, the browser repeats the previous request to the page. Nothing wrong will actually happen when the previous request is made by the GET method. However, problems appear when the last request is made by the POST method. Let's consider an example where a user is transferring money to a shop to pay for some goods. Having completed this operation, the user refreshes the page and as a result the server code is executed once again with the same data. Thus, the user may accidentally pay twice.

  • Autolist

    This small web application has following features:

    1. Auto suggest list box [AutoList.js]
    2. Auto select text.
    3. Scrolling list item either one by one or on the basis of defined page size.
    4. Multicolor list item.
    5. Getting result in the xml form directly from SQL Server using ‘FOR XML’ and to process it to populate list box or to send back to client.
    6. Client side population of list box from xml.
    7. Getting result in xml form by using callback function (AJAX).
    8. Client side XML transformation using XSLT.
    9. Client side wait/process message while processing data [ProcessMonitor.js].
    Read more...  

  • Role of HTTP Modules in .NET Security

    Today, one of the important goals is to provide high security to the distributed Web Applications. The security is designed throughout the .NET Framework like Code Access Security, ASP.NET Integrated Security and Cryptography, which can be optimally used to develop Secure Applications.

    However, in scenarios where one has to perform Authentication or Authorization by the database and give appropriate privileges to the users (or) the permissions have to be provided at the runtime for specific operations (or) in scenarios like where no web browsers are used , it becomes crucial to develop Custom Security.
    The ASP.NET Framework has defined set of Http Modules which takes care of the basic Authentication and Authorization mechanisms. The Custom Security (Custom Authentication or Authorization) can be performed in Forms Authentication or Windows Authentication by coding in the Global.asax file, which is not a reliable (or) reusable solution. The .NET Framework gives the flexibility to develop custom Http Modules and plug them into the ASP.NET Application,hence enabling to develop highly scalable, reusable and reliable .NET Security Components.

    This article explains in detail about the HTTP Modules and the steps to create custom Http Module with an example. The article also gives a brief how to create a custom Http Module in developing a custom database authorization module.

  • WWF and WPF E-Learning for free!

    Here's your chance to learn about WPF and WWF free-of-charge:

    Collection 5134: Developing Rich Experiences with Microsoft® .NET Framework 3.0 and Visual Studio® 2005

    This collection of 3 2-hour premium clinics teaches about the new capabilities provided by the .NET Framework 3.0. These clinics are for experienced Developers and Software Architects who are looking to adopt Microsoft's next generation technology within their solutions.
    Topics covered within the collection include:

    • Windows Presentation Foundation
    • Windows Workflow Foundation
    • Windows Communication Foundation


  • SQL Server 2005 Paging Results

    With SQL Server 2005 it is now a lot easier to use paged queries than in previous versions. I will be using NorthWind db (mostly) so you can also use the examples I have provided. I will keep the examples simple; anything complex will only cause confusion. I will start with "traditional" methods such as SELECT, TOP, and then move onto the specific SQL Server 2005 paging examples.

  • First Steps with ADO.NET Synchronisation Services

    ADO.NET Synchronisation Services is a technology for helping with those online/offline applications where you need to get data down to be stored on a laptop to enable mobile working (device support isn't something that it's in the first version AFAIK).

  • Ireland Microsoft Conference - June 7th - Dublin

    With 18 sessions from amazing speakers, this is one event that you will not want to miss! They are covering everything from the new Silverlight and Expression products to WCF, Biztalk, SQL Server, Longhorn Server, Security, mobile dev, Infocard, game development with XNA. Have a look at the list below to get an idea of the sessions you will get to choose from.

    visit to know more!

  • Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Membership API Extended

    Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 shipped with a complete membership API that allows developers to manage the application’s users and their roles. However, this API best suits small to medium Web sites due to their limitation in expressing a detailed member record.

  • Examine and Resolve XHTML Compliance Issues

    By default, Visual Studio 2005 generates and validates XHTML-compliant markup. This helps you build Web applications that are standards compliant and helps minimize issues with browser-specific rendering. Visual Studio .NET 2003 did not generate XHTML-compliant markup, so you might see validation and rendering issues with pages created in Visual Studio .NET 2003.

  • Get All URLs on a Page

    In this article, I show a class that can be used to find and display all of the urls on a web page. What for you may ask? Well, in my experience as a web developer, I have found a class like this to be very useful. Sometimes, you may want to use this class a a basis for a more complex application that crawls your site checking for bad or broken links. In other cases, you may simply want to check an individual page to make sure your links are formatted correctly, or don't contain any obsolete pages. You could also easily change this class to look for other items within your page, like specific text or tags. Who knows, this may be the start of a specialized spider that crawls sites on the internet looking for something specific.

  • Better Entities with Nullable Types

    There is an impedance mismatch between objects and normalized relational databases. Everyone knows this. Almost everyone has tried to fix it—think object-oriented databases—and some people have gotten famous off of proposed solutions. (Deservedly so or not.) Well, truth be told Microsoft is working on an ADO.NET Entity Framework to address this issue. The issue phrased using my words is getting data from databases into objects makes for better programming but is time consuming, tedious, and not altogether convenient. From what I know of LINQ, LINQ for Data, and the Entity Framework, they may really be on to something.

  • Consuming Web Service Using ASP.NET AJAX

    ASP.NET AJAX provides the power of asynchronous JavaScript and XML to your web sites. AJAX makes web pages more responsive and interactive by reducing page refreshes or postbacks. It harnesses the power of client-side JavaScript and the XML HTTP object to provide these features.

  • Maintaining Fixed Headers in GridView

    One of the commonly asked question by developers is how to maintain headers of GridView in a fixed position. You must have observed that in Excel you can freeze top cells of your spread sheet. When you scroll down the headers are always visible making your sheet more readable. The same effect is often needed in GridView control especially if you are displaying many records at a time.

  • What ASP.NET Developers Should Know About JavaScript

    This article approaches JavaScript from the perspective of an ASP.NET developer who is comfortable with the paradigms and patterns of either C# or Visual Basic. The article doesn't look at how to use JavaScript from ASP.NET exactly, but it does look at why JavaScript is so different from the two languages we commonly use with the .NET CLR. The article assumes you already know that JavaScript is a loosely-typed language (because you don't have to declare the type of data you store in a variable), and that the syntax is similar to the C family of languages (with charming curly braces and stunningly beautiful semi-colons).

  • Webtrends licence flaw

    Webtrends is one good package to analyze your web applications in all sorts of scenarios. However, recently I got in trouble with their licensing policy.

  • Filtering Custom Paged Results


    The ASP.NET 2.0 data web controls - the GridView, DetailsView, and FormView - all provide built-in paging support that can be enabled at the tick of a checkbox. Unfortunately, this built-in paging support is very inefficient when paging through large amounts of data since it naively grabs all of the records from the data being paged through even though only a subset of the records are displayed. Consequently, when paging through several hundred or thousands of records, it behooves you to implement custom paging. With custom paging, the data Web control hands over its paging responsibilities to us, the page developer. We are tasked with efficiently grabbing the precise subset of records to display and providing this information to the data Web control.

  • SmartOutline for VS2005

    SmartOutline is a utility that enables enhanced region outlining. SmartOutline regions are supported with any VS2005 programming language and file type that can be opened in the Visual Studio editor. The utility is developed as a VSIP package and integrated with Visual Studio 2005.

  • Google offers flushable Broadband

    TiSP, or Toliet Internet Service Provider enables anyone with indoor plumbing to get broadband by simply dropping a fiber-optic cable down their toilet and flushing. Once in your sewer line one of Googles trained Plumbing Hardware Dispatchers (PHDs) will plug your cable into Googles global data networking system and you'll be surfing the web within the hour. TiSP is currently in beta because "when things go wrong, they go very, very wrong"

  • Jump start Windows Workflow Foundation

    Once a veteran programmer was asked to define his professional developer's career in as few words as possible. His answer was "passion", "excitement" and "learning". And that's absolutely true as new, bleeding edge, exciting technologies/frameworks/languages keep flooding the technology limelight; we programmers fuel our passion of we-can-do-anything by mastering them. One of the newest buzz phrases in the industry is "Windows Workflow Foundation" (WF). This article is aimed at getting a jump start into it to fuel excitement and pump up passion. Basic knowledge of .NET Framework is the only prerequisite for marching on with this jump-start tutorial. Examples are in C#, but VB.NET lovers are also invited to the show as this is all about framework, and if they can understand the pseudo code, programming it in VB.NET must be trivial.

  • .NET samples

    Mike Woodring has an interesting collection of .Net samples covering almost everything from remoting to security.

  • ASP.NET ViewState Helper

    ASP.NET ViewState Helper is an application designed to help all web developers, but has specific features to aid ASP.NET developers track ViewState issues. In real-time you can see your web pages being analyzed while you browse to them using Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher. As you can see in this Screen Shot, ASP.NET ViewState Helper gives you very detailed information to help you optimize your web application’s performance. You can see page information like:

  • Built-In Asynchronous I/O Support in ASP.NET

    As we all know, I/O operations is one of the most time consuming operations. In the same time, IO is one of the most needed operations almost in all applications. To make our applications faster and having more responsive user interface, we need to perform those I/O operations asynchronously.

  • Certified for Windows Vista

    This page list the products that currently have earned the "Certified for Windows Vista" logo or the "Works with Windows Vista" logo.

  • Business Logic Layer

    Useful article from Scott Mitchell. Learn how to build the second layer of a n-tier application, maybe the most critical one, the Business Logic Layer.

  • Firebug demo

    If you're a serious web developers Firebug is a must have. Pity it's only available with Firefox, but hey worth the jump.

  • A CMS library using NHibernate

    I stumbled the other day on this project Eucalypto posted on CodeProject. Even if you are not interested by using it for a CMS project, the reading is interesting, and can be considered as an introduction to middle-tier development.

  • Blogjet 2.0 released

    If you're a blogger, check the excellent Blogjet coded by Dmitry, released today in version 2.0. A lot of new features, a new company too, Coding Robots.

  • Build a Multi-Provider Async Methods Search Page

    Extending the concepts presented in a previous article, Peter Bromberg shows how to use Asynchronous Page Tasks to combine the results from seven different RSS Search providers simultaneously, and display the results in a pageable GridView.