GhostDoc 1.9.3 (for Visual Studio 2005) Released


Version 1.9.3 is a bugfix release of GhostDoc for Visual Studio 2005 (download on the GhostDoc website) dealing mostly with installation problems.

  • Fixed: GhostDoc not appearing in Visual Studio on systems that had Extensibility.DLL missing in the GAC (caused by uninstallation of other add-ins with buggy installers).
  • Fixed: GhostDoc not working on international (i.e. non-US) versions of Visual Studio:
    • Assignment of keyboard shortcuts not working on non-US versions
    • "Tools" menu not found on "Chinese Simplified" systems
  • Fixed: Problems with multiple users on a single machine.
  • Fixed: Problems with users working under non-admin accounts (MSI installation still requires admin permissions).
  • Fixed: Documentation of indexers in VB.Net (remaining known issue: VB.Net indexers are treated like C# indexers - no explicit <param> tag for the parameter, only the first parameter is mentioned)
  • Changed: Summaries of VB.Net properties in interfaces now start with "Gets or sets ..." (remaining known issue: ReadOnly properties are not handled correctly, but that's not easy to correct right now)

Because of the known issues mentioned above, VB.Net support will still remain "experimental" in this release, so it is turned off by default and you have to turn it on in the configuration dialog.

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