SharePoint Code Camp this Saturday
Please join Robert Holmes and other presenters at an all day event in Waltham, MA on Saturday, February 24th, from 8:30 to 6:00 PM presenting all aspects of the new SharePoint products, WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007. The main focus will be on the new aspects of the product line, however we will start with an introduction to Team Services (WSS), and work up from there, and our goal is for anyone present for the whole day will leave with the knowledge of what is possible with the product, and the ability to sit down and get started on a new implementation of a SharePoint solution, or extend an existing one. You can review the schedule to see what specific areas are of interest to you, or else spend the whole day and learn all there is to learn.
You can find the code and slides here:
You can see the content only site, no registration, at: