Still alive and kicking... in Edmonton

Just wanted to let you know I haven't dropped off the face of the planet, it's just been a crazy couple of weeks after returning from DevConnections in Vegas. I'm on and offline so posts are spotty. I'm also up here in Edmonton, Alberta for the first Vista/Office 2007 launch event. This is the first launch event for Vista, Office 2007 (client and server) and Exchange 2007. Funny how the first event is Canadian (go Canada eh!) as the U.S. launch is in January.

Anyways, I'm at the experts booth today at the event so if you're there, stop by and ask questions and make me work for my lunch. We'll also have some computers setup so we'll see if we can get a demo or two going. It should be a blast.

Last night we had the VIP event at Brewsters here in Edmonton. A great turnout from the various UG leaders, local MVPs, and softies. I met up with local Access MVPs Tony Toews (and finally found out how to pronounce his last name) and Albert Kallal, a MVP that shares a last name with Superman and bears an uncanny physical resemblance to BillG.

My fellow plumber John "The Pimp" Bristowe (sporting the latest cool swag, the Developer Night in Canada t-shirt) is giving most of the dev sessions today and is on the road with the event. He was there last night (along with my other Plumber/MVP James Kovacs). John was emcee for the night, handing out the usual t-shirt swag and other goodies from the MS Warehouse and telling us again how big the one he almost caught was. It's going to be a long day today with a full day of sessions, a reception tonight and a 3 hour drive home to Calgary in the snow.


Catchup blogs in the queue:

  • Code and resource links from DevConnections. Just have to zip up the source and get it online, blog post is done.
  • SharePoint Forums and Knowledgebase web parts updates including 2007 (RTM) compatibility. Aiming to get this out in the next week
  • Scrum retrospectives from two iterations on a few projects, should be fun for some discussion and learning
  • Launch event (with pics) and last nights VIP event (with more pics). I'll also be at the launch event and VIP reception the night before in Calgary next week.
  • A couple of other small (new) SharePoint tools for developers

So much time and so little to do. Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it.

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