WPF/E CTP - Nice, but...

I just downloaded the WPF/E CTP bits (a good starting point for all things WPF/E is the new Dev Center). If you are a C# dev who has waited for the CTP as eagerly as I did, be prepared for a slight disappointment: right now you can only use Javascript, but no managed code – yet. Fortunately a blog post by Scott Guthrie gives a hint of things to come: “…We'll also be providing "WPF/E" integration with .NET managed code next year ”.

Regarding the roadmap, the WPF/E FAQ says “Microsoft plans to deliver a customer-deployable release in the first half of 2007”, with Joe Stegman mentioning upcoming CPTs in this blog post: “Our next milestone is scheduled for February 2007 and the feature set for this is in development and mostly fixed. The milestone after that will be driven largely by customer feedback”.

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