VS2005 Color Scheme / XML Doc Comments : Who's Idea Was That?
This is what XML doc comments look like using my current color scheme in Visual Studio 2003:

When I took a quick first look into the "Fonts and Colors" options of Visual Studio 2005 I was delighted to see a new setting "XML Doc Attribute", so I was hoping to be able to configure something like this:

But actually this is what it looks like in Visual Studio 2005 Beta 1 (Express):

Umm, this is not what I would call an improvement. I can live with the change of the color of the "///"; personally I like the old version better as I think it's less distracting when reading the doc comment, but I'll get used to the new version.
But what on earth happened to the background color? Visual Studio 2002 and 2003 was perfectly fine. Who came up with the idea to change the behavior behind the last character of the line? Did some customer actually complain about this so it had to be "fixed"? Could somebody please explain the benefits of the new version?
With the old version, the methods were nicely divided by the doc comments:

Why would anybody now choose a different background color for a doc comment at all? This is so frustrating. This is one of those issues that has a low priority compared to the other "really important" ones, so it's likely not to be fixed for the final. And the next chance for a fix is years away. That hurts. Sorry guys, you just broke my heart.
But anyway, I'll give my feedback, maybe there's still a slight chance...
Update (2004-07-29): My feedback (FDBK12464) has been declared to be a duplicate of FDBK10617 and thus has been "resolved". These two feedbacks describe related, but different issues, so I can only hope that my feedback has been understood correctly.