GMail Invitations up for grabs
Okay. I have 5, count them 5, GMail invitiations available to the first few lucky participants. However, you're going to have to work for your 1 gigabyte of free webmail storage.
Send me a note on how you used SharePoint in your environment (or for a client). Not just an out-of-the-box install but how you leveraged SharePoint to deliver a business need. The more interesting the better. Screen grabs are great too. Top 5 creative uses of SharePoint get the invites. I'll post the winners on this site in a couple of weeks so submitting your entry means that it may be published.
Now is that so hard? Okay, so it might blow up in my face and nobody is using SharePoint in a creative way but hey, what the heck. Submit your creative creations (zipped or direct me to a public link) to me via email.