The SharePointopolis, SharePointForge, and even more MSN invites (for a price)

Dustin Miller posted an interesting blog today talking about the splintered SharePoint communities we already have out there and what seems to be an angst to centralizing of content and pooling of resources. He makes good points and talks about an offer he made for people to leverage SharePoint University and SharePoint Blogs. I agree with him on a few points, but it's the concept of "One SharePoint" that doesn't sit with me.

I'm all for a metropolis, but I don't think there can be just one. I absolutely think that entities like SharePointU and MSD2D are benefitial but they're islands unto themselves. They have a specific audience and specific format.

What does a SharePoint community look like? What does any community look like. I think it's formed by the people for the people type thing and evolves to what the people need. In the case of SPU, it's primarily forums with some news and training and whatnot added on. It serves that communities needs. For SharePointForge, it's going to be a place where developers can share and learn and users can gobble and download. To each his own.

Can there be a single metropolis (or SharePointopolis, yet another domain to register) that is all things to all people. I doubt it. I think there can be a mega-opolis that is made up of many cities, towns, and communities centered around SharePoint much like societies and communities grow in the real world. Each is going to have it's own audience, resources, format, etc. and each will serve a specific need.

Much like when you build your own "SharePoint" world in an organization, you generally have the engineers wanting to have complete control and precise logging of everything presented in a well organized manner. The developers would want to be able to hack the crap out of it and the information workers would want something that is just like what they have today so they don't need any training, but get all the benefits. You *can* deliver this with a single technology like SharePoint, but it's the culture of the community and the ability to re-use common elements across multiple groups that will make it bind and work together.

For a SharePoint community, the trick might be to getting the island owners all together and talk about how they can communicate and connect together rather than trying to get them to live on the same island.

As for SPF, it's there but I haven't fully lifted the hood for you guys yet. There's lots of wires, chains, and hidden lizards behind the scenes that has yet to be revealed which will make everything just go. I just wanted to get the site setup, the project announced, and have something to reference later. So go ahead and yell at me if you want about no content, it's your dime.

Also, I have 5 new MSN 8.0 invites and since that's what people really want, send me an email with a picture of your favorite Disney character. First 5 get it. Yes, I'm serious. Asking for it or sending me porn won't do it. I need to see Tigger, Mickey and the rest before I'll give up the holy coveted MSN Messager 8.0 whatever thingies that I have for you.


  • Is it MSN 8.0 beta? or the full one?


  • I have to agree to the comments listed here. When there is centralization this is quickly followed by membership and then membership fees. Not very helpful for people who just want to have a quick look. As long as there are a few then some will always be free.

    As far as Live Messenger is concerned, I think they've gone crazy recently. I had my first 5 invites yesterday and then I find I have another 5 waiting for me this morning. Email me if you want one, the first 5 get one...

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