Lost in a sea of consciousness
The ALT.NET mailing list is pretty overwhelming. A week or so ago David Laribee proposed splitting it into various groups but that thread seems to have gone by the wayside. The list is the proverbial firehose of babble around ALT.NET (and everything else you can think of). Even longer ago was the notion of summing up the threads and pulling out the choice information into a digestable form. Of course this would mean work and well, it's much better to yap about it then do it.
Whilst doing my weekly ego surf, I came across a fairly new site, Alt.Net Pursefight! Of course it's anonymous, but it's a brilliant no-nonsense wrap-up on the goings on in the list. No thread is left unturned and no person is left without exposure. So hey, if you're looking for an unbiased opinion of what's going on check it out. It's like the Mini-Microsoft of the ALT.NET world.